Politics and Religion

It takes 2 to tango! ;) eom
mattradd 40 Reviews 28 reads
2 / 29

Trump supporters are never going to admit they were wrong about him, nor will they admit that his lies and broken promises are of any consequence. It's better to talk to those people who still have an open mind, and motivate them to get out and vote. There's a lot of discussion about the Democrats having no strategy for the 2018 elections. I suspect, after Trump has made a complete fool of himself and the Republican party, the Democrat's strategy will be offering to save the voters from Trump! ;)

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 24 reads
3 / 29

maybe the Kool-Aid is next...

JackDunphy 32 reads
4 / 29

That would be a hope, or a wish maybe, but not a strategy. There is a revolt building in your corrupt, inept and out of touch party that will be very interesting to watch in the coming months/years.

Seems like the rank and file have had enough of the DNC's bullshit and their utter lack of concern for the "little guy" but what is unknown is if they have the ability to wrench power away from the people who drove your party into a massive ditch, and embarrass itself in the process, by betraying everything they supposedly hold dear.

EuroModelsShown 28 reads
6 / 29

Who claimed they voted for Trump, said they do not like him.

Who are the dems going to run, the dipshit that says HC is a right? Or Zuckerberg.

Neither have a chance at even winning their own party's nominee.

The GOP didn't want Trump.

balller 41 reads
7 / 29

and insults working for you guys?

It sure didn't help before the election, eh?

People voted for Trump because dems ran fossils, libs, and liars for office and cuz he ain't HILLARY.   People were more than fed up with riots, BLM, PC, cop killing, protecting Islamists, cities burning, tranny shit, Occupy, whites under attack, crumbling health insurance, stalled economy, Christians under assault,  . . . . . the list is endless.

We ALL know what Trump is - NOT FUCKING HILLARY, dumbfuck.  If dems turned off Americans so much they put HIM in power it should make them look in the fucking mirror.

You guys ought to save your disgusting bile for your own dumbass selves

But you won't cuz lil lib pussy snowflakes gotta find someone else to blame.

2465305 70 Reviews 91 reads
8 / 29

The democratic party is a shambles and all they have left is Tump hate, and when thet turns sour they have the Clinton/Soros minions are sent out to destroy property. Funny how Clinton Soros and even the Tribal Leader have NEVER come out and say how bad it has become and needs to stop.  

Tom Perez was called a loon the other day by Eric Trump....no response from the loon himself. Pelosi is a total wastes of humanity and going through either alcohol withdraw or she is just old and the sand in her vagina is causing her severe discomfort.  Dems want her out.

Chucky Schumer doesn't know which way to turn since Pelosi can't get it up any longer and his asshole is calling for her cock.

Warren is sitting on her porch watching the clouds and just mumbling....."pretty".  

Maxine  "Aunt Ester" Waters is still sipping Colt 45 and Ripple and screaming Impeach 45. Unfortunately she didn't remember that even she said there was NO EVIDENCE of any wrong doing on Trump's part.  

What a party those dems have. No direction, no message and now no hope.
Posted By: balller
Re: How's all the snarky name calling
and insults working for you guys?  
 It sure didn't help before the election, eh?  
 People voted for Trump because dems ran fossils, libs, and liars for office and cuz he ain't HILLARY.   People were more than fed up with riots, BLM, PC, cop killing, protecting Islamists, cities burning, tranny shit, Occupy, whites under attack, crumbling health insurance, stalled economy, Christians under assault,  . . . . . the list is endless.  
 We ALL know what Trump is - NOT FUCKING HILLARY, dumbfuck.  If dems turned off Americans so much they put HIM in power it should make them look in the fucking mirror.  
 You guys ought to save your disgusting bile for your own dumbass selves  
 But you won't cuz lil lib pussy snowflakes gotta find someone else to blame.

followme 34 reads
9 / 29

... you and your lib snowflakes just cannot come to grips that you LOST.

Get over it.

But I see you have cum to grips on something.


You're Welcome

mattradd 40 Reviews 43 reads
10 / 29

fanned the flames of hate, in their base, for Barack and Michelle Obama! ;)

-- Modified on 6/26/2017 8:07:50 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 35 reads
11 / 29

You mean like the party, who can't live down the shame of two of the biggest losers; Nixon and GW? ;)

EuroModelsShown 25 reads
12 / 29

George 2, took up painting in retirement, seems awful liberal of him.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 67 reads
13 / 29

I'm an average Independent right wing leaning citizen, President Trump's policies have helped me immensely. :-D  
         Team Trump USA !  

 While you are flailing away searching  for mistaken proof of Republicans are toast, we are warming up, breaking records with campaign contributions and  new voters joining our team.

More  often than not, when  the left believes President Trump has lost,  another bargaining chip is falling  our way.

  If you haven't noticed how foolhardy the Democrat party has become with their actions and moronic statements, since President Trump was elected,  relax, sit back,  enjoy your devastating 2018 losses  with Pelosi and Perez leading the fall.

 President Trump was elected because voters across the country were hoping to stop the Democrat strategy.



[quo te]
Posted By: mattradd
Re: I disagree with Reich! ;)
Trump supporters are never going to admit they were wrong about him, nor will they admit that his lies and broken promises are of any consequence. It's better to talk to those people who still have an open mind, and motivate them to get out and vote. There's a lot of discussion about the Democrats having no strategy for the 2018 elections. I suspect, after Trump has made a complete fool of himself and the Republican party, the Democrat's strategy will be offering to save the voters from Trump! ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 31 reads
14 / 29

Your fucking kidding, right?

JackDunphy 58 reads
15 / 29

Ah yes! The "I cant defend the current scum DNC so I'll go back in time" diversion! Its an oldie but a goodie!

Would you like to try again? Or do I see your white flag in the offing? LOL

mrhuck 15 Reviews 41 reads
16 / 29

...jack I think political diversion was most strongly promoted by yer old pal Trump during the primary debates & when others saw how well it worked they couldn't help but use it.

mattradd 40 Reviews 32 reads
17 / 29

And, why would you think I need to defend the Democratic Party? In spite of all their fuck ups, they still won the popular vote! ;)

And, they did that even with the Russians helping to elect Trump! ;)

You must be so proud of voting for the Russian stooge! ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 23 reads
18 / 29
JackDunphy 31 reads
19 / 29

Still butt hurt about the election, SEVEN MONTHS LATER???  

Crayons, safe spaces and therapy dogs bro...and FAST! lol


GaGambler 29 reads
21 / 29

The Dems no longer control the White House, the Senate, The House, or the Supremes, yet Matt declares victory and accuses others of waving the white flag. ROFLMFAO


Talk about being delusional.

JackDunphy 37 reads
22 / 29

They did win the popular vote! LOL

How lame is it that Matt is using talking points that Pelosi stopped using months ago? :D :D

mattradd 40 Reviews 33 reads
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First, I didn't claim any political victories for the Dems. I said they fucked up, so that shows i feel no need to defend them. ;)

Second, Jack brought up the 'white flag' term, in an apparent reference to what he considers, from me, a tired old reply. I just returned the favor for his tired old reply! ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 36 reads
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mattradd 40 Reviews 39 reads
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Hpygolky 208 Reviews 32 reads
29 / 29

At this stage, trump supporters just don't care. You'll NEVER reason with them.
They believe his lies, they know really nothing other then what's on FOX and Friends....
I just shrugged my shoulders now and figure let's just get through this.

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