
That reminds me of when I first started "manscaping"
GaGambler 96 reads

It was at the request of a civvie GF who gave the greatest blowjobs so anything to keep the blowjobs coming was just fine with me. She was the one who first "trimmed" me with a pair of scissors and I guarantee you, every fight we had ever had flashed through my mind as she got those sharp scissors closer and closer to my junk. lol

And yes, the line was "rifle" but weapon has been used by others in it's place and since Hotricks was talking mainly about handguns, I took a little "poetic license" and used weapon. lol

Ironically, I used to have both a Super Ruger 44 Magnum and the basically same model in a 357 Magnum, I actually found the 44 an easier weapon to shoot, but the 11 inch barrel might have had something to do with it. It's the only pistol I have ever owned that I could hit even the broad side of a barn at a hundred yards, but like I said that 11 inch barrel made a BIG difference.

And not just the kind that shoots viscous fluids. LOL.
Serious inquiries only.

Would there be any interest in a M&G at the shooting range? Range time, guns and ammo(.22, .38/357 mag, 9mm, .40 S&W, .223/5.56, .308/7.62 & 7mm Rem mag.) provided by your host unless you prefer, or have,  your own to bring. Gun cleaning and care services can be provided after at no extra cost.

Followed by a/an (optional) 3-4 course dinner( your host is an accomplished chef), specially tailored to your palate and a full body hot oil massage(he's not too shabby in this department either) by yours truly. Then firing off the gun that shoots viscous fluid repeatedly (mandatory). : )

PM any serious inquiries. Experienced shooters preferred.
Beginners welcome, but no backing out at the range at the last minute.

-- Modified on 8/9/2017 12:12:32 PM

This is for fighting, and this is for fun" lol

and if you get any "spinners" to take you up on your offer, you might consider taking the 357 mag of the table. I remember not weighing much over a hundred pounds the first time I ever fired a 357 mag and I thought a damn cannon had gone off in my hand. I don't know if I could call the experience "fun" when I was that small.

The line was rifle. Not weapon. I never said I wasn't a putz. LoL

Good advice on the 357. I think I'd also leave the .44 at home. And anything auto, if she's brand new to this. Also, if you're going to hand a weapon to a provider, triple check the "envelope" that day. Haha.

It was at the request of a civvie GF who gave the greatest blowjobs so anything to keep the blowjobs coming was just fine with me. She was the one who first "trimmed" me with a pair of scissors and I guarantee you, every fight we had ever had flashed through my mind as she got those sharp scissors closer and closer to my junk. lol

And yes, the line was "rifle" but weapon has been used by others in it's place and since Hotricks was talking mainly about handguns, I took a little "poetic license" and used weapon. lol

Ironically, I used to have both a Super Ruger 44 Magnum and the basically same model in a 357 Magnum, I actually found the 44 an easier weapon to shoot, but the 11 inch barrel might have had something to do with it. It's the only pistol I have ever owned that I could hit even the broad side of a barn at a hundred yards, but like I said that 11 inch barrel made a BIG difference.

Yeah, scissors and scrotums should never be TOO intimately introduced. That's a lot of trust. HA

I just noticed Hotrix mentioned .40 S&W. I don't know what it is, but there's something between me and that firearm. Not that I'm any kind of gunslinger at all, but for some reason I have much better accuracy with that than any other semi-auto I've ever tried. Great gun.

I'm much more into hand to hand, or genital to genital combat.  
Now a good beating or flogging, that'll get me ears perked up.

Hey Mick, I realize you were replying to GaG, but just so you know calling me (and a lot of other people) a yankee is a good first step toward getting a personalized demonstration of said technology. LoL  

Don't get the wrong idea. I love genital to genital combat more than weapons too. As long as it's not a sword fight. LMAO.

 As to your trying to understand the fascination, I've included a link that should help you sort it out.

Considering where I am from and where I am right now. You are all from the north. Besides, the naming rights go to the winner of the war. Lol.  
So to us, you are all Yanks. Hahaha.  
(I didn't say Yankees)

People from the South as in "Southern United States"  call northerners "Yankees" not Yanks.  People like yourself from "down under" consider all Americans "Yanks" lol

Gambler, you and I, being from the South might take offense somewhat to being called a Yankee. Not that I would mind a Northern provider. She could definitely Yankee Me Wankee.  

Mick, how about us "Yanks" who aren't "completely" White? I have Asian blood in me. Although I'm more White on the inside but then again, I look Yellow on the outside. Would that make me a "Banana"? LOL

Fearghas, a .40 S&W( short for Smith & Wesson)is a caliber. For which I have a Glock22 as well as a Springfield XDm for. These are my SHTF sidearms.

But, I might be accused of being a bigot, but never a racist.  
I might be intolerant of ideas but never genetic background.  
So, you are all Yanks. Some offensive Aussies will call you  Seppo. Look that one up yer self.  

I'll be happy to be back in Phoenix next week. I miss my favorite Phoenix ladies.

Thanks for the PM's ladies. I do have a couple other applicants for the encounter however I think I have the first candidate already picked out. That's not to say that PM'ing me would not result in a response later. I wouldn't mind finding out if there are more like-minded ladies in the hobby interested in the activity. Just be patient and allow me to screen the applications and make the choices. Because even though I have plenty of firearms, I have but only one "gun" for fun and there's a limited number of loads I can discharge at any given point in time before a long reload time is required. I lost the "high capacity magazine" capability a while ago and am now reduced to a muzzle loaded, double barrel shotgun. It takes me a while to reload after the 2nd shot. So it could take me a while to get to you. Please don't take offense if it takes me some time to reply.

Gentlemen, I do have a spinner(ooh yeeeahh boy, do I) who's accepted the invitation for an excursion to the range. I will be easing her into it. Warming up with the .22, then the 9mm, or .38 first before going the .357. Same with the rifles. Start off with the .22, then .223, to maybe the .308 but I highly doubt that she will be getting to put the 7mm mag up to her shoulder. Shit, that cannon hurts me if I shoot more than 10 rds. thru it. No muzzle brake to dampen recoil. I wind up having to make an appointment with the chiropractor for a neck adjustment if I get carried away firing off too many rounds.

No sense in dampening anyone's enthusiasm by using too big, too soon. Much like Greek, you gotta ease a novice into it. But the person I've been in contact with is familiar with firearms albeit, not as of late. Both pistol and rifle.  

She's in for a treat though. We've already discussed and are starting to plan the menu for the dinner. Works out a lot better for preparing culinary delights that she's not averse to and would be inclined to try. Having an impromptu "Iron Chef" style dinner can be a bit of a challenge with unfamiliar palates.  

GaGambler would remember the dinners I used to make for the TERmites in Atlanta for the M&G's. Those  dinner events were the talk of the town for days, back in the day. Wonder if those threads are still archived somewhere. I  remember getting accused of giving the ATL TERmites crabs once, as in Thai sweet 'n spicy glazed coconut CRABs. And Gambler bringing the single malts. Brings you back down memory lane doesn't it Gambler?

-- Modified on 8/10/2017 8:48:58 PM

I think ATL had more impromptu M&Gs than any other city in the country back then.

I am sure there are still plenty of threads about them, but with "NEW" TER, the "search message" function is a lot harder to use and some of those old threads are almost impossible to find.


Speaking of varying palates, I remember having a crawfish boil at my place about 10 years ago, I have to confess that I am not bashful in my use of Cayenne pepper and a few of the people with more delicate palates where taken aback a bit. Good thing I had about six sacks of crawfish and by not re-seasoning the water after the first couple of batches I managed to tone them down enough for even the wimpiest of palates. lol

Maybe you can revive the Atlanta tradition in Phoenix? I now live in Texas and I bet there are dozens of flights between Dallas and Phoenix every day.

They certainly were Gambler. But I don't think I have the time or the energy to start up any kind of an event such as what we did back in the day anymore. It takes a whole lot for me to plan, prep and cook for such an event. And then the aftermath, the cleanup. I'd have to get some class A pussy for my troubles for it to be worth it.  

Mmmm, spicy crawfish, and then spicy BCD action. Sounds like fun. Maybe not so much for the recipient of any DATY if any of the cayenne pepper is left on your lips and tongue though. It would be a "HOT" time either way, just the way I like it. LOL

On a side note, the first candidate for this event has been disqualified. Being bi-polar and unable to stick with a commitment was the reason. Our original plan was rudely cancelled after she changes her mind about the date because of the OTC time at the range. WTF? I was already shopping for the ingredients for the dinner. I then abandon my mission and head home. She takes her sweet time to then offer me a consolation date a half hour later.  Her offer, dinner and BCD action(2hrs.) without an outcall fee. Then I get snippy texts this AM about how much time she had invested in the whole affair talking to me. Tells me she's never been so insulted that there was no consideration for her time. What about my time?  

I was upfront with her early on about the range time being OTC(off the clock) to which she didn't decline. The time we spent on the phone building rapport was her choice, although she did have to get her phone turned on to do so. Agreeing to one thing then cancelling the original plan because they changed their mind is completely understandable. However, giving me shit for not wanting to go forward with the rest of the other activities is a little bit psycho, besides being unprofessional. She has the privilege to change her mind, but I'm disallowed the prerogative to accept or decline the changes she stipulates? WTF is wrong with this picture?  

Either way, I'm glad I didn't go thru with it. Handing a loaded firearm to someone so unstable and unpredictable? No thank you!! Having her over to my place, so she knows where to go off on me? HELL NO!  

SO TO ANY OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES!!! The range time is OFF THE CLOCK!!! The BCD activities is not! I throw in dinner and a massage to sweeten the pot. Just so there's no room for any misunderstanding. I supply the guns and the range time and shoulder the cost of ammunition. The BCD time is paid time. That's it! If that's not enough, please move on. Sheesh!!!

I wish there was a way to add BOLD, underline, fonts and color to these messages.

-- Modified on 8/11/2017 12:57:39 PM

-- Modified on 8/11/2017 1:10:41 PM

...I wish there was a way to add BOLD, underline, fonts and color to these messages.  
 -- Modified on 8/11/2017 12:57:39 PM

-- Modified on 8/11/2017 1:10:41 PM

There IS.

Is it still possible to have a safe meet greet?

I read all posts about issues. Seems like nobody can trust anyone be real so very few meet and greets. I think it would be fun just go have a dinner or even a "cook out" with small group who just want chat and laugh. No business, just fun and few drinks.  


...... unstable people.  
I enjoy, and am quite tolerant of quite a large variety of fetish activities.   But that one has a higher than average possibility of things that can go wrong.  
You Yanks and your gun lust. Hehehe  

Edited for grammar.

-- Modified on 8/11/2017 4:22:14 PM

You Aussies are such pacifists. I once dated a girl in LA who's a Kiwi, who got robbed by some bevan at gunpoint in Queensland. Took months of therapy at the gun range for her to get over her fear of firearms enough to teach her how to defend her own arse with one when necessary. The whole lot of her expat(mostly Aussie) friends were so against it. She packs a .380 pocket Glock these days. I'm so proud of her. EVEN THOUGH I HOPE SHE NEVER HAS TO USE IT. Better she have one and never need it, than to need it and not have one.

And no, it's not a fetish to me. I get NO sexual arousal from any of my guns whatsoever. Mine are for recreational, hunting and defense purposes only. Nothing like knocking down big to medium sized game for the table. Practice is what allows me to reliably make a humane harvest reliably. Ever try knocking down a deer or elk with a boomerang Mick? Doesn't work, never will. Hehehe!!!

Now I've also had girls tell me they've had orgasms firing a fully auto machine gun. Gives them a feeling of power and control is what I've been told. That kind of GUN LUST I'm all for. Never could confirm the veracity of their statements though. Bummer, I would have liked to have been there to see that.

And besides, you reside in the good 'ol US of A. The 2nd Amendment to our Constitution allows us to own, use, and ENJOY THE FUCK OUT OF the guns we have. Get used to it mate. :)

Still don't buy into the love of gun culture here.  

And I don't get the link you are making between a woman from New Zealand and someone from Australia?

-- Modified on 8/12/2017 2:28:15 AM

Love of gun culture? Thats a funny way to put it. My sister and I used to target corn cobs at my uncles farm when we were kids with a .22 rifle. I loved that. I used to hunt pheasants and other small game with my dad and we would go fishing every chance we got. I shot trap on a league with my dad, and guys from his shop when I was in high school. Guns are a form of sport, no different than any other. Its a challenge to shoot a clay target traveling at 60 miles an hour, or to hunt small game, or waterfowl and hit a moving target. Ducks have incredibly good vision and they are easy to miss even with your best efforts. I loved being in a duck blind with my dad and seeing the countryside, being out on the farmland and in the woods. Our family ate the rabbits and pheasants we shot. If someone we knew shot a deer during season, the meat was often shared.  

Fathers and sons have been hunting together since this country was founded and there are many competitive sports that involve the use of guns. There is nothing to "buy into". LOL. If you like to shoot and you like to hunt, or collect, it is a passion like any other that brings friends and family shooting, shooting on a league or hunting and sharing food. I guess if your only view of guns in America comes from Hollywood, or the nightly news, the "culture" is completely overlooked. To me, there is a big difference between a thug drug dealer with a stolen gun, or a psychopath who wants to hurt other people because he is depressed, or feels disenfranchised and a family target shooting on a farm, hunting, or shooting sporting clays. The two should no more be lumped together as a whole.

Posted By: micktoz
Re: Oh, I'm used to it. Been in the US 32 years.  
Still don't buy into the love of gun culture here.  
 And I don't get the link you are making between a woman from New Zealand and someone from Australia?  

-- Modified on 8/12/2017 2:28:15 AM

She was a Kiwi working in the Gold Coast when she was robbed. Came to the States on a work visa right after. Had a deathly aversion to firearms and wouldn't use one to defend herself with one if it meant saving her own ass. Until yours truly took the fear away and showed her that gun control is the ability to hit your target precisely. All her Aussie and Kiwi friends in LA were totally against the idea of her even going to the range to get over her fear of guns. Get it Mick?

Posted By: micktoz
Re: Oh, I'm used to it. Been in the US 32 years.  
Still don't buy into the love of gun culture here.  
 And I don't get the link you are making between a woman from New Zealand and someone from Australia?  

-- Modified on 8/12/2017 2:28:15 AM

There is absolutely nothing to "buy into" or not. Just like any other pass time, either it blows your skirt up or it doesn't.

^^^This is the link to the thread "accusing" me of giving the ATL crowd "CRABS" at a party. LOL

Working out our schedule and waiting for the day. She's already shown more than just a cursory interest in the activity and has done more to prove that she's worthy of consideration, by doing her own research into the type and origin of one particular rifle I own,  that she will have the privilege of firing the day of. Now that's what I call INTERESTED.  

And it blows up her skirt. I've been told already that just the sight of it makes her moisten. I can't wait until she gets some trigger time. Might cause a flash flood then.

SlavetoLust95 reads

I have been a range safety officer at an upscale shooting club.  When ladies came in with blouses/tops that displayed cleavage we would offer them a shirt to wear. Believe me, no lady wants  hot brass come flying down between her tits.  It could be fun for you to quickly jump in and dig it out, but it's going to hurt.  

I'm sure you've seen a few titty burns being an RSO. Trust me, I know. Having hot brass going down my back, under my collar was no fun either. Especially in full-auto mode. Thanks for the reminder though. My selected "candid"-date will be duly informed. Last thing I'd want is to have burns where I want unrestricted access for our mutual benefit. LOL.

-- Modified on 8/17/2017 12:50:45 PM

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