Politics and Religion

2024 is a LONG ways off
GaGambler 30 reads

but I see a couple of much more electable candidates than Liz Cheney, candidates that the pro-Trump crowd does NOT despise.  Tim Scott, yeah the BLACK guy is one that comes to mind.  

I give Liz Cheney about as much chance as Mitt fucking Romney. both establishment, both hated by Trump supporters and NEITHER of them electable.

She building a war chest for maybe a possible run for the GOP nominee for president on 2024.
You know what, I think she could make some noise here if she goes against the trumpster...There's about 16 red states that have an open primary election and wouldn't it be hilarious if the dems came out in hordes to vote for here.Would trump call an election audit for each state that he lost? Will the RNC vote out Cheney in the conventions and suppress the will of the voters?? Will some over testosterone male put a hit on her and follow through on the death threats that she will receive?
It's early but this could be kinda fun to see....and the debates, my gawd...lol
One can only wish....

her depth.  She doesn't even have half the experience her dad had before he was tapped by Bush for VP.  She just wants to raise money from suckers.  If she loses the Congressional primary for Wyoming, she'll have enough to retire somewhere cushy and luxurious.   Don't take it seriously.  Nobody else is.

She's getting money from...wait for it..the Republican establishment which are some pretty big donors here.
Jus sayin this will be a match made in heaven...but it's early.

a sitting Congresswoman after the 2022 election, she is finished in politics.  That's why she has started raising money now.  Its going to get much harder once she is a "loser."

And sleep with one eye open?? By the way, she could very well win her seat back...Look who she's running against, a once very strong anti- trumpster.

but I see a couple of much more electable candidates than Liz Cheney, candidates that the pro-Trump crowd does NOT despise.  Tim Scott, yeah the BLACK guy is one that comes to mind.  

I give Liz Cheney about as much chance as Mitt fucking Romney. both establishment, both hated by Trump supporters and NEITHER of them electable.

She's doing most of the talking....She will make things very difficult for trump, if he runs in 2024.
Pelosi did a masterful job of selecting her and giving her the platform....Great to see Rep Bennie Thompson but his ego aside for the good of the commission. It adds a little more credibility with a Republican being front and center.
By the way, she wins her seat in 2022.

Especially in the most conservative state in the union.

And that's the reason she'll win her state. Wyoming is a sane conservative state, say unlike say South Dakota,Mississippi, South Carolina and Florida... So are you saying she won't win her seat?
And the GOP will seat her..If not, who will she caucus with? Dems??....lol

in Wyoming.  They love him there, and Cheney turned on him.  She won't even make a runoff, much less win her seat again.  She's dead-man walking in politics.

….all the people who say Liz Cheney is a true Republican are all batshit crazy woketard leftists? Cheney has no future in the GOP.

And acting like some little girl with a school girl crush...Come on, snap out of it...it's nauseating.

You really are competing with Horse Shit for the most ridiculous poster here, aren’t you? I agreed with him twice in the last week, and you get your panties in a bunch. You lefty woketards hate it whenever conservatives agree with each other.

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