Politics and Religion

was "fake news" invented by the MSM?teeth_smile
brooks5 1978 reads

a whole lot of their shit is fake

remember Dan Rather and Brian Williams?

both MSM GIANTS and paragons of the "journalistic ethics" fantasy

facts don't matter to the MSM so long as their reporting fits the lib play-book

just how did that work out for them?

did ANYONE ever meet a smart Journalism major in college?  they are kinda like teachers, scraped from the bottom 10% of college students.  and the arrogant, condescending dumbasses call everyone else stupid

they simply make shit up and then whine and complain when others do it too

would Russian hacking even be a story if Hillary had won?

FatVern356 reads

... and swear that is what is going on.


Why would anyone with nothing to hide, fear being hacked?


Has anyone else noticed that people are going to loose their right to free speech via twitter and fb regulations, and fake news.

The lib MSM was in a tizzy to throw out bogus "facts" in a rush to satisfy their white guilt. Virtually every MSM left wing media organization took part in that fiasco. It was Fox News and conservative websites that blew the lid off that corrupt pot.

REAL reporting is gone and has been replaced by advocacy journalism. That has been going on for some time.

I hear now that social media will "fact check" stories to make sure the "fake news" is limited or pointed out.  
Oh, that makes me feel better. But who will be fact checking the fact checkers? Just a way for the lib establishment to censor the news.

Look, this is really an all out attempt to delegitimize Trump. We have gone from fake news to faithless electors, Russian hacking to Comey finger pointing.  

It will be something tomorrow and something else the day after when that doesn't work. This is how libs circle the wagons. And by doing so they never have to look within. How convenient.

GaGambler291 reads

In regards to Trayvon, the media did their version of posting "Aldo Pics" Yes the pictures of Trayvon were technically "real" but they were of him as a child, not as the grown ass man who was beating the crap out of the "white Hispanic" Zimmerman.  

Had any of you ever even heard of a "white Hispanic" until George Zimmerman? I know I hadn't

They edited out the dispatcher asking the color of the suspect so it made it look like Zimmerman was obsessed about Martin's race.

And then there was CNN reporting that Zimmerman said "coon" and then had to admit he actually said "cold."

And these are the NEWS divisions of these networks. These weren't the opinion hosts of the shows saying it.

FatVern210 reads

Democrats don't care about dead people of color.

... and coon means blacks who sympathize with white interests.

GaGambler203 reads

Or at least don't make stupid statements like "coon means blacks who sympathize with white interests" while agreeing with us.

Better yet, why don't you simply switch sides and start agreeing with the left? I feel more sure of my position on a subject when it runs opposite to yours.

but back to Jack's real points, yes this was the "trusted" networks creating and promulgating these lies, not MSNBC or Fox News. Of course these trusted networks also brought us Brian Williams and Dan Rather, years before the "fake news" of today.

FatVern143 reads

but fake news, and made up facts the divide the nation and create racial tensions.

see no.8 in the link

A man who us not law enforcement with a gun.
He did not need to die . he attempted to run away.

brooks5117 reads

we have come to expect that from you

Trayvon attacked

got his thug ass capped

by a guy exercising his constitutional right

Momma got to speak at the Dem Convention at Dead Thug Momma night

what's the problem?

Hillary had a bad campaign, boring personality and all the corruption scandals.

GaGambler162 reads

Her only real challenger was Bernie Sanders, who arguably had the nomination stolen from him by the DNC, Are you seriously claiming an admitted Socialist would have beaten Donald Trump?

There were over 20 candidates between the Dems and the GOP at the beginning. Trump beat them all and Trump as I predicted a year ago was the only Rep who had a prayer of winning in such states as Wisc, Mich  and PA. Someone like Cruz or Bush would have gotten slaughtered in those states.

Trump was first accused of not knowing how the game was played until he won at a game decidedly tilted against him. Then once he beat them, everyone is accusing him of taking advantage of the system. You can't have it both ways.

86H13LTP367 reads

Hills-criminals popular vote lead goes up another Million votes . What Is California still counting up all of their illegal votes ?  

Some of them should be arrested for all the lies they put out there on Ferguson . That BS got several everyday citizens and cops killed all around the country.

i think we should bomb the living shit out of them..

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