
Re:Flirting Question
cactusman 12283 reads

Turn the tables.....sue her for sexual harassment.

Pardon the variance from the usual subject , but I needed a few profesional opinions.  I work with a lady 8 yrs younger than me who knows I am married.  However we tend to flirt a lot with each other: verbal teasing, a lot of touching (arm around each other, neck rubs, finger to the ribs) etc.  As far as I have seen, I am the only guy she does this with, especially the touching.  Most times we work together, I am acting as her superior, but that doesn't seem to change her behavior.  My question is: how can I tell if this is just innocent, being friendly teasing/flirting or let's get together and have some fun flirting?
Thanks for all your thoughts.

Rx13426 reads

I prefer NOT to fish from the Company Dock, especially with such a well stocked "Provider Pool" that we have here. Spend an hour or two with Sky and you'll never want to risk something silly at work! My 2.

skysilverman12873 reads

Rx.. what a sweetheart! I love when people have such positive things to say. Please give me a hint as to who you are.

Ask her out for a drink and find out.  The 8 year age difference is not much at all, really no factor.  Sounds like you would like it to be something more than just flirting. If so remember act confident and good luck.

Go Slow (well not really)

stay the hell out of it.  this has lawsuit written all over it.  not a good economy for doin' this.  my 2 cents.

(no pun intended) before you put her to the test. Asking her out for a drink is a good start but it won't always prove a lady's intentions. She could take you up on it just thinking it's another 'friendly' gesture.

The next time she's rubbing your neck or putting an arm around you just playfully let her know that if she keeps doing things like that it could lead to something else. If she continues doing those things it's because she wants to go there.

Just be sure that it's worth the risk ;o)

1) You are married.
2) You are her superior.  Do you want a harrassment charge filed against you?  Or worse yet, fired for "messing" with an employee.
3) She is using you and you should wise-up.

cactusman12284 reads

Turn the tables.....sue her for sexual harassment.

jim_dandy12041 reads

All of the above and more, especially the part about an eight year age difference (c'mon, we're in Scottsdale!)  As for the office stuff, we can all warn you, but I suggest that you see the film, 'Oleanna'.  In the end, I guess it is OK to verbally flirt, but if she starts adding to it with long conversations with emotional confidences (e.g., the abusive boyfriend, the boring marriage, etc.), run FAST and FAR.

MoneyManAZ9434 reads

I've had a few affairs with women at my work and I would strongly recommend you to not have them with anyone at work.  Why?  Because they all have to end sometime.  Though it might be EXTREMELY tempting, especially knowing you could probably have sex with her, it will end sometime and it's at minimum awkward.

People have given the advice before..."never get involved with anyone at work".  However, I fell for the temptation and had a few relationships.  Now it's a rule of my own.  

Trust me and don't learn the hard way.  


chrisokoye12000 reads

Start farting when she comes around, if she really likes you, you will surely know it.

skysilverman14594 reads

To that last reply.. Oh my God! I dont think farting will help your situation. But it makes me laugh that someone actually thinks it will.
But I do want to say that I know and I know from experience that when you are working together day after day sometimes there can be a lot of sexual energy built up between one another. And it will not always be so pleasant. Usually people find out and yes you do also face the possibility of harrassment charges or some kind of bad things along the line.
I personally never got into trouble for harrassment but I know that it is easy to become attracted to someone in the work place because you are always there and you get to know each other as well as you learn about each other so you develope a caring attitude for one another.
Be careful and come and see me to take our your sexual fustrations. I can rub your arm and back and flirt like flirt is my first name. :D


tbone6911584 reads

As a supervisor/manager/boss of a number of woman over the years, I have been confronted with a similar scenario a few times.  Although very tempting, I have always been able to control my emotions well enough to decide not to proceed.  I think Sky makes some insightful comments.  What you think may be flirting, may be just innocent friendliness.  Even if it is in fact, really flirting, what is the potential upside compared to the potential downside?  It is my opinion that this is a question of which you do not want to ever know the answer.

If you proceed, you may just have a wonderful affair, your wife may never know and there may never be any repercussians at work.  BUT, on the other hand, there is always the chance that things could turn UGLY.  Your wife finding out could be the least of your problems.  What if you, as her supervisor, have to fire her some day?  What if she decides to play hardball and accuse you of sexual harrassment?  Do you really want to have to deal with something like that?  What affair could possibly be worth that?  If would be different if you did not work with this woman.  

I like Sky's idea.  See Sky or one of the other lovely girls in AZ, have a great time and never worry about a thing.  I have met Sky and Debbie and they are both two of the best flirts you will ever want to meet.  I know there are many other wonderful woman in town who will treat you the same way.  The best thing is you will never have to worry about one of them calling your wife or you boss.  

Anyway, just my 2 cents.  Good luck to you!

chrisokoye13635 reads

Sky, May I come over and fart for you? You can massage me after I have McDonalds for lunch. Sound like a dream date to you? Please reply to this, I have not typed with you in quite some time. Im 6'2" , I can piss in most bathroom sinks as well.

Very well said Sky!  I may just take you up on the offer.

Rick77714256 reads

Well you know what you should do.  But what will you do.  Let us know what you decided.  But at the least plan for damage control.  Like have another job lined up, pre pay an attorney for you divorce and possible law suit from her.  Make sure your able to deny everything.  Denile will be your friend.  Make sure you don't admit to any crime to your shrink in case they request records from him.  I think Sky would be a lot more fun.

Cynicalman11011 reads

After you lose your job to a sexual harassment complaint and your wife files the divorce papers you will discover that it would have been cheaper to budget about $1000 per month for providers.

 There ain't nothin' free about free p*ssy. It's usually cheaper and always safer when...
             "It's all about the money"


You all have provided some great insight...maybe not all of you, chrisokoye, I am not so sure your coments were of any help to me.
The potential for disaster is very real, but it is sometimes hard to see that far ahead when a young, attractive lady is rubbing your neck and we exchange coments with an increasing amount of sexual inuendos.   For every coment I make with a sexual undertone, she replies with another and gives me even more of a desire to see what can happen.  I should clarify that I am not directly responsible for hiring or firing her, I am just in charge of monitoring her performance during our shift (kind of a head waiter/waitress relationship?).
I don't know what I am going to do yet, but I will keep you posted.

You don't know what you are going to do?  Give me a break.
If you are even in charge of her performance, you are wide open for all kinds of lawsuits if you do not rate her as she "MIGHT" expect.
If we have given you great insight, as you suggest, you had better start running like hell to get away from her and head home to your family.
You recognize the potential for disaster so why not hget out of the situation while you still can?
As far as keeping us posted, forget it unless you clean up your act and leave this little bimbo alone.

In case you haven't completed your sexaual "her ass ment" training, in case of a tie in a liars contest, the supervisor (YOU) is the one who gets fired!  See Sky instead.  Oh, by the way, if a consensual relationship developes, the supervisor is always the one fired.  Its that power over the subordinate thing!  See anyone else or start filling out your unemployment papers.

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