Politics and Religion

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 5518 reads
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willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1242 reads
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...but I have never met a single AFSCME member who had a criminal record. And there aren't many people I know who aren't an AFSCME member.

GaGambler 2603 reads
5 / 25

Do they walk around wearing a sign that say "Ex Con"? lol

Shit, you are an admitted criminal yourself, you both take illegal drugs and you illegally pay  prostitutes for sex. Talk about pots and kettles, give me a fucking break.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2340 reads
6 / 25

The key word here is convicted. Of course, what I do is victimless.

But that aside, if you were going to illegally fire a bunch of union guards, why would you SEEK OUT a CONVICTED FELON to guard a COURT HOUSE?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1581 reads
7 / 25

I can't independently verify this, so full disclosure up front, but I've been talking to a few of my activist friends who are telling me that Gov. Walker has blocked a website used by activists to organize the protests from the state Capitol's public WiFi signal.

This is quite interesting, because in this country that would actually be illegal. While the state is allowed to block certain websites, by law they can only do so for pornographic content.

Despite this, it seems that the protests in Madison have grown from 30,000 last week, to 50,000 by last Friday, to 70,000 over the weekend. All this without a single arrest, and the police sending a thank you note to the protesters....along with laments that they backed Walker in the election. :)

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1637 reads
8 / 25

What do you think will happen Tim? The recall of Republicans in that state or the fall of the unions?

holeydiver 113 Reviews 1779 reads
10 / 25

Organized labor has a long violent history and heavily influenced by organized crime.

Timbow 1463 reads
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except for the Post Office and they like any Federal  GOV Union cannot strike.

-- Modified on 2/22/2011 10:35:27 AM

Timbow 1622 reads
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-- Modified on 2/22/2011 10:35:45 AM

Timbow 1781 reads
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Posted By: willywonka4u
I can't independently verify this, so full disclosure up front, but I've been talking to a few of my activist friends who are telling me that Gov. Walker has blocked a website used by activists to organize the protests from the state Capitol's public WiFi signal.

This is quite interesting, because in this country that would actually be illegal. While the state is allowed to block certain websites, by law they can only do so for pornographic content.

Despite this, it seems that the protests in Madison have grown from 30,000 last week, to 50,000 by last Friday, to 70,000 over the weekend. All this without a single arrest, and the police sending a thank you note to the protesters....along with laments that they backed Walker in the election. :)

Wisconsin was the first state to allow its public employees collective bargaining  that gives the public employee unions almost  unrestrained power  to get whatever benefits they want. It will be funny to see they are the first to fall.

Timbow 1096 reads
14 / 25

Posted By: willywonka4u
What do you think will happen Tim? The recall of Republicans in that state or the fall of the unions?
 The unions will fall and the Dems cannot stay away forever.
Quote :
State law prohibits anyone from recalling elected officials until they have held office for at least a year. That means, despite all the talk among Madison protesters, Walker cannot be the subject of a recall election for nearly another year. The same holds true for all the members of the state Assembly and half of the state senators.


willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1298 reads
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"There are not enough pro-union support to keep organized labor going"

Really? Is that why the Koch brothers and Frank Blake put a metric shit ton of money into defeating the Employee Free Choice Act?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1779 reads
16 / 25

I know there is a union that now represents providers. The IUSW, I believe. Are you a member?

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1399 reads
17 / 25

willy, willy, willy, wake up. I'm a retired Teamster, (yes, Teamster's do have airline unions), and I receive the monthly Teamster magazine. The last 6 pages of each month's edition are all about the union local's execs that have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, or some other highly illegal shannigans. I don't particularly care for the Teamster's union, but a condition of work at that airline was the requirement to be a member. They contribute absolutely zero to my pension, but didn't hesitate to scarf up on my salary for their union dues, and give much of it to democrat politicians. You think Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., is a nice guy? No fucking way. I've overheard shop stewards discussing the breaking of kneecaps in the parking lot if certain individuals failed to toe the party line. Wake up willy.

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1181 reads
18 / 25

If I remember correctly, one was reelected mayor of your hometown upon his release from prison. The name Marion Barry come to mind?

nuguy46 1697 reads
19 / 25

Will the teachers stay out long enought to jeopardize graduation of the senior class?
I'll vote yes they will,, cause it is all about them. (did I write English well enough to be understood?)

joleneineugene 1278 reads
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and one I'd like to see him convicted for, is wasting taxpayer's money because he doesn't WORK when he's at his JOB.

Oh, did I say that awful word again?


nuguy46 1532 reads
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about paying taxes to a group of state employees that don't pay their way, only take from me and you....ooppps  maybe not you, huh?
and a group of democrats that leave the state...democracy the democrats way, ain't it fun...my way or no way!

Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1365 reads
23 / 25

The whole reason unions exist is because of the threat of organized crime.  Its the thugs.  There are not enough pro-union support to keep organized labor going.  They exist due to the threat of violence.  And even that doesn't work much anymore.  

-- Modified on 2/22/2011 5:36:28 PM

joleneineugene 1275 reads
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joleneineugene 1428 reads
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unions you're so keen on aren't useful anymore. They were useful when they began, insofar as getting the worst offenses of employers toward employees stopped. But, like everything else, once they "proved" their usefulness they crossed over into the worst that employers were PLUS unions demand that everyone toe the lines they draw. Unions demand more and more from employers in return for less and less work by the employees.

Willy, unions demand "their" people go on strike even when individuals might not want to.

Nope. Not for me. Stars and bars, unless my life depends on it (and probably not even then), I'm not joining a union. I've done very well on my own deciding what I want out of life and negotiating for it. I've gotten even better since becoming a provider. I don't want a union to speak for me.

However, I thank you for the information about IUSW. It'll be interesting to see how far they get. Looking over their site, there are several issues I agree with, and just as many I don't. I can do what I can to further the issues without joining their union.

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