
Veronica West
Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 359 reads
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So, Veronica West is advertising again, apparently. I’m probably  being overly paranoid but it’s bugging me that her contact info has changed. It’s different from what’s on her profile here or anything I remember it being before she dropped out of site.  

Has anyone here been in touch with her through this new email address and can confirm it’s Veronica and not some impostor? If it’s the real deal, I’d love to see her.  

Part of the reason I’m using an excess of caution is a few months ago a certain other lady had Veronica’s old ad copy on her site. She wasn’t using the name or making any attempt to look like her, but I’m positive it was the text from Veronica’s wix site, verbatim or damn near it, on someone else’s ad. It’s like people see somebody who’s popular kind of go away and they try to cash in on it. Whatever  

Anyways, if anyone has any info they’re willing to share I would appreciate it. PM if you’re not comfortable posting it.  
Thank you in advance.

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