
Something to Considersad_smile
Angelina77 6603 reads

As a new provider I do my best to follow the rules. That usually means being very diligent about checking references. However, I can see where we can all slip from time to time. Many of us, myself included rely heavily upon our own intuition, but at times that can lead us into a compromising situation.

When we first get our drivers license we tend to very conscientious about following the rules.  Hands on ten and two, obeying the speed limit, and not blasting our radios.  As we get more experienced we talk on our cellular phones while speeding and blazing in and out of traffic.  A false sense of security comes over us because we have driven over and over again, we are comfortable with it.

My point to all of this is please ladies be careful! I have been reading posts from other cities (Atlanta and Chicago) where two providers were murdered.  I am not sure if it was related to the profession but it does make us stop and think about what we can do to prevent this from happening again. My heart goes out to the family and friends of the victims.

I don't want to read of this tragedy in Phoenix or anywhere.

Stay Safe.


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