
Survey of Providers and Hobbyists: What are your definitions for No Rush and Clock Watcher?
WonderingNewbie 14271 reads

Please identify yourself as I Provider or Hobbyist (use an alias if you feel the need) and give your definitions of a "No Rush" experience and also what constitutes a "Clock Watcher". Hopefully, Providers and Hobbyists have close to the same definitions.

I'll start off with my take on the 2 terms with the caveat that I'm a hobbyist and a newbie and could be completely off base.

"No Rush" experience: You don't think of the time but leave within 5-10 minutes before or after your scheduled end time feeling very satisfied and feeling the provider wasn't in a hurry for you to leave.

"Clock Watcher": The Provider isn't interested in you (or give the appearance of being interested in you). Seems to be only interested in getting through the alloted time. Makes it very clear when time is up and expects you to leave.

I do not look at it in mumber of minutes but rather in the way I am treated and the way the provider makes me feel. When you spend time with a quality person the session will always seem to short but is usually longer than the time booked! Also what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.  Most of the time people will respond well to courtesy, respect, and and a genuine interest. Women are usually a lot more social then men and may like  the non business time.

I am a provider and I enjoy what I do and always try to convey that to my clients through the way that I care for them. When a client is courteous, respectful and genuinely interested as modprod said, I am too busy trying to make his experience the best it can be to worry about watching the clock. All of my clients know that I enjoy 'a long, slow torture' ...there is no rush with me.

If you find yourself with someone who is more concerned with the time than what she is doing then you have found someone who's heart isn't in what she's doing...she's just ALL about 'the money' and the sooner she is done with you the sooner she can get into the next one's wallet. The only reasons that a provider needs to be concerned about the time is if she has an appointment coming or your session has gone way beyond it's length ;o)

love machine12730 reads

some providers are clock watchers and hold genuine contempt for hobbyists.  other providers are "professional" - in other words, if you are having a great time chatting, they will give you subtle hints that its time to go (which a good hobbyist should listen to).  a very small number of providers will actually not watch the clock at all because they know you are a regular and they know you would never advertise on a discussion board or review "hey, you get two hours for the price of one".  i would simply point out to a new hobbyist (such as yourself) that a good business relationship with a provider grows out of seeing a provider a number of times and coming to a fair balance of expectations.  i have found that a provider who is comfortable with you wont mind spending an hour and a half for an hour paid if you are a regular, you never ask for a discount, or try to stretch the courtesy time even longer.

I agree that time means little. I will not go back if the provider says anything like "you have xx minutes left.". The only exception is if it is stated up front that another appointmens is scheduled behind me.

I have an ATF that I pay for an hour. SOmetimes it becomes 2 hours, other times 30 minutes. It all depends on the intensity of the session. We go until I am spent. That is my defination of a no rush session.

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