
We have a winner!
cgsmks 14 Reviews 7023 reads
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Time for contest #3

The link below lists three questions:  two of the questions are super easy to find on the net.  One question takes a little thought, but is a common question on many tests to measure logical thinking!  

The first female provider to email me with the correct answers wins me for an hour of fun!  I pay, we play!

On to the fine print: you must have incall available around noon or early afternoon on a weekday.  I love breaking up my work day with some good fun!  Please leave your name and contact info!  

A provider can have only won once in the last five contests.

Have a most excellent day!

cgsmks 14 Reviews 9507 reads
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I have a winner for my latest contest!

Answers are:

1.  "What's brown and sounds like a bell?"  Dungggg!  A bad Monty Python joke.

2.  What is the next number in this series:  1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 26, 29, ?? -- the next number is 58.

3.  What is the nearest star to the Earth?  The Sun!

Thanks for playing.

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