
Re:Yes I was indeed enjoying life last night
MrBaseball177 6 Reviews 9673 reads
1 / 17

I was planning on attending but things came up.. Just wanted to know how it was..  Thanks!!!

whitefalcn 2 Reviews 11532 reads
2 / 17

Absolutely Fantastic.
Aimee,Porsche,Mya,Santana,MISTY,Jaden,Jackieand more.
Body shots
Lap Dances
Swirling visions of lovliness
WOW, What a celebration.
Sorry you missed it;-(

Jackson4117 7 Reviews 9915 reads
3 / 17

Was at the TLC party.  there were about 9 ladies present and appx 50-60 guys.  Two raffles one for a free overnight and one for two girls for two hours.  A good location for the party also.

Occularblues 22 Reviews 9914 reads
4 / 17

Alas it was an evening to remember. Taylor Lynn was quite striking reminding me of a long stem exotic flower and her the floral arrangement she brought was in full bloom. She had some sweet succulent orchids and some wild flowers. Some men seemed to be enjoying shots at the bar with one of the wild flowers enjoying her sweet emanations which were indeed a site to behold. I however think I had one of the two best times of any man there. I won the raffle for two girls for two hours and sometime in the next two weeks when I redeem my winnings will report back. Mya and Aimee here I come… Soon to be a very happy man.

MrBaseball177 6 Reviews 12593 reads
5 / 17

Wish I could have been around!!  Sounds like everyone had a great time!!  Also, congrats on the winning item Occularblues.. Have fun!!!!  Thanks again

AZChewy 9479 reads
6 / 17

Heard you had a big heart and were one hell of a generous guy. Think you ought to pass that raffle winning along to me. After all, that two girl stuff is bad for the heart (races too fast) and you will definately go blind as a result of it. Or is that from too much masturbation? Can't seem to remember now. No wait, I have it. I will go blind masturbating to the tought of your two girl experience. Oh, this is getting all too confusing.....

1xyz123 10510 reads
7 / 17

60 guys?  That's incredible.  I'll bet for each guy that went, another 20 plus would LOVED to have been there but couldn't.  I planned on it, but things came up.  I'm very jealous.  Please tell, who was flat out sexiest?

Ez_coyote 1 Reviews 9161 reads
8 / 17

MrBaseball, please don't tell us you were taking the world serious, instead of enjoying a great party.

It was standing room only with guests from far and wide, or at least from Denver, Colorado and Seattle, Washington that I met.
The ladies were hot, the guests were cool, and Taylor was a picture perfect hostess. Yes it was a good time!

Sorry things came up... and hope you don't miss out on any more good things ...

Best Regards,

Fortune audaces juvat... Fortune favors the bold...

sierra28 9834 reads
9 / 17

I was there and  Taylor did look yummy....Too bad I had to leave before I had the chance to meet all of you!

-- Modified on 10/25/2003 8:15:48 AM

Occularblues 22 Reviews 9322 reads
10 / 17

Pursuant to your request for a heroic level of benevolence. While I have heard legends of generosity such as that. I fear they are only but legends and myth. I find it distressing to say that I’m not in possession of kindness or munificence that approaches levels that would be capably of such an act. While my heart would derive brief joy from making someone that happy my flesh is incapable as it knows that the ecstasy and rapture available are made of unubtainium to most of the known world. Knowing also that it would be most beneficial to all if such an experience were to be had by a gentleman with language skills capable of a report that would allow all to experience it in writing. So I take the responsibility and shoulder the burden of desiring to bring pleasure to all even in the smallest way by attempting to articulate the experience in a manner that would bring the greater good.

Slowstart 8 Reviews 13065 reads
11 / 17

You was Flat out sexiest?  Hands down Taylor

AZChewy 10994 reads
12 / 17

So, I guess that's a NO, huh?  :O

IMHorne 44 Reviews 9073 reads
13 / 17

I didn't meet the criteria that TLC put up.

Occularblues 22 Reviews 8682 reads
14 / 17


TaylorLynn 10431 reads
15 / 17

You are the sweetest!  It was a pleasure meeting everyone and I am glad that everyone had a great time!  The girls had alot of fun meeting new people and seeing their old favorites! It is nice to be able to get together in a social setting and it give me a chance to meet all you wonderful gentlemen!  The party was a huge success for all and I hope to do it again in the near future so stay tuned!!!  I'll also be posting party pictures on my website later today!!  No client faces, of course!!  :)

Shiro 9773 reads
16 / 17

The venue was great and the party even better! You certainly missed a fun occasion with raffles, body shots on the bar and all sorts of entertainment. -Shiro.

whitefalcn 2 Reviews 9029 reads
17 / 17

I agree that Taylor was an exquisite vision of beauty butt...

My vote has to go to the delicious (and I mean that in a "Good Ship Lollipop")
kind of way, sexy,succulent,scintillating,sensuous Shirley Temple lookin'

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