
Some of you ladies just don't get it! (A rant)
JDRocks 6841 reads

Let me begin by saying that I am not making any generalizations here and I would like to believe that my comments do not apply to the majority of providers but do apply to some few. Unfortunately, there seems to be an ever increasing number of the latter.

I read here from time to time admonishments from the ladies regarding the amount of effort and prep that goes into planning for a session and how sometimes, we gentlemen seem to forget that point. Well dear ladies, believe it or not, there is a fair amount of time and prep that we gentlemen go through preparing for an appointment as well. Yes, we have to make time in our busy schedules; conceive of stories to tell our wives or SOs about our whereabouts and activities; get to the bank; if it is an outcall, make arrangements for a room (if that was the understanding) or pick our dirty linens up off the floor before you arrive at our homes; get to the store and pick up refreshments and the like; attend to personal hygiene matters not the least of which may be shaving the private areas (have you ever tried shaving curved surfaces?) among others. So none of you should be surprised if a gentleman gets a little pissy with you or outright belligerent when you show up late for appointments or not at all.

Us CLASSY CARING types go through much prep. for special meetings.  It is unappreciative, disrespectful and downright rude to not call someone!!!

It goes both ways!!

Now this is assuming we are all adults and in a perfect we do the best we can.  

Information, integrity and honesty are always the best policy and of course timing.

Consider the HOBBY we are in!

One person can make a difference ;}~~~ CANDY

Arizona Angel5336 reads

I agree with what you are saying... I also must say that I appreciate all the gentlmen that do go through the trouble to make themselves presentable... The rest of you who don't... and show up smelling to high heaven or don't bother to brush thier teeth... well I guarentee you you won't get as far as if you did... LOL

Interesting to find this post here. I just had one of these experiences this past Wednesday evening. Appointment had been set up a week in advance. I wrote a confirming e-mail Tuesday evening. Returning home from work Wednesday afternoon, found an e-mail from the lady in question indicating that she was having car problems and that we might need to put off the appointment but also that she thought she might be successful in getting a vehicle from a friend. She called between 7 - 7:30 PM that evening indicating we were on but that she would be arriving at 9 PM instead of 8 PM as we had agreed to earlier. Never showed - never called. Now before everyone starts jumping on my back to "out" the lady, I want to give her an opportunity to make matters right first.

I've been in similar situations but fortunately not very many.  I used to get angry and pissed off when things like this would happen and then I realized that my getting angered didn't really solve anything and I wasn't "out of pocket" or anything either.  I was just worked up through the anticipation of spending a relatively small amount of time with a woman I probably would never get to spend time with under any other means.  

Once I realized this, the "no shows" stopped bothering me and I just stopped trying to spend time with the provider(s) in question.  There have been some providers I've seen in the past, with whom I've had some great experiences who (for whatever reason) don't return phone calls or e-mail messages anymore and rather than get miffed and slam them on public boards (I'm not saying ANYONE is slamming anyone in this thread), I just stopped trying to see them.  It's true that I'm missing out on their company but the amount of time we spent together was so short *anyway* that it really wasn't worth the stress I was causing myself by getting all worked up over it.

To me, the "hobby" is a luxury and not a necessity.  If it were a necessity, I would be living out of a cardboard box and dodging the bill collectors.  :)  Spending time with some great ladies and having some awesome experiences (which I truly cherish and treasure) is something I like doing and want to do, but not something that I *need* to do.  So, for me it's not that big of an issue if a lady flakes out on me.  I've been in situations where I've taken time off from work mid-afternoon, scheduled vacation days so I would have time to arrange for an room for an outcall, etc., and have been in the "waiting mode" for hours on end only to learn that the lady didn't show.  

In fact, earlier this year I flew to Las Vegas and had a nice room at the Tropicana for the *sole* purpose of meeting a provider.  A week before our appt, I sent her e-mail letting her know she had not given me her phone number and asked her to let me know how I was to contact her once in Las Vegas.  Then the day before the appt, I sent her e-mail letting her know I didn't have her number and sent her my wireless number asking her to call me.  Then on travel day, I sent another e-mail message to her with the same information (didn't have her number and sent my wireless number).  I did end up hearing from her at mid-night that night and she called me expressing her concern that I had not contacted her about the appt she thought we had booked for that night.  I told her about the e-mail messages I sent and her NOT giving me her number and she was apologetic about not checking her e-mail any sooner but that didn't change the fact I had spent the money to uphold my end of the arrangement, which would NOT be refunded to me.  I fly back home the next day.  After a while, my hopes that she would call me while I was waiting changed to a brief disappointment and then to an "oh well, c'est la vie" and I went to bed.  When she called around midnight, she woke me up.   :)

I don't hold any bad feelings toward her or anything but I'm not enthuisastic about trying to see her given what happened the first time.  There are far too many other ladies, and really GREAT ones at that, out there for me to get worked up over this kind of experience.  If it turns out to be a repetitious thing with various other providers, I'll stop travelling to them and will admire their beauty and imagine my experience with them through online avenues and reviews (respectively).

With regard to the first rant, I think a number of ladies do understand that there are things the guys must go through to prepare, just as the ladies do, but there are some who just don't care.  

The one thing that I find most interesting is the issue of time.  Some providers I've seen insist that I show up *exactly* at the time of the appt and I should not show up early (which I can definitely understand especially after hearing some stories of some truly idiotic things some guys have done when they show up early) and not to be too late (of course).  Today, when I see a provider who has an arrival time requirement I always look at the clock she has in the room to see what time it shows and compare it to the time on my wireless phone to see what the delta is, if any.  I know some ladies adjust the time into the future by some number of minutes (for whatever reasons) but I have no way of knowing if any given lady does it or not.  Some providers have commented on my being a "little late" when my wireless phone shows I'm right on time, give or take 60 secs.

Take care...


Usually there is a lot of passion in the bedroom when we do finally get together.  Emotions are great, vent and rant all you want. I know how to make your blood really boil anyway...c'mere and let me suck on that big lollipop.  Ooo baby, yeah. Still upset? Okay, lemme make that salami dissapear. B-o-iiiiiiiiiiii-ng!

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