
why do you think the fourth time is the charm?
jax04 6486 reads

Seeing someone on a regular basis in this business is in no way like dating's still a business.  By your logic, if she feels "intimate" enough with you after 4 appointments to go BB, then wouldn't it follow that she might feel just as "intimate" with any other client she has seen more than 4 times?  And how many clients is that? And how many of those clients are playing that same "So and So lets me do it with her, so why can't we" game? That a long chain of exposure. Going BB with an SO is different for so many more reasons than monogamy.  I know many in this business who have SOs, and they cleary are not monogamous.  But  one must remember that the term "intimacy" is not interchangable with "familiarity"  That level of intimacy should be reserved for a loved one.  And that level of intimacy demands that that you cover up in your "business" life to protect your loved one, to uphold your professional responsibility to protect your client and their loved ones, and perhaps to remind oneself, so matter which side of the encounter you are on, that there is a difference between time spent in a client/provider relationship, and true intimacy.

Several clients I've seen have casually asked if there was any way we could have uncovered full service. The answer to that question is always NO. Most of them have accepted the necessary evils of this hobby and we moved on.

I have one client that has asked me all 3 times I have seen him to go uncovered. The first time, the answer No was considerate (and I thought I was understood). The second time the answer was a straight No again, and I indicated that it would always be that way. Apparently, the first two No's weren't taken seriously because he asked again on his third visit.

Instead of letting things continue since I had been positive the previous two times that I had been loud and clear, I decided to ask the gentleman why he continued to ask.

He explained to me that SEVERAL other providers he has seen in past would let him not use a condom to increase the level of intimacy in the session. I do not know who these women are, but if this is true what are you thinking?

I explained my point of view. I cannot let someone go uncovered as I have a level of service to continue to provide. I believe that the gents that see us (providers), trust that we are clean and SAFE with everyone we see.

Basically, Im asking the
GIRLS: Do you let your regular clients go uncovered if they have established a rapport?

GUYS: Have you ever received uncovered full service from a provider? And  do you trust that we're clean and safe making everyone use a cover?

Sounds like that guy was trying to manipulate you  with the  line that others let him go uncovered.  Maybe I'm wrong but it is hard to imagine someone would risk FS without thier shields up.  I  will accept  low  risk aspects  without a cover but  also respect the ladies who want every and all aspect under wraps.  As for bareback  full service  wouldn't ask wouldn't want.
It may be difficult to get honest answers as anyone who does allow  uncovered FS  may not want that made public.

brazilian837740 reads

Always covered doesn't matter how long the client is seeing you isn't worth taking the risk. Also uncovered sex is very personal and shouldn't be done in this biz but in your personal life with SO, B/f, etc.
Most of providers I know get tested regularly that why some of the guys try to ask for BBFS. I think is disrespectful asking for it and I would never see that client again.

Something I have always been curious about, but I have never seen a provider enough times to find out.
If you see a provider on a regular basis, and you  build that special rapport what is the difference between that and dating somebody conventionally and deciding that a condom is no longer neccesary.
Before I get a barrage of replys about being monogamous etc, I have been around long enough to see co-workers and friends(guys and girls) in seemingly healthy relationships stray as soon as they are in a different area code.
So my answer to your question is no, but like I said I never see any provider more than 3 times, but I have had one who I probably would have done it with had her seen her the 4th time.

jax046487 reads

Seeing someone on a regular basis in this business is in no way like dating's still a business.  By your logic, if she feels "intimate" enough with you after 4 appointments to go BB, then wouldn't it follow that she might feel just as "intimate" with any other client she has seen more than 4 times?  And how many clients is that? And how many of those clients are playing that same "So and So lets me do it with her, so why can't we" game? That a long chain of exposure. Going BB with an SO is different for so many more reasons than monogamy.  I know many in this business who have SOs, and they cleary are not monogamous.  But  one must remember that the term "intimacy" is not interchangable with "familiarity"  That level of intimacy should be reserved for a loved one.  And that level of intimacy demands that that you cover up in your "business" life to protect your loved one, to uphold your professional responsibility to protect your client and their loved ones, and perhaps to remind oneself, so matter which side of the encounter you are on, that there is a difference between time spent in a client/provider relationship, and true intimacy.

time2chime9434 reads

Tina, you are soooo right! Personally, I have never requested BBFS, it has never been offered to me, nor would I accept it if it was offered. While we are all interested in having lots of  "FUN" together, I am glad that you and I are in total agreement that there needs to be both a level of trust and respect involved in our sweet peach pie fantasy lives. Tina, the more I learn about you, the more attractive you become!

You are putting everyones lives at risk.  Please don't be so selfish.

PhxGirl7759 reads

I've been asked that question as well over the years I've been working and the answer is always NO and I do get offended that people would even ask. To me, they don't value their lives very much if they are willing to put themselves in a risky situation.

There was a man that was seeing ladies from a very private service about a year or so back that somehow got a lot of the visiting ladies to see him BB and he ended up spreading STD's to several ladies. I think that is very selfish on the ladies and the guys part, as you are not the only girl that he sees and he can spread it to others as well. Start thinking with your big head and not the other one.

I don't care what situation the guys/girls are in, whether meeting someone at a club, escorting, at the office everyone should always use protection until they know for sure they are not having unprotected sex with anyone else and know they are healthy.

Sometimes I think a gentleman will ask just to see what my answer will be and to make sure that I am always safe in my practices.

I saw a provider for the first time about a month ago and when I asked for a cover I was told not to worry about it till I was ready to cum. That just kind of freaked me out and the whole idea of that just put a damper on the whole evening. I must say that at the time it was tempting ( little head had all the blood ) but common sence took over luckly. That was the first and only time that has ever happened. It's not worth your life or the lifes of the ones near you to try that.

I also think this is a very dangerous practice.  Since I have been hobbying I have had one provider who did offer BB, said she was on birth control, not sure how that was going to protect her from disease or AIDS and thought it best not to ask.  Thankfully I came prepared with my own condoms since she didn't have any.
I noticed on the TER survey that is showed quite a percentage of folks going BB which continues to amaze me, especially with all of the information available.

The risk of HIV transmission from an infected partner through oral sex is much smaller than the risk of HIV transmission from anal or vaginal sex. Because of this, measuring the exact risk of HIV transmission as a result of oral sex is very difficult. In addition, since most sexually active individuals practice oral sex in addition to other forms of sex, such as vaginal and/or anal sex, when transmission occurs, it is difficult to determine whether or not it occurred as a result of oral sex or other more risky sexual activities. Finally, several co-factors can increase the risk of HIV transmission through oral sex, including: oral ulcers, bleeding gums, genital sores, and the presence of other STDs.

When scientists describe the risk of transmitting an infectious disease, like HIV, the term "theoretical risk" is often used. Very simply, "theoretical risk" means that passing an infection from one person to another is possible, even though there may not yet be any actual documented cases. "Theoretical risk" is not the same as likelihood. In other words, stating that HIV infection is "theoretically possible" does not necessarily mean it is likely to happen-only that it might. Documented risk, on the other hand, is used to describe transmission that has actually occurred, been investigated, and documented in the scientific literature.

Various scientific studies have been performed around the world to try and document and study instances of HIV transmission through oral sex. A programme in San Francisco studied 198 people, nearly all gay or bisexual men. The subjects stated that they had only had oral sex for a year, from six months preceding the six-month study to its end. 20 per cent of the study participants, 39 people, reported performing oral sex on partners they knew to be HIV positive. 35 of those did not use a condom and 16 reported swallowing cum. No-one became HIV positive during the study. Due to the low number of unprotected serodiscordant pairings, all that can be said is that there was a less than 2.8 per cent chance of infection through oral sex over a year. In 2000, a different San Francisco study of gay men who had recently acquired HIV infection found that 7.8 per cent of these infections were attributed to oral sex. However, the results of the study have since been called into question due to the reliability of the participant's data.

In June 2002, a study conducted amongst 135 HIV-negative Spanish heterosexuals, who were in a sexual relationship with a person who was HIV-positive, reported that over 19,000 instances of unprotected oral sex had not lead to any cases of HIV transmission. The study also looked at contributing factors that could effect the potential transmission of HIV through oral sex. They monitored viral load and asked questions such as whether ejaculation in the mouth occurred and how good oral health was. Amongst HIV-positive men, 34 per cent had ejaculated into the mouths of their partners. Viral load levels were available for 60 people in the study, 10 per cent of whom had levels over 10,000 copies. Nearly 16 per cent of the HIV-positive people had CD4 counts below 200. The study, conducted over a ten year period between 1990 and 2000, adds to the growing number of studies which suggest varying levels of risk of HIV transmission from oral sex when compared to anal or vaginal intercourse.

At the 4th International Oral AIDS Conference held in South Africa, the risk of transmission through oral sex was estimated to be approximately 0.04 per cent per contact. This percentage figure is a lot lower than the two American figures, because this figure is a risk per contact percentage, whereas the other figures are percentage risks over much longer time periods. Oral sex is still regarded as a low-risk sexual activity in terms of HIV transmission, but only when more work is done will we be clearer as to the risks of oral sex.

I agree with Isabella.  Remember it is not only dangerous for the client and the provider, but also every client there after.  If your gonna play the game - play smart.  Any provider that allows uncovered FS should be identified in review so those of us who care about our health and safety can avoid that person.

If one considers the relative lack of significant disease being transmitted in this underground culture, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that the cover is the reason. The difference between southeast asia, africa, china, and ..... us! Understanding the medical issues including the epidemiology and the dire consequences of a lackadaisical attitude, the fact that a simple piece of latex can keep us all reasonably safe is inescapable, ingenuous and incredibly amazing. Everyone should use it -- no room for laggards!

bustass5204 reads

keeno/angel well stated!there is nothing more you can do in this world than protect yourself and your loved ones.As for me I wouldn't  even think about bb ANYTHING(more or less f/s) with anyone I wasen't FOR SURE about.As for the hobbiest that keeps asking?keep calling and I would keep ignoring his calls or politely tell him to move on.(hopefully move out of state)tina,not that I don't understand or anything(you did sound kinda busy at the time) but as for your last minuet speel as posted above, you kinda chewed my ass when I called you for a 10:00 appt at 9:30 instead of 9:00 even after I had emailed you about a 10:00 incall in advance.Hey Im not all butthurt about it or anything but you could have let me down easy, after all,I do think you are sooooooo HOT!!!!!

Arizona Angel6301 reads

I mean, I know you are serious, but the thought itself is almost to ludacrist. People in this industry and participants of this industry know well the dangers and complications that can arise from uncovered FS just as well as everyone else in thier right mind. If not more so. Whoever would do such a thing (both client and provider) are complete numb skulls in my book. Not only is there the danger of contracting who knows how many various types of bacteria, fungi, and viruses but the risk of pregnancy too? Not to mention if there is a transmission that occurs because one client/ provider set goes uncovered there is likely to be another and another. A terrible tragedy in the making. Either the provider or the client could easily spread something to thier loved ones or onto another provider or client. The circle would be ever widening and never ending. Gents who are doing this if you don't like condoms fine. You have several choices you can make.

1) stay at home with your loved one where you don't need one
2) find some lube and a good magazine or video
3) go around spreading or contracting all sorts of stuff
4) try asking to use a female condom

Ladies who are doing this you have a choice to

1) get your head out your ass if you aren't using condoms
2) quit the business and stay at home with your loved one
3) spread and recieve disease and pregancies at whim
4) suggest a female condom

And for both Clients and Providers participating in this behavior

1) make a will out because eventually you will catch something
and your loved ones, medical bills, or whatever you caught will eventually kill you.
2) realize that intimacy is not SEX!!! It is an emotion, a thought, a feeling. Not a physical act!!!
3) learn to respect yourself obviously you don't mind playing catching something
4) learn to respect others. You can play Russian Roulette with your own life, but damn it don't make that desicion for someone else!!!

To all those that this doesn't apply to, I didn't mean you...

I know of no place in the US where safty is more of a concern than in our hobby.  Recently I was talking to a married friend who does not participate in the hobbly but has a lot of action on the side.  He mentioned in our conversation that he had never used a condom, and the way he said it I believe him.  Many of the guys I know who have sex on the side, not in the hobby, do not use a condom.  That is why I have always said that we are ten times safer seeing a provider than picking up that sexy chick at a bar or club.  Many a drunk gal will not even think of protection.

Rick7777289 reads

I am over 40 and yes I have issues with condoms sometimes.  But never so much of an issue that I would risk my safety or someone else's saftey by having sex without a condom.  What are people thinking.

I have heard of guys and girls that have sex without.  But as I said before.  WHY?

MJ WILD5852 reads

Tina, thank you for bringing this topic up.  It has been a concern of mine as well ever since I was approached by a respectable (and respected) provider not too long ago who said she'd heard things about me.  I felt shocked, hurt & disgusted.  My first reaction was to feel attacked & victimized. An example "Is this how you treat all new girls?"  But I kept my mouth shut.  It's not the proividers fault.  We need to be concerned.  Is the hobbyist who brought it up at fault?  Nobody should have the finger pointed at them.  It is beyond absurd to go BB with anyone let alone a professional.  Until now, I've been very thankful that I haven't been put in the position where the client resisted a cover. This is my biggest fear, as I have had scary situations in my personal life with the same thing. I never want to be placed in that situation, and none of you should either.  Just the suggestion and the add-on "Well so-and-so let me do it." is too much to deal with & needs to be stopped.  This is 2004!! Who the hell doesn't use protection??
Tina, and others:  If you have any further concerns or problems with clients, please continue to share.  I think it helps us all.  If I find any of my clients spreading rumors about my practices, then I will no longer see them.  It's as simple as that.

First, it's been a while since I've been on the board, but apparently some craziness still exists in this hobby (yes, boys and girls, I'm being very factious).

I haven't had BBFS since 1988, but I don't mind a good BBBJ.  While I admit that the cover kills the feeling, it's better to lose the filling, than to lose the life.

Would I consider doing BBFS with a provider today?  May be if she was a virgin.

To find out that a lady will do BBFS with numerous clients is almost too much to thing about.

Hell, married friends of mine tell me that they do it with a cover.  Makes me wonder if they don't trust their SO.

I remember this one session I had with a lady in LA.  We were going at the foreplay really hot and heavy.  She, then started a P2P massage.  She got really going then.  She slid way up and I do believe would have slid it in, if I had not grabbed her by the waist to hold her back.

We still had fun, but I didn't see her again after that.  And no, there's no review since that was before TER.

i can tell you one, PM if you must know

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