
To Do List...
MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 807 reads

Well...what are you waiting for? A review special? ;)

I leave Monday night on a red eye to go on tour again.


Don't take advantage of a "review special" then fail to write a review...then send me two separate requests for a whitelist within 2 months AND a reference request.


I did not see you post a review special. I certainly think it's low shelf to get a break and be too lazy to review you. Sorry, I still have you on my to do list. Hope we can get together soon.

Sounds like tvlaw got his nuts in a ringer. What Madison does and how she conducts her affairs is strictly her business. You might as well take Maddy off your "to do list" because the way I see it you're not only on her "not to do list" you're on her shit list big time.

I assume you can't read. I was saying I missed the post. I don't have a lot of time to spend sitting behind a computer. Read the post before you make arbitrary statements.

Sorry sir I can read but I completely misunderstood her post and your response. Normally I stay off these boards and should have this time. MY sincere apologies!

Hey, no problem, I probably over reacted friend. TGIF, Have a good and safe weekend..

Relax...this was not directed at you...none of you that responded were the guilty party!!!

Kisses and O's


Well...what are you waiting for? A review special? ;)

I leave Monday night on a red eye to go on tour again.


Flying in as you are flying out :-

Sounds like someone needs to get a special comment in a ladies' only site.  
Just sayin'....That shit ain't ri
Agreeing to a "review special" and not fulfilling your part of the bargain shows a total lack of respect and honesty.    
Lying to someone as fantastic, sweet, and wonderful as you are, Maddie, is total garbage.    

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 11:46:32 AM

I am just playing the devil's advocate here, but perhaps the alleged bad guy had less than a stellar experience and did not want to tarnish Madison's great review history by submitting an honest review from his perspective.  If he paid up, was well behaved and treated Ms. Malone well he would hardly be out of line for requesting a white list immediately after his encounter.  

The thing we do not know is whether or not Madison asked this guy why he hasn't submitted the agreed upon review, and if she has, we do not know his response.  Writing a review is hardly difficult, if this guy is holding out then there is likely a reason. It would be interesting to know his perspective.

At the end of the day the guy could very well be the cheap bastard that you believe him to be, however he may also simply be a clueless oaf, or even possibly a really nice guy.  We shouldn't be so quick to judge.

However, if consideration is exchanged in expectation for a service, then shouldn't there be the expectation of delivery of said services?  

I'm willing to bet a burrito that if the guy asked her to do something like submit a white listing or a provide a reference for him long after the fact, she'd ask "where's my review?".   That's just my impression considering my interactions with Miss Malone and the type of person I believe her to be.  And I'll freely admit to my strong bias towards her.  

At the end of the day, ya know there are three sides to every story, and rarely will anyone ever know them all

Sorry to hear about that, Maddy.

I'm off to Chipotle now because I have a craving for burritos.

UnderCoverLover1985 reads

Sounds to me like it's a way to manipulate your review scores.  If you are giving discounts to guys who agree to review you, it seems to me the guys will feel pressured/obligated to give you a good one.

Suppose you didn't live up to this guy's expectations and he wrote a lackluster honest review.  I bet you would be on this board bitching even louder.

In other words, you are fundamentally giving guys discounts in exchange for  reviews and they think they owe you something.  So,  the bottom line is... By doing this you are getting inflated reviews / review scores.

Not cool at all and not fair to the other ladies who get honest reviews by clients who feel no pressure/obligation/indebtedness are free to write whatever they want in their review and be honest.

SMH, and I'm sure there was some type of agreement involved in this "review special" involving what scores could be used.

Your entire review profile is questionable to me now.

Giving someone a discount and then browbeating the guy to write you a review (which of course, I am sure you made clear the scores couldn't be lower than 9's or 10's.

How does TER even allow this type of unfair review manipulation?  


I couldn't agree more. Reviews are not something that should be manipulated by specials or other factors outside how the apt went.  

That makes this whole thing dishonest and not genuine.  I have never asked for a review or expected one only been pleasantly surprised by nice ones. Less than perfect I try and look at what could have been better.  

The only complaint I have is fake reviews that you are unable to get removed. I have one bad one from an enemy of a old girlfriend whom ter won't remove even though he never saw me.

The only better and more fair thing we should have is ability to review clients.  

Keeping it REAL  

xo xo

I assure you, and anyone who has met me can attest to the fact that I thoroughly enjoy my work and I EARN my reviews.

The discount is merely offered to drum up MORE business and, YES, MORE NEW reviews...this keeps me on the first two or so pages of the new reviews...keeping me fresh on more fellas minds...and it helps with prebooking my tours because the gents researching me have fresh up to date reviews to read telling them my looks/performance are remaining consistent.

Geez...some of you gents see the worst in us...some of us ladies are honest, warm, genuine, AND freaky too!

Personally this makes perfect sense to me and I see nothing wrong with offering a discount with the understanding that an honest review will be submitted afterwards.  As a customer I see this as beneficial in two primary areas, 1) I am saving $$ and 2) you know I am writing a review so you have even more incentive to provide top level service.

on the honest,warm,genuine and freaky.  I would add gorgeous and delicious

Ever see an advertisement from a car dealer?
Call it what you want: construction sale, moving sale, this sale, that sale, summer sale, winter sale....

With all the crap that LE has been pulling, business might be off a bit.  So when sales are off, what does a business do? Let's run an ad!

It isn't blackmail, coercion, etc.  If the ad says I'll give you a deal off standard rates if you write a review, then there is an expectation that goes with it.    If I called her and said "sure, I'll take the deal and promise to write a review.", and didn't, then I'm full of crap.

"Your entire review profile is questionable to me now. "    Bullfckingshit".  
Hot, sexy, classy, beautiful, intelligent, fun, classy, amazing, intense.  Maddie is a such a wonder to be around.  

OK, there's $0.05 I'm throwing in.

...would write shit like that. You concoct a plausible scenario in which Maddy could use a review special (which, BTW, are widely used by countless Providers across Hobbyland) to manipulate the reviews she receives to be only positive reviews, but you provide no evidence that she has done this. Then you project that since you've convinced yourself that she's used a Review Special to her evil advantage, ALL of her stellar reviews are now suspect. Really? You're a pretty deep thinker, huh. pffft! You're a sad, jealous rival, apparently.

OTOH, if you're really a Hobbyist, you really have a severely pathetic hobbying network. I get PMs from other guys telling me I've really got to see Maddy 'cuz she's off the charts. i talk to other local Providers about their favorite Providers they enjoy working with and they tell me that I've really got to see Maddy, you'll have a great time. I highly doubt that Maddy's stellar reviews are undeserved. And for those who've 'Like'd your post...I bet they wish there was an option to remove a 'Like' once given. You're full of shit

ah yes, i do miss the civility of LA.  thanks so much

Posted By: Drumsticks
...would write shit like that. You concoct a plausible scenario in which Maddy could use a review special (which, BTW, are widely used by countless Providers across Hobbyland) to manipulate the reviews she receives to be only positive reviews, but you provide no evidence that she has done this. Then you project that since you've convinced yourself that she's used a Review Special to her evil advantage, ALL of her stellar reviews are now suspect. Really? You're a pretty deep thinker, huh. pffft! You're a sad, jealous rival, apparently.  
 OTOH, if you're really a Hobbyist, you really have a severely pathetic hobbying network. I get PMs from other guys telling me I've really got to see Maddy 'cuz she's off the charts. i talk to other local Providers about their favorite Providers they enjoy working with and they tell me that I've really got to see Maddy, you'll have a great time. I highly doubt that Maddy's stellar reviews are undeserved. And for those who've 'Like'd your post...I bet they wish there was an option to remove a 'Like' once given. You're full of shit.    

alexagrey687 reads

Who the heck are you to even bring her previous reviews into question? So, she gives out a review special? There's so many girls on TER who have flat out FAKE REVIEWS of appointments that never took place and it's a huge deal because she's giving guys an incentive to review on an appointment that did take place? And if Maddy is as great of a provider as I've heard, these guys were bound to review anyways... If you look through the discussion board, all I ever see is Maddy this...Maddy that, if you want a girl who will really take care of you go see Maddy.....she's definitely NOT the type of provider who needs to make people feel obligated to write reviews on her.

Leave her alone. It's HER choice to do review specials - SOOOO...if it bothers YOU then the simple solution here would be to NOT see her so you don't, in return, feel obligated to write a review that is anything less than good

Integrity is often defined as: ' Saying what you will do and doing what you say'
So the person who said he'd write a review and did not lacks Integrity.
I see that person's behavior less as a matter of bad manners and more a matter of lack of character.  

Maddy's creation of a 'Reviewer's Special' is perfectly legitimate.  She is not establishiing that a positive review be the quid pro quo for a discounted rate - that would be a bribe and wrong. She is simply encouraging reviews (positive or not positive) and paying (in terms of her lost income) for these reviews.  My business (over 2000 employees in a consulting/service field) pays  customers to review us in public forums.  This is one way that we improve and grow our business.  Confident businesses who recognize the value of publicly reported feedback, do this all the time.  

  Maddy is a business person who iis doing something good business's do.  Like all good businesses, she simply wants clients with Integrity.   She has every right to decry bad clients.  In doing this, she is following a principle taught at the Harvard Business School : the "No Asshole Rule".  

For the business geeks folks out there -  It is worth looking up the Harvard Business Review article, 'The No Asshole  
Rule.'   A summary can be found on Wikipedia as well.

Maddy did you go to Harvard ?  

-- Modified on 8/1/2014 1:56:07 PM

I always thought it seemed weird to offer a review special when you can not make sure anyone will follow through.

Faith...and in my experience, most every gent who has taken advantage of the offer has followed through, because I do my absolute best to leave them wanting to come back for more!

I must ad...the review special he utilized was months ago. He has attempted to see me again (only when I am offering a discounted rate) on two separate occasions. Also, he has requested whitelist twice.

He doesn't offer a reason why not, he just goes dark and disappears after I inquire about my missing review. Then a month later if I offer a discount, he pops up again.

It is silly.


Take a look at my comment above (Urushiol).  I solve stuff like this for a very good living.  

The Harvard Business School (and my firm)  would suggest that you fire any customer who does not act in a way conducive to your business.  Specifically, you would fire a client who does not follow through on mutually agreed obligations. This means holding client accountable to more than just paying you money for the service you provide.  Good businesses establish standards that their customers must meet in order to earn the privilege of paying them money and attaining the benefit of the services of that business.  Obviously,  setting unreasonable standards can hurt the volume of business.  But reasonable standards actually increase the volume of good business. But setting reasonable standards and doing the things at the end of this post will grow the value of the business.  

  A good simple example:  A well-managed fancy restaurant insists that people be dressed well in order to buy dinner from them.    This will encourage the business they want.  The business will do well.  A badly-managed fancy restaurant would simply insist that people pay their bill after eating.  They won't do well.  The reason, they won't is a lack of standards imposed on their customers.   No one wants to eat a fancy dinner surrounded by slobs.  

So, to ensure that customers write a review after agreeing to do so and accepting a discount:  
 - Set reasonable expectations of your customers ( Integrity - insisting that your clients say what they will do and then doing what they say - is very reasonable)  You say to the client, I will give you a discount if you will write a review.  The client agrees.  

- Ensure that your standards are clearly known (this is why good companies have mission, vision, values statements published, posted, and central to their marketing efforts)  

- Fire/ close to  clients who don't meet those standards.  This is where most businesses fail to follow this guidance.  They fear the loss and can't push themselves/ trust that the gains are greater than the loss.  They resort to simply accepting money for services - which is an inevitable downward spiral in standards, client base, and profits. In my experience, many businesses believe without evidence that there is something unique about their market.  That 'their market/ field/niche won't allow them to do this.  Universally, they are wrong.  All markets are the same - from casinos to healthcare systems to oil.  All service industries should follow this principle.  

- Enforce those standards absolutely with yourself and your employees.  If you don't, your business will fail.   If you insist that your clients have Integrity, you and your employees must have absolute Integrity.  Many businesses fail because they let their own standards fail- bosses fail to be the boss.  If you are your own boss - then you must be very disciplined to follow standards.  Clients will spot hypocrisy and move dollars away from hypocrisy quickly.  

So that is how to do it.  


-- Modified on 8/1/2014 2:23:24 PM

-- Modified on 8/1/2014 3:38:15 PM

I think that you will find that the majority of people who say they will write a review do. If they don't then don't see them again or let the other ladies know in the ladies forum. There is no real upside not to   This is just to small a community    This is all assuming that you have checked references first.

Posted By: Madame Patricia
I always thought it seemed weird to offer a review special when you can not make sure anyone will follow through.  

bigguy30766 reads

If a provider knows how to make the date enjoyable. The reviews will come, without even asking for them.  
So no one should be force to write a review.  It should come naturally wanting to do it, after a date.

Also if the customers are not coming to visit that much. Then maybe changing your deals up are the answer ladies. It's just to many choices, in this hobby.  We all love deals, no matter in this hobby or our personal lives.  

I know we have many top rated providers, in this area and this is not directed at one person either.  It's just something for everybody to think about, in the future.

...she already made a strong case earlier in this thread why she, even tho she already has many strong recent reviews,  wants to encourage more new reviews. As Hobbyists, it's not our role to analyze and critique why a specific Provider should or shouldn't offer this type of special. If a separate thread about this general topic should originate on the board, that would be an appropriate to state your opinions but advising a Provider on how you feel she should run her business is tasteless.

bigguy30676 reads

If she is not getting the business she wants, then she should look for ways to change things up.    
So what's wrong with implying that, to her or any other provider in general?  I was just trying to be helpful.
Also she was the one, that started this topic and I commented on it.

I know people want to take sides on this, but if something is not working. Just make changes and move on.
Drumsticks we can agree to disagree on this one

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