
Things I am Thankful for
brazilian83 5690 reads

Just wanted to step back and give thanks to the people who have influenced my life. I am thankful for my mom and dad and family who are so far away but lift my feelings when I'm feeling down. And who always were there when I needed them and who I owe my very existance to. I love when we are together and all the stories we have to tell.
I am thankful for all my friends old and new. Old friends who never let me forget where I came from in Brazil, and new friends who opened their arms for me here in the US and made me feel welcomed.
Thank you to all the wonderful clients I have had and to the one's to come. I hope I am always the fantasy in your dreams.
And last but the most thankful of all is for my son who is the angel in my heart and whom I make every sacrifice for because he's the greatest gift of all.

Let's all look at ourselves and ask what are we thankful for

Thank you for  sharing  warm sentiments.   The  holidays and  the approaching  close of another  year   reminds  us to stop and  appreciate the  good  people in our lives.      We need  to remember not only  now  but   all year long  to  thank those who have  helped us,  enriched us, made us  smile and   feel good.     Without  them  this  would  be  a cold and  lonely  place.

Muito bom eu sinto seu coração e desejo-lhe o mais melhor. Eu retornei apenas do thankfull de Rio e de I'm para a bondade dos povos brazilian e a beleza das mulheres.

Desculpe por favor meu português que eu quis apenas comunicar algo agradável para você.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.  I would also like to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and a sincere thank you for being so kind to me when I was starting out.  We should try to remember that this isn't the only time of year to be thankful and to show our loved ones that they are cherished.  That should be every second of everyday.  Life can be taken within one of those seconds and what a shame it would be if someone for whom you cared about didn't know that you did. But, it's nice that this is the time of year that we tend to get everyone in the same room all at once!  (smile)  

I hope I am finding you all happy and healthy!          


All the people that respond to us in our various inquiries and querries. Without communication we would not understand each other at all. And life's misunderstandings would continue to be propogated.

How tedious it all would be without that communication!

Man, there are a LOT of things in my life I'm very thankful for.

I'm thankful for my family for being there when I need them and for giving me my space when I needed it.  I'm thankful for them loving me unconditionally and for being so supportive of each other.

I'm thankful for my current job, which I've had for what is considered an eternity in "technology years".  The company I work for is a great place to work, I like the people, the environment, I LOVE the work, and I'm paid well.

I'm thankful for the friends I've made through the hobby and in other parts of my personal life.  I lead a "dual-life" that I'm sure others here can relate to and I've met some really great people in "both lives".  :D

I'm thankful for being able to meet the providers who have helped to make 2004 an UNBELIEVABLE year for me, in terms of the hobby.  I've had some experiences I never even thought someone like me would ever have but would only read about in gentlemen's magazines or in various provider reviews.  My sexual awareness has definitely increased this year and I'm much more comfortable with and conscious of my sexuality and it feels great!

I'm thankful for the beautiful providers who entice us with the great pics of themselves on their websites.  :D

I'm thankful for Pioneer electronics for making my Home Theater experience such an enjoyable one!  If only their HDTVs were not so damned expensive.....  :)

Most importantly, I'm thankful to be alive and doing well.  I'm not wealthy and I'm not surrounded by things that some use as a gauge of success but I feel great, both personally and physically, I'm happy with my life and my loved ones and I feel really good about being me and I'm thankful for that.  :)


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