Politics and Religion

& if she's not indicted
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 1986 reads
1 / 61

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative." That timeless quote comes from the noted Eng. philosopher John Stuart Mill.

That certainly applies to this election cycle

brooks5 201 reads
2 / 61

priceless! ;)

yeah, YOUR intellect shines through in your posts!  LOL

kinda like being called ugly by a frog!

GaGambler 178 reads
3 / 61

You are too dumb to even write your own insults.

Come back when you are smart enough to write your own material

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 184 reads
5 / 61

Oh you mean THIS John Stuart Mill?

"One of the most influential thinkers in the history of liberalism, he contributed widely to social theory, political theory and political economy. He has been called "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century." Mill's conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control."

I think you would find this mans brand of liberalism to be a far cry from the mutated philosophy "Liberalism" has become.
and there is plenty of blame to go around, the "Conservative" perspective has just as many flaws and aberrant offshoots (ie Tea Party).

Shoulda done your homework partner..

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 174 reads
6 / 61

He was quite right, I think. I think he had another version that went, "while a conservatives is not necessarily stupid, most stupid people are conservative".  

But let's not pretend that being liberal is the same thing as being smart. And the American left is particularly bad with this as of late. They seem to think that if a conservative disagrees with them, it's not because that person just has a different point of view, but rather that person is just stupid. I've talked to liberals about the election, and when I mention that I will not vote for Hillary, they respond by saying that I'm uneducated. I guess they think if I don't have the same view as them I need to go to liberal band camp and be force fed granola until I realize how "enlightened" their position is.

followme 165 reads
7 / 61

FAILED attempt at pretending to be intellectually superior.

cheesy - choosy - welch

You're Welcome
In Welches We Distrus

GaGambler 203 reads
8 / 61

Yes,  maybe you should stick to quoting the words of people smarter than you, which of course includes almost everyone.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 221 reads
9 / 61

Proof positive of the quote from John Stewart Mill from B5 & GaG.

JackDunphy 197 reads
10 / 61

Or you could switch the word "conservative" with "Muslim" and the word "stupid" with "terrorist."

Most Libs have NO problem with JSM's quote but would barf up their lunch with the two I mention and cry racist and bigot.

Pardon me if I don't feel like playing that game, on either side of the coin.

It's all stupidity.

-- Modified on 6/17/2016 12:35:15 PM

digdirkler 85 Reviews 183 reads
11 / 61

If you're not a Liberal by the time  you're 20, you have no heart, but if you're not a Conservative by the time you're 30, you have no head.

Liberal is a child's fairy tale morality/ religion, where in the land of  far away every person, group, culture, sex, and lifestyle would be equal in all ways, all children would be above average, there would be no more tears, poverty, crime ... except for the serpents in the garden.  Just like the wreckers who prevented Soviet factories from being productive, evil Capitalists, Racists, Republicans etc cause strife, inequality, poverty, crime, and differential outcomes of all kinds.  Boys and girls would be just the same except for sexists, blacks would be arrested at the same rate as everyone else except for a racist justice system, the third world would be just as advanced as the first world except for imperialism etc etc.    The idea that different actions have different outcomes, that diversity is a human reality not just a cute PC slogan, that reality creates limits are all unacceptable in the child's story.  Nope, must be that old White Devil.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 192 reads
12 / 61

Your disingenuous bias is showing, Doc; same goes for Jack Dunphy.

I took an ethical philosophy course ages ago, Doc; Mill was the founder of Utilitarianism, so I know of where I speak; do you?

To see how the conservative movement has mutated, with the GOP no longer a viable political party, with a nominee that might not even make it in the nest 5 weeks, shows that Mill's quote was dead on.

Sorry if the truth hurts.
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Oh you mean THIS John Stuart Mill?  
 "One of the most influential thinkers in the history of liberalism, he contributed widely to social theory, political theory and political economy. He has been called "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century." Mill's conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control."  
 I think you would find this mans brand of liberalism to be a far cry from the mutated philosophy "Liberalism" has become.  
 and there is plenty of blame to go around, the "Conservative" perspective has just as many flaws and aberrant offshoots (ie Tea Party).  
 Shoulda done your homework partner...  

mattradd 40 Reviews 157 reads
13 / 61

It's not about intelligence at all, but core values, and how our core values affect how we see things. We need both liberal and conservative perspectives on issues to accurately view the reality of each issue. That's why, whether it be from the left or right, the call for non-compromise is so destructive.

P.S. I read, today, that the only core constituency, who give Trump more than a 50% approval rating, is non-college educated whites.

JackDunphy 175 reads
14 / 61

Thank you for restoring some sanity to this thread.

I think liberals are wrong on many issues but I don't feel the need to label "liberals" as stupid.

That would be like me calling my friends, family, neighbors stupid simply bc many of them are liberal.

I can think the ideas are wrong without having to trash their intelligence and some of their/yours ideas are right!

GaGambler 228 reads
16 / 61

Or at least be facing the very real prospect of jail time.

I guess that ethical philosophy course didn't take, did it? I wonder if Hillary took that same course?

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 166 reads
17 / 61

fucking egg running down your face, not the first time that's happened to you during this election cycle.

Posted By: GaGambler
Or at least be facing the very real prospect of jail time.  
 I guess that ethical philosophy course didn't take, did it? I wonder if Hillary took that same course?

GaGambler 192 reads
18 / 61

I am not predicting that she will be indicted, just pointing out the very real possibility that she "might" be. Unlike you Trump haters who have been predicting at every turn that he is going to drop out of the race.  

Hillary is not the odds on favorite to win the White House because she is facing Trump, she has been the odds on favorite and heir apparent to Obama since before the race even started.

bigguy30 196 reads
19 / 61

It's funny how upset the GOP supporters get, when the truth exposes them. Lol
Then their racist insecurity always seems to come out too.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Or you could switch the word "conservative" with "Muslim" and the word "stupid" with "terrorist."  
 Most Libs have NO problem with JSM's quote but would barf up their lunch with the two I mention and cry racist and bigot.  
 Pardon me if I don't feel like playing that game, on either side of the coin.  
 It's all stupidity.

-- Modified on 6/17/2016 12:35:15 PM

followme 171 reads
20 / 61

hat even if not indicted (due to obama sweeping it under the rug) hillwhorie will always have the reputation of being a criminal, which is worse than having the reputation, for life, of being a Welch, but not much worse.  

Thank Yo

bigguy30 216 reads
21 / 61

Posted By: followme
FAILED attempt at pretending to be intellectually superior.  
 cheesy - choosy - welch  
 You're Welcome  
 In Welches We Distrust  

bigguy30 216 reads
22 / 61

Posted By: GaGambler
You are too dumb to even write your own insults.  
 Come back when you are smart enough to write your own material

bigguy30 169 reads
23 / 61

Posted By: brooks5
priceless! ;)  
 yeah, YOUR intellect shines through in your posts!  LOL  
 kinda like being called ugly by a frog!

JakeFromStateFarm 177 reads
24 / 61

He admits being pro-choice, tolerant of gays and, of course, in favor of decriminalizing prostitution.  He's conservative re fiscal and defense issues only.  True conservatives would totally reject him.  Then again, Trump is not exactly conservative either.  The difference between GaGa and Trump is, only the former sticks to his principles.  The latter says whatever comes into what passes for his brain.  Then changes his "mind."

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 169 reads
25 / 61

...That's the difference between politics and business - there's no ethics committee looking over your shoulder.  Trump screwed subcontractors by not making the final payments on contracts (that's where the profits are for the subs) so he could make more money.  Trump has attorneys on retainer and he knows that subs can't afford to sue - it would cost them more than he owes them.  But what's worse is that Trump also didn't pay hourly workers just to save money.


mattradd 40 Reviews 148 reads
26 / 61

I can't any references to the percent of support by black non-college educated for Clinton. Perhaps it's OK to written about Trump's support by white non-college educated whites, but not politically correct to write about the black non-college educated support for Clinton. What do you think?  ;)

P.S. Just because someone does not have a college degree doesn't mean they are not intelligent. If I hadn't had the G.I. bill I would never have been able, financially, to attend college!  ;)

GaGambler 179 reads
27 / 61

I don't know what it has to do with Choosy being too dumb to pen his own opinions, choosing instead to quote others who he believes (rightfully so) are smarter than him.

Nuguy on the right and bigguy on the left do this all the time as well, and no one has any doubt that even combined their IQ is still in double digits. Choosy of course tries to paint himself as one of the "smart" posters here, which is rather ironic since his posts read more like finger paintings than work of art. lol

GaGambler 192 reads
28 / 61

You won't mind if I start in with a few fried chicken and watermelon jokes?

It's only funny when meant as a joke, coming from my friends like Jake or Jack it's fine, coming from you it only proves what I have said all along. You are a racist.

JakeFromStateFarm 153 reads
29 / 61

It is blatantly obvious that neither nuguy nor bigguy has reached double digits in the IQ department.  And followme is flirting with negative numbers -- if that is even possible.  I can't say anything about Choosy as I haven't read many of his posts.
In fact, I really need to limit my time here, as I believe my loitering here cuffing around you dolts has cost me a few points off my own IQ.  Fortunately, I have plenty to spare from my Mensa-like total.  ROFL.
This place has enough mushroom caps to smother a large T-Bone.

JakeFromStateFarm 179 reads
30 / 61

So eat him! LMAO!
Wanna bet there'll be lots of leftovers?

-- Modified on 6/17/2016 5:14:39 PM

bigguy30 179 reads
31 / 61

Also since you are a undercover Trump supporter.
I would not be calling anyone racist.
You and your leader, have a lot of issues in that area. Lol

Posted By: GaGambler
You won't mind if I start in with a few fried chicken and watermelon jokes?  
 It's only funny when meant as a joke, coming from my friends like Jake or Jack it's fine, coming from you it only proves what I have said all along. You are a racist.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 167 reads
32 / 61

I also like to believe i know from whence I speak. In this case if your claim is true, I yield to your greater familiarity with the subject. Truth is I do not disagree with you, but there is plenty of blame to go around. At the same time, I stand by my comment that Mill would not recognize today's current interpretation of liberalism as compared to his vision.
Unlike the big perineum, I don't claim perfection

GaGambler 223 reads
33 / 61

You are NOT my friend and you didn't do it to be funny. Your true colors just showed through, you are every bit the racist you accuse others of being, just like your hero Al Sharpton.

bigguy30 206 reads
34 / 61

I love it, you are not my friend and not funny!  
You sound like a bitch now, when the tables are turn on you. Lol

Also calling Al Sharpton my hero is like saying, you are a young man.
So both statements are made up, but again that is what you do.
Just keep making up bullshit.
Thanks for the laughs.
Posted By: GaGambler
You are NOT my friend and you didn't do it to be funny. Your true colors just showed through, you are every bit the racist you accuse others of being, just like your hero Al Sharpton.

-- Modified on 6/17/2016 2:50:53 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 159 reads
35 / 61

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
the only core constituency, who give Trump more than a 50% approval rating, is non-college educated You just proved my point.
  From my perspective, you have never displayed any evidence whatsoever, proving your
  intelligence surpasses an intelligent fourth  grade student.
Your displays  of emotionally defunct, entitled narcissism, don't qualify as proof of anything other than deflection from your own insecurities.  

  In case you didn't get the memo, practically speaking, everything you learned in College forty years ago is obsolete today.
   Prove me wrong in any subject you choose, except theatre and dancing from the truth.  
                                  100 words minimum.

  I'll  give you credit where credit is due, at least you don't inflate  your looks. :-D

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 170 reads
36 / 61

Which, in your case, by the evidence of your subliterate posts, is is a big IF------  :)

bigguy30 146 reads
37 / 61

Posted By: Laffy
How was that "racist"?  
 Only white people party?  
 Asian-Americans only study?

GaGambler 188 reads
38 / 61

Did you go to the same fire sale on commas as fg?

Even a mentally retarded third grader would use better punctuation

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 220 reads
39 / 61

Unfortunately, that can't be properly judged by the subliterate.

Get a copy of "The Elements of Style"& you too can properly punctuate------- :)

GaGambler 196 reads
40 / 61

If there was ever a time that we were in need of a pedantic putz, this is that time.

My God Cheesy, even Quad with his ninth grade education could tell you how poorly you write. If you are going to be a pedantic putz, at least learn to write at a fourth grade level yourself. I write better with a full bottle of vodka in me than you do stone cold sober.

borabora 15 Reviews 168 reads
41 / 61

Conservative, on the other hand, is a regressive characteristic.

JakeFromStateFarm 182 reads
42 / 61

Cheesy needs to read my book, which is the definitive work on punctuation, NOT Strunk & White, which is far more general.
Dear Cheese:  Your over-use of commas is criminal.  Many commas are needed to compensate for "people" like asscalade on the GDB, who never uses them.  Stop hogging all the commas!
If you don't stop, I will come to your house, shoot you and leave.
Buy my book!

-- Modified on 6/17/2016 9:57:04 PM

GaGambler 180 reads
43 / 61

because obviously a Giant can beat a small bird.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn't make it true.

mattradd 40 Reviews 148 reads
44 / 61

Yet, you try to hijack it to be about Trump. If you want to talk about what Trump's core values are, how about starting your own link!  ;)

JakeFromStateFarm 204 reads
45 / 61
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 229 reads
46 / 61

Which is as convincing as saying your book is "superior" to Strunk & White.

I think you need a truss for you grammatical hernia----------  ;)
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Cheesy needs to read my book, which is the definitive work on punctuation, NOT Strunk & White, which is far more general.  
 Dear Cheese:  Your over-use of commas is criminal.  Many commas are needed to compensate for "people" like asscalade on the GDB, who never uses them.  Stop hogging all the commas!  
 If you don't stop, I will come to your house, shoot you and leave.  
 Buy my book!

-- Modified on 6/17/2016 9:57:04 PM
-- Modified on 6/17/2016 8:42:37 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 147 reads
47 / 61
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 165 reads
48 / 61

It's a rare day when he doesn't find his way to the last word.  
  Speaking of, you seem to be more tongue tied than your previous life.  

 I can only hope successfully passing my GED is not intimidating you.     :-D

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 169 reads
49 / 61

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
You need to stop drinking Kool-Ade and drink some of this.  
 You never had a childhood other than drinking lemon"ade" without sugar.  :-

JakeFromStateFarm 156 reads
50 / 61

You really are a mouth-breather with that statement.
And as for Truss vs. Strunk & White, you're wrong.  The subject of The Elements of Style is very broad.  Truss limits herself to punctuation, which is the subject we were discussing here, and she nails it.
Bottom line: you're WRONG in your over-use of commas so stop laying down smokescreens.

JakeFromStateFarm 163 reads
51 / 61

What fun.  I can now add a certified Neanderthal to my list.

-- Modified on 6/18/2016 9:59:15 AM

JakeFromStateFarm 201 reads
52 / 61

As well as being a certified Neanderthal.  Congratulations!

Don't drop that rock again

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 191 reads
53 / 61

& pretending to be a Woman as well. Dude, get help ASAP.

Lastly, it's supposed to read like this : "you're wrong in your over-use of commas, so stop laying down smokescreens."

Idiot----------- :)

JakeFromStateFarm 193 reads
54 / 61

With this post you have made it clear you belong on the Stupid Lefty List.
Were you born clueless or was surgery needed.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 172 reads
55 / 61

"Were you born clueless, or was surgery needed" ?

A "punctuation prince" you're not, speaking of "stupid".

Idiot---------  :

borabora 15 Reviews 171 reads
57 / 61

English language defines these two tribes rather well.

Pros (progressives) and Cons (conservatives).

marikod 1 Reviews 172 reads
58 / 61

who is not even a grammarian. Her writing would never survive editing in the New Yorker. Few professional writers in this country would prefer her over Strunk and White.

      I’m guessing you have never actually read her book, or you would never cite this British writer as an authority on punctuation in the Colonies. Her “Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation” is inadvertently famous, or infamous, because the first improper use of a comma occurs in the …dedication.  It was a top seller but has not survived peer review very well.

        If you ever plan to submit a story to the New Yorker, don't use her as a guide.

          But professional grammarians also assail Strunk and White for giving bad grammar advice in many areas.  We don’t really know whether to blame Struck, or White, for this, since White did most of the published work. I’d say their rules on commas, however, are quite correct

JackDunphy 166 reads
59 / 61

...that for YEARS can never seem to figure out how to line up his indentation properly in his posts. :D :D

Jack 1,108.................Mari  0

JakeFromStateFarm 176 reads
60 / 61
brooks5 150 reads
61 / 61

pretty much all this dumbass says ;).  join the fucking club!

ain't nuthin' quite like an illiterate, stupid, black, racist.

we all are blessed with BFG's presence - he demonstrates the true lib intellect! ;)

all the other libs on this board take their cue from him

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