
MesaMoney 14 Reviews 7012 reads

hey this is the bear and was wondering how to get some  of those killer little blue pills, Vigra - i dont think i need the other packets but who knows like u said. let me know with an email  [email protected]       thx

Hey guys, I hope this makes it to the board. Today a gentleman contacted me regarding a review that apparently went up today. He felt that I should know what was being said. This review stated that he had recieved herpes from either Crystal or myself after a session with us. He stated that he was 100% sure that he got the virus from us. He also went on to say in this review that he I am both shocked and angered that TER would post this review without making any effort to contact us regarding the validity of this claim. This type of accusation is very serious, Many of the gentleman we see have families, You dont just post this stuff without thinking of the panic it could cause. The real kicker is this gentleman commended Crystal and myself on the no rush session, saying we were very proffessional and gave us a 7 overall for the session. He rated it as "Had a nice time" oh I dont know about you, but getting herpes is anything but a nice time as far as Im concerned. Now just a little bit of information. Neither Crystal nor myself have Herpes or any other STD. The herpes Virus can lie dormant in your body for years undetected. Also both Crystal and myself have both had children recently, infact Crystal is still nursing her baby, and we have both been tested during all of this. Maybe this gentrleman did come down with herpes, and I feel terrible if he did, but he did not get it from us. Im not quite sure why, if he posted the review to warn people, he did not also feel he should maybe contact us as well, would make sence if it was a true act of concern. I hope this clears up a few things if not please dont hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thanks, Tammi (602)402-6429

-- Modified on 6/30/2004 11:03:13 AM

I have put in a Problem Report and sent an email to Staff about the review.

Tammy and Crystal: The reason your posts do not make it to the boards is because you do not follow the posting rules. I have changed the link at the bootom of your post so that it meets our rules. If you want to advertise or post a link to your information, you must include a post at the end of the post. The link must point to one of three places: your TER profile (what your link posts at now), a TER reviewed website (FREE service) or ad on an Escort Mall.

Thank you Michael, I see now what you are talking about in regards to the link. Thanks for correcting it so that the initial post made it to the boards. We have had a very long night and the morning isnt looking any better. Many Gentleman and providers have contacted us regarding concerns. This situation has caused alot of panic for many people. It is unfortunate that this happened, whether the accusation was true or not, this was definately not the way to handle it. I hope that the situation can be cleared up for everyone involved. Thanks Tammi

Why remove the review? Shouldn't we know if a provider possibly infects a hobbyist. What is the purpose of reading reviews if we don't know of all possibilities. so as a hobbyist we can make a decision on wheather or not to meet a lady.

This is a fun but tough business. The reality of it is that STD's is a huge part of it. By hiding a possible infection from a provider/hobbist impacts us all.

Theoretically speaking... What happens if a provider or hobbyist infects one another and either the client visits with other provider and the provider visits other hobbyist? Again herpes is not always detectable in many cases.

From ny experience I have been with over 15 different providers in the valley. All of which has given me oral satisifaction and none of which had me where a condom ( for oral satasfaction -- me on them or them on me ). To my knowledge I have not contracted anything but unless I have a spinal tap or an visible outbreak there is no way to no. This could be Tammi and or Crystals situation. It is my recomendation to NOT remove the post and protect the hobbyist.

This is not a knock on the ladies. Personally I do plan on meeting with Tammi and Crystal, not just because I think it will be a good time but I also know how to protect myself against the herpes virus. ( If one or both of the ladies has the herpes virus )

I understand the need to protect the ladies but what about the hobbyist? You are not protecting Hobbyist If you hide information from us

An unsubstantiated rumor is just distructive. TER is not in a position to find out the facts in this or any case. Without anyway to verify claims of this sort, we take the cautious road of not allowing possibly libelous statements to become part of the reviews.

Such an unsubstaniated claim can cause untold damage to the ladies and their reputations.

There no verification on almost everything that goes on this site to be quite honest. Everything on this site is hearsay ( Just the nature of the business ) IE If a provider makes a comment it has to be true? If a Hobbyist says it the story must be false?

Again I am not knocking the ladies or the gent but where do we draw the line. What if it is a life threatning disease next time. Do we dismiss it just because the provider says so?

Realize almost everything on this board is hearsay. With this same hearsay hobbyist make an informed decision. Hiding information only hurts the ladies as well as the hobbyist

Frankly I am not surprised that something like this has not happend before just because of the nature of the business. Lets face it this is a fun but risky lifestyle. So every one needs to be more realistic.

I do not want to sound like a sinic but I find it hard to believe, that out of the ladies in business in the valley that none has contracted a STD and past it on to someone or vice versa. That is just the nature of the business. By trying to hide a potential situation you can put us all at risk

Is that these providers did not say the reason the accusation could not be true is because they practice safe sex. If they do not, then it is only a matter of time before these accusations become reality (if they re not aleready).

That when problems arise, the men of TER take charge and handle the issue, while protecting their women.

Tammy and Crystal, I am truly sorry that you had to endure such a hateful act. I do hope this will quickly be a thing of the past for you both.

On a happier note......Congratulations on the birth of your children!! ~Carlee

I would like to clear some things up about this Herpes scare. I consider myself an expert because I have dated some one for many years that has the herpes virus( Although I have never shown symtems ). The facts are, that one in five people have the herpes virus, In many cases the virus can lie dorment for years and even If you show no symtems you can spread the virus, Outbreaks can come and go. The only actual way to test for herpes is from the sight of infection or through a spinal tap. Blood test are no longer considered accurate in the medical profession.

So from a medical standpoint one or both of the ladies may have the virus or the gentleman may have had it prior to the encounter. Again there are only two ways to detect herpes.

A: When there is a outbreak and take a culture

B: Spinal tap

But in many cases of infection symtoms show immediatly after contact( two to ten days )

Some other facts about herpes:

1 in 5 Americans has herpes

97% of the porn industry has herpes

So from my standpoint, If one out of every five Americans has herpes.... And in an industry predicated on sex what is the ratio for escorts 1 in 5? the American average? I would suspect it to be higher than the national average.

If all parties involved showed no symtoms ( Although the gentleman is now ) then the only way to detect the herpes virus is through a specific type of spinal tap. So if the ladies have had a spinal tap within the past couple of days or weeks they may not have known ( Some small outbreaks last only a couple of hours then go away)

Always remember not everyone reacts the same to the herpes virus.
Some people will never show symtems but still spread the herpes virus. Other people may have outbreaks once a month.

I actually have a doctor friend that has a truly discreat practice out of his home and if he is comfortable with your he will percribe pretty much anything. He actually has emergency packets for those people who like to have risky sex lives. The packets typically include:

Antivirals ( Valtrex )Herpes
Wart removal cream
morning after pills

If anyone needs discreat assistance post a message to me

As far as the rest I am just relaying the facts

hey this is the bear and was wondering how to get some  of those killer little blue pills, Vigra - i dont think i need the other packets but who knows like u said. let me know with an email  [email protected]       thx

Carlee I understand your zest to protect the ladies, but do we know for sure the gentleman has made up the story? Again this is the sex business. It is one of the risk you take when getting an escort or vice versa ( Escort meeting with a gentleman )

realize not all STD's are spread the same Herpe's is very easy to contrract and very hard to detect because not all symtems of the herpes virus is the same. 1 out of every 5 americans has herpes

Although the ladies said they have been tested and if there are no visable symtoms the facts are unless they have had a spinal tap over the past couple of days or weeks one or both of them may have herpes and may not no it. The only other way to detect the virus is a culture from the area of outbreak otherwise They may never show symtoms and still spread the disease.

Whenever I meet with an escort I understand all possible consiqueses that may happen including possible contraction of STD's That is just the nature of the business.

Some facts:

Herpes and Hepititus can be spread by a simple touching of the infected area, kissing, oral sex etc...and be contracted without any symtoms showing.

What I have noticed on this website that many times there is a tendancy to protect the women, and if there is a negitive review of a popular girl the the gentleman must be lying.

To anyone reading my post I am not trying to pass judgement but we must understand the disease and how it is spread. This business is truly risk a reward

Here is link to the CDC site  for those who want more information on the  topic

Hi guys, Crystal and myself just want to say thanks. Crystal and I received an ungodly number of phone calls yesterday. One was from a provider, and the rest were from you guys telling us to hang in there. I have to admit I was surprised.Thank you for not judging and for knowing just what to say. Also thank you  exodusblack for taking the time to share that information with us, maybe we all should be a little better informed of such issues, especially in our proffession. Carlee...thank you for your support it meant alot. ok that is all now...I hope to put this all behind us..thanks so much, Tammi

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