
WTF Paco1980 your comments are foolish!
bigguy30 542 reads

So the high end places have white pimps and low end like BP are black pimps? I guess you have a open mind yourself right? LOL

The comments coming from you are a joke and shows you are a clown.
You remind me of some old timer hobbyists, when I started over 23 years ago.  
They were so stupid and set in their racist ways, it was a joke!  
You sound just like those old fools, with your questions.

Just you keep asking these questions are embarrassing to yourself.
It's not a attack on you, it's the truth!

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 10:41:26 AM

Ok- everyone always talks about how bad pimps are but are there ever nice pimps?  I mean, a nice guy who just happens to be working as a pimp?  I am thinking yes because many girls love their pimps.  If they were all so bad why would all these girls love them so much?

Also- why is every pimp  black?  I mean, in this day and age you would think all races would be having equal opportunity to be  a pimp if they chose to.  So why is it only black guys who get to be pimps?  Is this a kind of racism?  Do women reject a guy as a pimp just because he is not black?  What gives?

bigguy30848 reads

I guess the pimp Dennis that runs, the Bunnyranch and is on HBO etc. I guess he is a black man right?  Why the fuck are you bringing this up?  

The real hobbyist enjoy independent providers, that are free from clowns like this and don't have to deal with no middle person. So the race of the pimp does not matter, I would never deal with a pimp or there providers!

So you keep proving my point, about your comments on here.

Sir- your abrasive comments are not helpful for an open and serious discussion.

bigguy30720 reads

You got a answer to your question, you did not like and make up lies in your previous comment.  Then you get upset, when I point out what you are doing?  

I guess the truth hurts, when you don't want it!



-- Modified on 7/8/2014 10:30:07 AM

Sorry, your statement rings of stereotypical ignorance. or pure trolling.  From groups like Hell's Angels, The Triad, I could go on, to the Mayflower Madam, there has been organized prostitution for quite some time across all socioeconomic levels and ethnicities. Equally, there have been those who enter this professional and reject anyone who tries to control their business.  

Now truly, from coming from the East, I am surprised in 2014 (especially women under the age of 30) that do not entertain African Americans, but that's a different issue/topic.

Do some research google American Pimp it is a movie you should watch.

Pimps are not always African American, so do not assume.  Please, do not make the mistake of believing these poor gals love their pimps.  They are damaged & brain washed.  Many are on drugs.  Some are in fear for their lives.

Posted By: Madame Patricia
Do some research google American Pimp it is a movie you should watch.  
 Pimps are not always African American, so do not assume.  Please, do not make the mistake of believing these poor gals love their pimps.  They are damaged & brain washed.  Many are on drugs.  Some are in fear for their lives.  
Sounds as if you have a closed mind.  There MUST be some girls on here who have pimps and are happy with the arrangement.   Let's hear from you!   High end escort services and legal whorehouses are run by whites, yes, but it seems as if all the girls on BP who have pimps- those guys are black.  THAT is my Q.   No disrespect to black people by asking this Q.  At least that is my intent!

bigguy30543 reads

So the high end places have white pimps and low end like BP are black pimps? I guess you have a open mind yourself right? LOL

The comments coming from you are a joke and shows you are a clown.
You remind me of some old timer hobbyists, when I started over 23 years ago.  
They were so stupid and set in their racist ways, it was a joke!  
You sound just like those old fools, with your questions.

Just you keep asking these questions are embarrassing to yourself.
It's not a attack on you, it's the truth!

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 10:41:26 AM

"The comments coming from you are a joke and shows you are a clown.  
 You remind me of some old timer hobbyists, when I started over 23 years ago.  
 They were so stupid and set in their racist ways, it was a joke!    
 You sound just like those old fools, with your questions".  

I don't know who you are since you choose to use an alias whenever you make these blanket statements.

But us old-timers were not stupid or racist but helped build this community by seeing our local providers and posting reviews. We also had many M&Gs for our members and everyone was invited. We never discriminated on race or nationality. They were safe and everyone that attended was verified. That was till a few years ago when one agency owner got to big for his bridges and screwed it up for all of us. But some of us old timers and providers are still here and should be appreciated for what we did for this community.
Please if you decide  to reply post your handle so we can see who you are and what you have contributed to TER beside drama

bigguy30752 reads

I have place comments with my reviews showing before, and don't have a problem doing that too.  Some of my comments are there right now with my reviews, as I am writing this response.

If I choose to place a comment with or without my reviews, that's up to me. It's also a option all of us, can use on this site.  So what is the problem, I am playing by the rules.

Also I did not start this thread or comment about pimps and did not start this drama, as you put it.  So I doubt we both know all or came across the same people in this hobby, but I stand by my comment! He sounds like SOME of the racist old timers, when I started many years ago and now.  I should point out, I used the word Some and not All right?

The thing that gets me is, you would take offense to me talking about my experiences over 23 years with some of the old timers and new hobbyist for that matter. I came in contact with and not the stupid comments in this racist thread about pimps or the providers they control?

You know as well as I do, it's still plenty of hobbyist and providers, who hold on to these stupid ideas!

They have a right to believe in what they want and I can disagree with them too.


-- Modified on 7/10/2014 6:53:35 AM

bigguy30487 reads

When people twist words and change the subject.  
I guess that is what you like no problem


People:  Please do not let "bigguy" derail this thread with his usual hijinks.   I think pimps are very worthy of serious discussion- be they "bad" pimps or the kind of pimp who treats his girls with decency and respect.

bigguy30667 reads

You started this thing and I was not the only one that disagree with your comments!  

Why do you care about pimps so much, should be the real question?

So pimps are bad news and dangerous. Why deal with them?

What the hell, does the racial background have to do with it?

Why pay for a middle person, when you can just deal with provider directly and discreetly.

I been in this hobby, for a long time and those who want to twist my comments have no idea what I saw over the years.  

It's much better now and mainly because most providers are smart enough to avoid pimps!  

They are smart business woman, who can take care of themselves.

The way you started this thread sounded a lot like those people with backwards ideas, from the past

If you read my OP you would see that I asked questions.   I asked because I am curious.   I do not have the answers or much knowledge about pimps in general but I find the concept to be interesting.   If my curiosity offends you for some reason I can't worry about that.  My quest for knowledge is too strong.

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