
Thought I was the only one
Canmandoo 12 Reviews 1223 reads

Wish this post happened a few months earlier. I wasn't going to mention (don't want the online embarrassment or persecution), however, fellow clients should be aware of the risks here - the benefits are obvious and well documented.  

After a good first meeting and some ongoing solicitation, I booked a travel date. Planned a great trip, made/paid for airfare (extra to see family out east), and dropped a four figure deposit weeks early. Doubts were always calmed. Early notification of change required was clearly understood. Rec'd the cancellation text on my way to the airport. Claimed sickness but saw reservations were changed to see her boyfriend the next day. Compensation was offered but no action. A professional would have made a refund or used the paid airfare to reschedule the date immediately.  

Great rankings or reviews do not mean you can't lose. An expensive lesson learned. I take partial blame for being so stupid - I've become too trusting after previous positive encounter with others (who never asked for a deposit after I've spent time with them).  

Roll the dice if you want....

I had a highly rated provider ask for prepayment. I hesitated, but given her reputation and reviews I decided to pay. Well guess what, she canceled or no showed for more appointments than I can count over the last 4 months. I can't be the only one this has happened to. Any one else out there? And where can you post that has happened for other members to know. Every time I bring it up here it gets taken down.

If any one want to know who provider was pm me.

youaresostupid1595 reads

And should be avoided like the plague.  Sadly, you will likely never see your money again.  I wouldn't have sex with her if it was a freebie, you never know what sh does with her tweaker pals.

Likeaglove1513 reads

I have heard many green dot  rip off stories about this provider. This Mean Montster MM has also done horrible things to 3 providers I personally know. She is definitely a druggie & very weathered in person. It's actually quite sad.  

Posted By: youaresostupid
And should be avoided like the plague.  Sadly, you will likely never see your money again.  I wouldn't have sex with her if it was a freebie, you never know what sh does with her tweaker pals.

Not so sure about that. She seems to be into health and fitness. Works out regularly. Is still seeing clients and still getting high reviews (assuming they aren't fake).

Every time I put the name in the post gets taken down. PM me if you want to know.

Posted By: youaresostupid
And should be avoided like the plague.  Sadly, you will likely never see your money again.  I wouldn't have sex with her if it was a freebie, you never know what sh does with her tweaker pals.
I really have no dog in this hunt but this is stupid.  Here we have a alias using a alias making disparaging remarks and then two other alias's using alias to back up the first one claims.  This carries no weight with me.  If you can't use your real alias then it reaks of a Provider bashing to me from another Provider.  Whatever the issues between Playzwell and the Provider in question are needs to be solved between them.  Character assination should have no place on this site.  So for those that claim they know all about this Provider why not use your real alias so all can see and determine if you statements carry any credibility?

I know who you're talking about.  I along with 2 other guys that I know had prepays with her also and had no issues getting set-up with her.  Actually I did have a tiny bit of trouble but it was due to my schedule and she was actually very accommodating and worked with me on it.  I can't say anything bad about her service.

And to the drug accusations, she's not a tweaker.  That's just a false claim.  She's pretty damn healthy and a workout nut.  If you ever do see her she had body building competition pictures of her around her place.  Still feminine though so don't be scared by that.  She's not one of the body building women that look like Schwarzenegger in his prime. :)

youaresostupid1723 reads

Perhaps at one time she didn't have a drug problem, however she most assuredly has one now.  Keep seeing her, that is your prerogative.   I wouldn't trust her with my personal information and I definitely wouldn't consider being intimate with her, it's just not worth the risk.

bigguy301344 reads

So she can be avoided at all cost.

Some people may not know who you are talking about either.

This broad is here to help people with information!

Posted By: playzwell
I had a highly rated provider ask for prepayment. I hesitated, but given her reputation and reviews I decided to pay. Well guess what, she canceled or no showed for more appointments than I can count over the last 4 months. I can't be the only one this has happened to. Any one else out there? And where can you post that has happened for other members to know. Every time I bring it up here it gets taken down.  
 If any one want to know who provider was pm me.

I have offered to see Playzwell numerous times.  Yes, he is correct I have had to cancel with him on more than one occasion.  However, he will only give me one time I can see him.  Monday morning around 9-11 am. No other day works for him and request for something later in the day on Monday have not worked either.  

Second, I am not a drug addict! I challange these alias's that hide their true TER handle to put their real one up and let's see how many are providers who don't like me, or are jealous.  I also challange TER to flip their alias to their true identity so all can see just who it is.  The only real handle on this thread is Playzwell.  

Every person I did prepay's with has been seen with the exception of Playzwell.  Give me a time other than Monday morning at 10am or some flexibility and he will be seen. The other gents who were understanding, patient and flexible NOT ONLY received their credited time (which was significantly reduced I might add!!) enjoyed either 30 or 60 additional minutes of my time GRATIS for being understanding and reasonable. This can be verified by gents who will not hide behind a fake handle but will post from their true handle to confirm that I not only gave them a full credit for the discounted monies paid but went a step further in giving them some additional time as a genuine apology.

I offered him his money back and I offered extra time on top of his regular time at no charge.   Each time I cancelled with him I ask him to give me another day and time I could see him.  Can only do Monday at 10am is his answer.

Frankly, I'm tired of the bashing as I am a good person and a great Provider as evidenced by my Reviews.  So all you haters can go you know where.

You said you did cancel on your client on MORE than one occasion, and you have his money.  That is a big problem, he has a legitimate complaint about you that is worthy of being posted here because of what you did.

You were paid up front and you did breach the contract.  He is entitled to a refund just for that, or alternately, both of you could agree to another meeting time instead, presumably one where you don't cancel on him again.

But this rescheduling is obviously never going to happen, since you say you are not available during the only times he is available, and you have to understand, this is a situation you caused in the first place.  Your counter-offer to see him another time and to give extra time for the inconvenience was made in good faith, but it not accepted by your client, since he can't see you during those times anyway.  So you still have the burden of making this right, it is still on you, not the client, as of now, the only way there is to resolve this is to give him his money back, presumably with an apology for the inconvenience you caused by canceling on him repeatedly.  Don't ask him if he wants his money back, just give it back immediately.  

After which time, Playzwell should say on this forum that you resolved this the proper way.  Then he can go see someone else on the hours where he is available, where you are not available.

That is how you need to resolve this.  Don't make me call 3 On Your Side.

GaryHarper1200 reads

Posted By: maxwell44
You said you did cancel on your client on MORE than one occasion, and you have his money.  That is a big problem, he has a legitimate complaint about you that is worthy of being posted here because of what you did.  
 You were paid up front and you did breach the contract.  He is entitled to a refund just for that, or alternately, both of you could agree to another meeting time instead, presumably one where you don't cancel on him again.  
 But this rescheduling is obviously never going to happen, since you say you are not available during the only times he is available, and you have to understand, this is a situation you caused in the first place.  Your counter-offer to see him another time and to give extra time for the inconvenience was made in good faith, but it not accepted by your client, since he can't see you during those times anyway.  So you still have the burden of making this right, it is still on you, not the client, as of now, the only way there is to resolve this is to give him his money back, presumably with an apology for the inconvenience you caused by canceling on him repeatedly.  Don't ask him if he wants his money back, just give it back immediately.  
 After which time, Playzwell should say on this forum that you resolved this the proper way.  Then he can go see someone else on the hours where he is available, where you are not available.  
 That is how you need to resolve this.  Don't make me call 3 On Your Side.
Which side am I on?

Investigate and get back to us stat!  

I can't believe no one got the joke. Thanks Gary!

Posted By: GaryHarper
Posted By: maxwell44
You said you did cancel on your client on MORE than one occasion, and you have his money.  That is a big problem, he has a legitimate complaint about you that is worthy of being posted here because of what you did.  
  You were paid up front and you did breach the contract.  He is entitled to a refund just for that, or alternately, both of you could agree to another meeting time instead, presumably one where you don't cancel on him again.  
  But this rescheduling is obviously never going to happen, since you say you are not available during the only times he is available, and you have to understand, this is a situation you caused in the first place.  Your counter-offer to see him another time and to give extra time for the inconvenience was made in good faith, but it not accepted by your client, since he can't see you during those times anyway.  So you still have the burden of making this right, it is still on you, not the client, as of now, the only way there is to resolve this is to give him his money back, presumably with an apology for the inconvenience you caused by canceling on him repeatedly.  Don't ask him if he wants his money back, just give it back immediately.    
  After which time, Playzwell should say on this forum that you resolved this the proper way.  Then he can go see someone else on the hours where he is available, where you are not available.  
  That is how you need to resolve this.  Don't make me call 3 On Your Side.
 Which side am I on?

Pretty much my sentiment maxwell44. Madison it has been since the middle of October. You failed to mention you canceled on at least one Sunday appointment. Another Monday you cancelled on me because you said you were pawning your boyfriend's guns. Seems like you could of taken care of that AFTER we met. It has gone on far to long. If you want to make it right, return the money. Getting together at this point would be awkward and not enjoyable.

Also you mentioned that you offered to return the money. You didn't offer, you flat out said I would have the money back by said date.That day came and went without a peep from you. I had to contact you to which I was given more excuses. So don't try to skew the facts Madison.

youaresostupid1108 reads

No axe to grind Here Madison, this is simply karma catching up to you.  You cannot go through life conducting business in the manner you have been doing lately and not feel the repercussions.  You cannot "party like a rock star" and expect it to be your little secret.  I sincerely hope you receive the help you clearly need and get your life in order.  You were once on top of your game, I am sure you can be again once you make some important life changes.

You agree to his time, take his money, cancel and then blame him because that's the only time he can come and see you. Am I the only one who thinks someone needs help????

There are so many quality girls out there that don't ask for prepayment. Why would anybody even consider it?

Totally agree --- learn to manage your money, and never ask for prepayment.  To many of my hobby friends are owed soooooo many sessions that never come to fruition from some gals.  Its a total pet peeve of mine.  Irritates me to no end.  At the end of the day this is still a business, and should be treated as such.  

Sorry -- back to my polite, everyones friend self.

Hugs all!!

Posted By: balljointnut
There are so many quality girls out there that don't ask for prepayment. Why would anybody even consider it?

I have helped out a few ladies and I did so by making the offer with no expectations I probably crossed the line between business and friendship I do trust those providers will come through for me when I may be short. However they all have been in my life for sometime and would not advance to anyone that I have not met.

While I have never seen the provider you are referring to she's been on my list for a long time and I've seen her on this board and reviewed for quite a while.  I am not discounting that appointments have been cancelled but the rest of it I am simply having a tough time believing given her stellar reputation, frequent interaction with other clients on the board that clearly like her and your use of an alias.  Sounds to me more like sour grapes trying to destroy someone's reputation because you are pissed off.

Wish this post happened a few months earlier. I wasn't going to mention (don't want the online embarrassment or persecution), however, fellow clients should be aware of the risks here - the benefits are obvious and well documented.  

After a good first meeting and some ongoing solicitation, I booked a travel date. Planned a great trip, made/paid for airfare (extra to see family out east), and dropped a four figure deposit weeks early. Doubts were always calmed. Early notification of change required was clearly understood. Rec'd the cancellation text on my way to the airport. Claimed sickness but saw reservations were changed to see her boyfriend the next day. Compensation was offered but no action. A professional would have made a refund or used the paid airfare to reschedule the date immediately.  

Great rankings or reviews do not mean you can't lose. An expensive lesson learned. I take partial blame for being so stupid - I've become too trusting after previous positive encounter with others (who never asked for a deposit after I've spent time with them).  

Roll the dice if you want....

I rebooked flight in the hopes I would make it East for Christmas with my fiancé' family but ultimately was too sick to even go. He went to Philly without me and I was home alone for the holidays.

The last time I spoke to you I assured you that you have a credit with me for the entire deposit amount. I offered you more than one option. I offered to do a 24 hr date for the 12 hr donation amount which would have meant you owed only for the balance of original appointment OR I would give you a 6 hr appointment (thus requiring no additional out of pocket expense for you)

Since that phone conversation you have not been back in touch to try to rebook appointment. You stated that you would get in touch if you wanted me to meet you while traveling again as was the original plan and I agreed to email you in advance of my next trip to your home city if we hadn't yet managed to hook up.

I still intend to visit your home state again once it gets a bit warmer and have every intention of honoring the entire deposit. Your post here does not change/affect in any way my intention and desire to see you again to square things up. We had an incredibly lovely time and I was (am still) looking forward to round 2!

I thoroughly enjoyed our time together last time...probably one of my top three dates all of last year. I really hope to see you again.


Email me a request to meet you anywhere and I will hop on a plane (covering my own airfare at this point of course). If that doesn't happen before my next trip to your home city, I intend to email you in advance of my trip to

In your post entitled  
"It is apparent that someone does have an axe to grind so let's set some things straight...."  

you wrote, and I quote:
"Every person I did prepay's with has been seen with the exception of Playzwell."

But evidently you also took money from Canmandoo, you canceled on him, and you never saw him either.

It seems to me that you have not been entirely truthful on these boards.

I was referring to the gentleman who specifically took advantage of the discounted rate I offered for local gents to extend the summer discounts when I was no longer offering them.

Canmandoo was a private booking extended date. He was not offered a prepayment for a lower rate...he was just charged the mostly industry wide policy of 50% deposit for dates 4+ hours in length.

Aren't we just splitting hairs at this point?

You deserve credit for the diligence and civility of your responses. I still feel burned but strangely I now feel bad about saying something about it in this crazy thread. Not willing to risk another travel date, but maybe the debt will be repaid someday in one of our hometowns. Your service is wonderful but business practices can be suspect.

bigguy301231 reads

Just try and stay away from giving deposits in this hobby

I am surprised this thread took this long to make it up here on the board.. I have heard this from several guys and think that all that can be done now is return all deposits! After 4 months geezzzz,it's time to move on. Pay this  man back and I will deliver same day service ,no problem.

Posted By: bigguy30
Just try and stay away from giving deposits in this hobby!  
-- Modified on 3/1/2015 3:10:20 PM

I saw Madison a while back but never got around to writing a review.    She is gorgeous, sweet, highly erotic, and went out of her way to make sure I was pleased.   I do hope to see her again.  No way she is a drug user!  She's much into fitness and nutrition.

Love ya Madison!  Don't let the fools get you down!  xoxo

Thank you so much sweetie. I know the truth, my reviews tell the truth, and it feels wonderful to receive some kind words amidst all this hatred.

Posted By: paco1980
I saw Madison a while back but never got around to writing a review.    She is gorgeous, sweet, highly erotic, and went out of her way to make sure I was pleased.   I do hope to see her again.  No way she is a drug user!  She's much into fitness and nutrition.  
 Love ya Madison!  Don't let the fools get you down!  xoxo


I would have happily returned his deposit were that what he asked of me...

After bashing me on another board this same way, I asked the board moderator to give him my personal cell number because I had turned my work phone off when I got engaged and I did not have his contact info. (I don't save contacts until after a successful date.

When he got in touch (easily over two weeks later) I offered him EITHER return of money OR I offered an additional 1 1/2 hrs FREE to turn the 90 min appt he paid for into a 3 hr. He decided he wanted the longer appointment.

The final time we put something on the calendar, I had a job interview the week prior and was hired. I had to begin 16 weeks of training  the following Monday. I asked if he could do later in the day Monday and he could not. I believe I informed him of the new obligation the Thursday or Friday preceding our appt. I gave him over three days notice of my need to reschedule and he again could not do any other day/time that week and he stated that the following Monday didn't work because of another obligation. I told him to just let me know and he HAS NOT called/texted/emailed since.

I just paid security deposit and incurred moving expenses the past two weeks....but I have work on the calendar all week and if he reaches out to me with instructions how to get the money to him I WILL GLADLY RETURN HIS DEPOSIT.

At this point he has been ridiculously rude and impossible to schedule due to his scheduling limitations

That provider assaulted someone in my home so I asked her to leave. I have no ill will towards her, I just could not condone taking a heated debate to a physical level.

I wish all the ladies in this business health and wealth. Some friendships are designed to last and others are not. I have not spoken a single negative word about her to anyone, I just let the friendship die a peaceful, natural death

Posted By: foxy kay
I am surprised this thread took this long to make it up here on the board.. I have heard this from several guys and think that all that can be done now is return all deposits! After 4 months geezzzz,it's time to move on. Pay this  man back and I will deliver same day service ,no problem.  
Posted By: bigguy30
Just try and stay away from giving deposits in this hobby!  
-- Modified on 3/1/2015 3:10:20 PM
With it being winter months with lots of snowbirds and people in for spring training, I have to assume a provider with decent reviews and sufficient advertising should be plenty busy.  I would think that the best solution is to just pay back any deposits, pre-pays, or whatever it is called.  After this much time,  effort, frustration....there is no way in hell the hobbyist is going to enjoy himself no matter how much additional time you give him IMHO

Posted By: MadisonMalone
Instructions on how to get him the funds.  
I would think Western Union would be the easiest and most anonymous way.  I hope this comes to pass so you both can put it to rest.

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 5:39:39 PM

Time for instructions from playzwell as the day closes. This is the same thing that happened the last time I offered to pay him back that he says I never followed through with. I have no way to send him money without some instructions from him as to the  delivery method he prefers.

The last time you said you were going to pay me back you said you needed an email address. I thought that strange since you had emailed me before.

I take discretion very seriously. I delete ranything that is not pending confirmation almost daily from my email and I delete permanently (from my deleted items folder) at least once a week.I try to save as little identifying info as possible as that is the best practice for my clients. If you would like to provide me privately with some method to square up with you I will happily do so tomorrow or Wednesday (I just need to get to the bank and not sure I have time tomorrow). My only request is that you post a response to your original post clearly (in the subject line ideally) that I made right on the deposit debacle.

I do want to say thank you for not involving yourself in any of the other false drug habit accusations as they are completely false and devastatingly slanderous.

Please be in touch tomorrow as early as possible with whatever means you would like me to get you back funds and I will do my best to fit it in my day. Email and phone numbers are the same.



Before some body gets their felling's hurt if it hasn't happen already.

But first I'll add my 2 cents. I've met Madison at many M&Gs and social events and have never see her drinking or using drugs of any kind. I was going to pre pay to see her till I had some personal problems to take of.  Hopefully I will get that chance to see her one of these days.

False claims that I am a drug addict are slanderous and I will be consulting a libel/slander attorney because this is officially affecting my bottom line...

Thank you for being one of the rare few to speak up in my defense. It means a lot


I agree with 85003. Have met Madison, but never the pleasure in private. Always professional. All this is drama. Isn't this a provider board? Not a soap opera board! If you have an issue plz deal with it in private and quit stating false facts.

I am among the lucky guys who have spent time with Maddy. During my time I found her to be a very healthy, beautiful, woman who provided an exceptional experience.

Posted By: tt85003
Before some body gets their felling's hurt if it hasn't happen already.  
 But first I'll add my 2 cents. I've met Madison at many M&Gs and social events and have never see her drinking or using drugs of any kind. I was going to pre pay to see her till I had some personal problems to take of.  Hopefully I will get that chance to see her one of these days.

I could not say enough nice things about Miss Maddie.  She's kind, sweet, and a total health nut! (not a negative).

Obviously there are three sides to every discussion, and while I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm more likely to put a bit more credence in a) someone I've met and have an A#1 opinion on; b) uses their real handle in this forum; versus an anonymous name in a hit piece.  

There are only two people here that REALLY are in possession of any direct knowledge of what truly went down, IMHO.  Anything else is pure speculation and hearsay from the rest of us...  

If she was to run another discount time prepay service, I would not hesitate in taking advantage of that future option.

bigguy30958 reads

Some people are for Madison and others are against her.

So let's see if the two parties involved can settle this thing soon.

Then all comments will be answered either way!

I still say deposits is not always a good thing for either party

I believe the deposit that Madison was running also included $50 off the session if I remember right.  Sounded like a good deal at the time to some hobbyists.  Just a simple special good till a certain date is the best way to go for both parties.  This was done to minimize NCNS by hobbyists, I think.

Posted By: bigguy30
Some people are for Madison and others are against her.  
 So let's see if the two parties involved can settle this thing soon.  
 Then all comments will be answered either way!  
 I still say deposits is not always a good thing for either party.  
-- Modified on 3/2/2015 3:39:10 PM

bigguy30955 reads

Posted By: Buddy2012
I believe the deposit that Madison was running also included $50 off the session if I remember right.  Sounded like a good deal at the time to some hobbyists.  Just a simple special good till a certain date is the best way to go for both parties.  This was done to minimize NCNS by hobbyists, I think.  
Posted By: bigguy30
Some people are for Madison and others are against her.  
  So let's see if the two parties involved can settle this thing soon.  
  Then all comments will be answered either way!  
  I still say deposits is not always a good thing for either party.  
-- Modified on 3/2/2015 3:39:10 PM

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