
yes, it is . . .
just_a_loverboy 8274 reads

. . . there is always someone out there trying to separate some poor fool from his money.  Jamie exhibits a fundamental lack of understanding.

To hobbyists, she comes across as a rip-off artist to the hobbyists (which can be neither confirmed nor denied with the "no review" policy).  For example, if she has enough bravado to take four times what others charge, then doesn't it seem she would also have enough "entrepreneurial spirit" to use personal information for blackmail?

Her rates also run the risk of offending other providers who are a relatively tight-knit group here in the Valley.  I wonder what will happen will Jamie has to call one of these providers for a referral?

maddux19108 reads

Was reading the site yesterday and noticed the new changes they added. I checked out Jamies page because she had a pic update and looked great. But I was thrown by her prices. I thought it was a mistake because Ive never seen prices that high ANYWHERE. So I emailed her politely and told her I thought there were some errors on her rate page. I got a cocky reply from her today telling me I have limited income. What a jerk. She has no clue about my income, which is likely in multiples of hers as a large business owner. The ladies Ive had the pleasure of visiting (admittedly not a large number)dont seem to complain about the tips they get either!

I went back to her site and read it thoroughly, slightly overconfident to put it lightly. Her faq page made me chuckle somewhat. Too bad she wrote it herself, someone could have told me how pompous it was and made some changes.

While I can easily afford her, why would I or anyone else for that matter want to? There are so many beautiful women in here to choose from without attitudes.

Your experience may differ than mine, but this is what happened.

Have a nice holiday

bubbalou8953 reads

My reaction was the same. Plus she has no reviews.  I noticed she has new pictures but she is still on the plain side.  The market will dictate her rates, not her.  She can ask what she wants, but hopefully all those other business' that she is running are providing her enough income to live on because I think she is going to have an empty calendar in this business.  By the way, I saw her on the Eros site.  She also has a "massage only" listing on Eros.  I wonder how much that is....probably $500.

johnnyc9780 reads

Saw her some time ago for just a massage. Was OK.. She is attractive but a bit older. 2000.00---dont think so

maddux, i could not agree more, i saw her over a year ago  and never went back , just wasn't impressed. for the  fee she is looking for, you are talking minimum of ex-model level if not higher and i am sure she has never been.

Must Concur....Had a conversation several months ago and the attitude kept me away. I'm polite and know enough not to ask stupid questions, yet was treated as not too bright. With all the sweet people out there...who needs her ???

phxjamie10472 reads

My dear Maddux:  You stated "I was thrown by her prices.  I've never seen prices that high ANYWHERE".  Well, baby I will help you get started on where to look.  For instance, Niki in LA and Las Vegas charges $2500.00 for four hours in LA and $3200.00 for four hours in Vegas.  Morgan in LA charges $2600.00 for four hours, Ava in LA $2500.00 for four hours, Heather in LA $1000.00 per hour, Lara in LA $2500.00 for four hours, Amanda in Houston $2000.00 for four hours, Amy in LA $2000.00 for four hours...these are all minimum rates, you cannot book for less time and of course there is Anne Marie (you'll find her under VIP in LA Cityvibe $15,000 per day.  Yes, that is $15,000 per day!!

I have ads in Phoenix, Los Angeles and Las Vegas on both Eros and Cityvibe.  As a matter of fact, you will find that I carry the "billboard/splash ads" in all three of those cities on Cityvibe.   I cater to a very small clientele as do the girls I previously mentioned.  

You also stated I am "slightly overconfident to put it lightly".  Overconfidence is arrogance...I am not arrogant, I am confident which means I am very bold and marked by assurance.  

To bubbolou:  You mentioned I have no reviews.  Well, my website clearly states I don't allow reviews.  No exceptions.  

However, bubbolou I appreciate your comment about the market dictating my rates, not me and I thank you for saying I can charge what I want.  Like I mentioned on my website..."If I find a demand at my price, then someone has found me to be "worth it".  

I don't know why it is such a big deal to you guys to see me running MY BUSINESS the way I choose to run it.  As I also stated on my website....."Everyone in the United States of America has the freedom to rise by their own efforts and improve their life through work and ability".


latestreviewer8023 reads

Notes to Jamie-

1. You are not in LA (as are the providers that you mentioned).

2. You do not have the glowing reviews that Niki, Morgan, Ava, and Heather from LA have, and with all due respect, your site is not gonna get you those kinda rates without any reviews.  

3. If you had any hope to get the strictly word-of-mouth clientele willing to pay such high prices (i.e., pseudo-mistresses), as some of the off-the-boards providers do (such as Amanda from Houston), then you would not be advertising and you definitely fishing in the wrong place alongside reasonably-priced ladies on eros-arizona, phoenix411, etc.

4. The implication that your time appears to be worth more than 3X that of other providers DOES seem arrogant.  And here is a business tip - perception is everything.  In other words, whether YOU think it is arrogant is besides the point - look at the overwhelming number of responses on this posting!  The market is speaking, and you are not listening.

Holy moly!  Why do you care what she charges?  If you think it is too much, move on to someone else.  How is what she charges hurting you?

I catch the same thing because I charge $200/hr for database work - if people don't want to pay it, they find someone else.  It's called a free market.

Jamie, every girl you mentioned with the higher rate fall into the model/actress catagory. you are not in that league.

moebius89151 reads

or most of the guys here in town.......

hope you get that one bite.....

Some people just don't get it Jamie.


I agree with the person who said the market will dictate her price, not her.  Phoenix411 and related sites are pretty reliable - I wonder if Glen said anything when she posted?

jayeeegee8702 reads

On the page on Jamie's website that lists her rates, you will note that she states she accepts only ONE appointment per week.  Does anyone really believe that if Jamie had an appt. scheduled for a given week, and there was another person who called her that was willing to frither away $1600 on a two-hour massage that she would actually turn it down?  (I would be surprised if she gets even one appt. per week.)  The fact that her rates are so absurd and that she only accepts one appt. per week indicates that she does not really care or want to offer massage services, but will do it for anyone who is crazy to pay what she is asking for.  Sounds kind of like my experience with several home repair contractors.  When there is a small job that they really are not interested in doing, they will quote you a ridiculously high price.  Like Jamie, they figure if you are sucker enough to pay what they're asking for, then they would be more than willing to perform the requested services.

azpros987797 reads

I really want to spend time and money with this one!!! NOT!

AnonPhx9081 reads

The expensive yet highly-praised ladies in LA like Morgan Ashley and Naughty Ali have multiple TER reviews, with rows of 10-10's.

A gentleman contemplating an appointment can read through their reviews and get an idea of what is offered, and then make an educated decision about whether he will find value for his money if he meets her.

A lady without reviews is at a great disadvantage, in my opinion. It may be hard to find any man willing to shell out the big bucks for a complete unknown.

Add that to the difficult Phoenix market--escorts are retiring or moving due to oversupply.

An extremely high end escort without reviews to substantiate her price will not make a living in Phoenix at this time.

To Jamie I respond that you are absolutely right in that you can charge whatever you want.  Many providers list one rate which they get from the tourist and snow birds with another for established locals who frequent them on a regular basis.  While I wish you well I'm afraid unless you do a big out of town business Phoenix will not support your fare unless you find a sugar daddy.

maddux18223 reads

Interesting that Jamie has now dropped the link to her webpage from phoenix411. Who am I to speculate, she's probably booked for the rest of 2004 so it doesn't matter anyways.

Im glad you guys backed me up on this. I dont post much but I read often. She has this Diva arrogance about her that is such a turn off.

While she was able to tell me about these other high priced ladies I haven't seen anywhere, I simply haven't found them on my own. Its not like I check all the boards everyday looking for the highest prices I can find. There's an abundance of beautiful, fun, polite women in Phoenix for 75% less money and likely a MUCH better time from what you guys are telling me. Just think of how many times I could see Debbie for $1600! Now that's money well spent.

Have a nice day all.

bubbalou7512 reads

I see Jamie appearing under "rub downs" and under "escort" on Eros.  While the pictures look somewhat different, I assume this is the same Jamie.  Any idea what she charges for massage? Is this also a once a week service offering?

peachy7727 reads

Save your money. Jamie says she doesn't allow reviews but you have seen at least two on this thread from massage customers that recieved service once and never returned---the highest rating being "just ok." I too have had the misfortune of spending a couple of hours with her over a year ago. I wondered as I left why anyone would subject themselves to a second visit for reasons other than an abundace of self-loathing. Plain jane well past her prime. The atmosphere was third rate at best. Her idea of a really classy music selection was having an animal sounds sound track playing that included having an announcer saying "lion" after the roar. I had two clear impressions as I left. First, that she clearly thought she was an intellectual. Second, that the area in North Carolina in which she was reared was clearly Tobacco Road. Jeez, beauty contestant consultant....isn't that wonderful?

phxjamie9026 reads

As I have stated in my earlier post, I don't know why it bothers you guys so much that I run MY BUSINESS the way I choose to run it.  Maybe you would do it differently but you are not me.  Like I also stated in my previous posting and again on my website...and I like it so much I will repeat it again "Everyone in the United States of America has the power and freedom to rise by their own efforts and improve their life through work and ability."

Now, I have some specific comments to direct to some of you who have posted to me.  Try and follow what I am saying because some of you are obviously not getting it.  There will be a test later.

Comment from someone "You are not in LA".  Did you mean right this second?  Or did you mean next Saturday?  Or did you mean two weeks from Tuesday?  As I also previously stated I advertise full time on Eros in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Phoenix and I carry the splash/billboard ads for Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Phoenix on Cityvibe.  So, I don't know what "you are not in LA" means.  

I mentioned seven "high end" girls on my website.  Myself included I know of eight, four of us allow NO REVIEWS ever and it hasn't hurt our business so far.

"Off the board providers such as Amanda in Houston".  Excuse me, but Amanda advertises on Eros (like I do, however she has no banner ads...I have banner ads in Phoenix and Los Angeles) and Amanda advertises on Cityvibe Houston where she carries the splash/billboard ads for Houston.  I carry the splash/billboards ads in Phoenix, Los Angeles and Las Vegas so I don't understand what "off the board provider" means  considering we (Amanda and I) are on the same boards!!

"Overwhelming number of responses on this posting"...not to sound like Bill Clinton but I guess "it depends on what your definition of is is" I mean your definition of overwhelming is....guess I was too overwhelmed to type there for a second.

"The market is speaking".....I don't think you market is not here.  They (my clients, therefore "my market")  are too busy running their companies to fart around on these boards like you and I are doing.  Most of them have their assistants schedule with me, pay their deposits, return their calls, etc.  It is a fascinating life, peeking in on them the way I do.

"Probably booked for the rest of 2004".  I wish I was!!!  Seriously, I am only booked out about two or three appointments at a time..usually several weeks ahead....40% in Phoenix, 35% in Los Angeles and 25% in Las Vegas.  My clients here in town are not full time residents, they all have their second or third home here and believe it or not a lot of them are just looking for someone to have a nice dinner with, see a show, or gamble a bit because they don't want to do it alone.  

You guys are too much!! Spend your money with whomever you wish, I love you all, I wish you all the best.  I hope you wish the best for me.  I am doing the best I can with the understanding, knowledge and awareness that I have.


moebius88618 reads

lol this one just made my DNC list....

moebius87803 reads

where the fast food "consultant" offers to taste test the chow for 30k per bite.
Jack sez "get many offers?" his reply "i only need one..."

i think she may be thinking along those lines after looking at her site

. . . there is always someone out there trying to separate some poor fool from his money.  Jamie exhibits a fundamental lack of understanding.

To hobbyists, she comes across as a rip-off artist to the hobbyists (which can be neither confirmed nor denied with the "no review" policy).  For example, if she has enough bravado to take four times what others charge, then doesn't it seem she would also have enough "entrepreneurial spirit" to use personal information for blackmail?

Her rates also run the risk of offending other providers who are a relatively tight-knit group here in the Valley.  I wonder what will happen will Jamie has to call one of these providers for a referral?

bubbalou7281 reads

This has been an interesting discussion.
I think you may be living in dreamland, however, the market will provide your reality.  Charging high prices to create an aura of exclusivity and demand is not new.  Does Rolex and Rolls Royce ring a bell. Keep us posted on the success of your pricing strategy.  Maybe I will write it up your case and submit it to the Harvard Business Review.  Product pricing strategists would love it.

Bubba, the problem is she is not of either Rolex or Rolls Royce quality, it is more of trying to sell a Hyundai Accent for the price of a Mercedes SL 600.

phxjamie7566 reads stated I come across as a "rip off artist"...who my dear have I "ripped off".  If someone pays me to spend time with them, then that is the choice THEY have made.  Do you believe that people have the right to make CHOICES?  

I cannot believe that because I charge more than others charge (it's called the free market) you suggest I would use client information "for blackmail".  How little does a client have to pay for the "I promise not to blackmail you" policy?  $20.00....$100.00....$250.00...What is it loverboy?  I can promise you when I am screening my clients I ask far fewer questions than most other providers.  I don't have to.  If they tell me they are the president of XYZ company and XYZ is a publically traded company I go on Yahoo Finance, put in the stock symbol of the company and can pretty much find out whatever I need to know about that person.  Therefore, I don't need a provider reference.  I have NEVER asked for one and I don't see why I ever would.

You also stated my rates run the risk of "offending other providers".  How can what I charge OFFEND another woman in this business?  I mean, can you honestly imagine someone going through the Eros ads, seeing another provider, clicking on her website, seeing that she charges, oh let's say $250.00..and saying..."My God, I am so OFFENDED that she charges that rate!!!".  

Now to bubbalou:

When you are writing up my case for the Harvard Business Review concerning product pricing strategies and you want to mention the "high prices to create an aura of exclusivity and demand" and you mention the product Rolex....please refer the reader to my website and point out that in every picture on my left wrist is a genuine ROLEX watch that I paid for with MY money that I earned and saved and worked for and please mention that in The United States of America EVERYONE has the freedom to rise by their own efforts and improve their life through work and ability.

God Bless America!!!


bubbalou7188 reads

Agree on the "God bless America" comment.  It is a great country and the best place in the world to live.

Although I still think you are living in LaLa land.

I can not imagine the President of a public company giving you his real name.  In addition, I can count on two hands the number of public companies in Phoenix area. I do not think this "vast" client base is supporting Rolex watches.

I know you do not allow reviews, but why haven't any of your satisfied customers weighed in on this board in your support.  The only customers who have weighed in are ones that were one time customers and say they will not return.

Check out Brittney  in LA (per one of the posts in this string). Now that is what your $800/hour competition looks like. Also check the reviews.  I would say you have a steep hill to climb to be competitive in this league.

I wish you all the best.  Keep us posted with the honest results. We will keep an eye on your rates on your website.  This will be the test of success.

That is amazing. girl. I have no idea how you do it. Could you plz point me into the right direction, cause I starve in Phoenix, and well I think I'm a decent looking lady. Plz do tell how and what makes you top dollar???? This way I don't have top move to LA to mkae a living!!!

Christina xox

The type of guy's she is trying to attract wouldn't give her the time of day.  Has she looked in the mirror lately?  While I think she is attractive, she is not the 20 something model quality that those types of execs seek.  And her general attitude is not what they seek either.  I recently splurged on Brittney Lane (review forthcoming) in LA.  Check out her website, then check out Jamie's.  enough said....

johnnyc7919 reads

I have had the pleasure of seeing both Jamie and Nikki in LA. I saw Nikki when she had just started and paid more of a " typical " rate ..She is absolutley drop dead beautiful and very sweet. No question she can get 2000.00 for her service. I wouldnt pay it but I suppose many would

Jamie, on the other hand, while OK looking,provided only an OK service. Not only would I not pay 2000, I chose not to see her again at all

After reading her post all I can say is she is certainly very confident. I can see why her commentary wouild put people off especially those who have used her service and know what to expect

al439031 reads

Omarosa has finally surfaced. I knew i recognized that attitude, and lack of followthrough.  No wonder she doesn't allow reviews.

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