
Re: You seem very nice, and you are reasonably good looking....BUT
EllieEvans See my TER Reviews 739 reads

The raw end of the deal. He answered a question that wasn't asked , thanks for your input though ;)

As a new provider I have seen a couple of clients and when asked or followed up with about being reviewed , all have said they like to be UTR ?!  
I know not having reviews limits being seen by anyone other than clients of my girlfriends..

So how does one go about asking ? During the call ? follow up? and why do men not review?  

Thanks  ahead of time darlings..

With me it generally comes up at the end of the session. Sometimes I ask if she wants a review, sometimes she asks me if I'll write one. If a review is requested I will also ask if she wants a copy or notification that one is posted.

I don't write reviews as often as I once did. Part of that is just that I am much busier and I sometimes feel that I don't have time to write a decent review. Part of it is the absurd situation in Phx with LE these days. Rationally I know that writing a review is extremely unlikely to be used against me, but rational or not I do worry about a review being used against a provider and I am just more inclined to keep my head down.

Personally I'm single and don't really have to worry about anyone finding evidence of my writing a review on a work or personal computer/phone. I can see where that could be an issue with some men.

Best of luck

Thanks for the input, I totally understand being busy and think after a session is best as well.

Posted By: FascinatingArts
With me it generally comes up at the end of the session. Sometimes I ask if she wants a review, sometimes she asks me if I'll write one. If a review is requested I will also ask if she wants a copy or notification that one is posted.  
 I don't write reviews as often as I once did. Part of that is just that I am much busier and I sometimes feel that I don't have time to write a decent review. Part of it is the absurd situation in Phx with LE these days. Rationally I know that writing a review is extremely unlikely to be used against me, but rational or not I do worry about a review being used against a provider and I am just more inclined to keep my head down.  
 Personally I'm single and don't really have to worry about anyone finding evidence of my writing a review on a work or personal computer/phone. I can see where that could be an issue with some men.  
 Best of luck

Offer a discount if they write a review and then come back.....

Thanks I wondered when I saw that on other providers pages but it felt cheap seeing it, I don't want fake reviews or not honest ones. I will definitely take it into consideration.

DO NOT offer discounts for a review. You would cheapen yourself by doing so. If you are good at providing then the reviews will come.

I don't write reviews because most of the providers are UTR and some are established low volume and want to keep their reviews to a minimum. The last thing on my mind is writing a review when I am enjoying my private time with a provider. Why would I try to remember what we are doing, what positions were are in, how many O's she has etc... just to write a review. I meet providers to relax and enjoy the moment with her, not to write reviews. Good luck!

Ha ha I absolutely understand! My inquiry has made me a better consumer lately.
I usually only yelp review or review a business at all when the service is poor or super above and beyond but when I am happy I find myself just taking a mental note- this is good repeat. So I completely understand the enjoyment of just having a good time and repeating. As a newer Provider that is why I pose the question.
Thanks for the input Iand I agree on not cheapening  the experience I get a lot of enjoyment out of my sessions and I think patience and just enjoying myself is key.  
Thanks again!

Posted By: oralconniseur
DO NOT offer discounts for a review. You would cheapen yourself by doing so. If you are good at providing then the reviews will come.  
 I don't write reviews because most of the providers are UTR and some are established low volume and want to keep their reviews to a minimum. The last thing on my mind is writing a review when I am enjoying my private time with a provider. Why would I try to remember what we are doing, what positions were are in, how many O's she has etc... just to write a review. I meet providers to relax and enjoy the moment with her, not to write reviews. Good luck!

ER seems to be the largest provider of qualifying resources for a provider,,I have heard large numbers for ER, vs BP, CL and EROS
Therefore I write reviews based on my positive or extremely negative support for a provider to compliment others who have provide similar info to help me determine who, what and where
My concern is that ER sometime screens, maybe does not screen info so the reviews are not consistent. So the basic fields need to be filled in or not accepted,,so the non-VIPs can get use to the basics and then fine tune based on VIP participation. I also feel non-VIPs shoule be able to visit provided basic info from the review without being a VIP...sales and marketing 101

Yes. Reviews on. TER are the qualifying source, I do like the discretion but it's also been a bit of a pain.  I've gotten some great advice/ ideas.  :)  
Thanks for your reply/input :)

Posted By: bobbyk0690
ER seems to be the largest provider of qualifying resources for a provider,,I have heard large numbers for ER, vs BP, CL and EROS  
 Therefore I write reviews based on my positive or extremely negative support for a provider to compliment others who have provide similar info to help me determine who, what and where  
 My concern is that ER sometime screens, maybe does not screen info so the reviews are not consistent. So the basic fields need to be filled in or not accepted,,so the non-VIPs can get use to the basics and then fine tune based on VIP participation. I also feel non-VIPs shoule be able to visit provided basic info from the review without being a VIP...sales and marketing 101  

For me, when requested to write a review it's primarily brought up at the end.   On a couple of occasions, a provider has offered a review special, a discount in exchange for an agreement to write a review.  That may be one strategy to solicit new clients and reviews at the same time.  

Good luck.  


Posted By: EllieEvans
As a new provider I have seen a couple of clients and when asked or followed up with about being reviewed , all have said they like to be UTR ?!  
 I know not having reviews limits being seen by anyone other than clients of my girlfriends..  
 So how does one go about asking ? During the call ? follow up? and why do men not review?  
 Thanks  ahead of time darlings..

Perfect. Thanks I will definitely look at both of those as option :)
I appreciate the input
Have a great weekend!

How about posting a link to your ad or Web Site.
Then start posting on the Provider Ad Board.
Get your name and photos out there so guys know how they're calling.  

Don't worry about reviews so long as you give good service they'll come

Thanks, I thought it linked  when I posted a question. I'm going to try that again and see if it works this time. I do like watching the discussion board /  I will definitely post more ads thanks for your input! !

Ellie I think you did a smart thing by posting your question on here and getting your website out.  

So in the past, I did not post reviews. I decided to start for a couple reasons, but the main thing is it helps out both parties in this hobby.  I mention in a earlier post to another provider about chemistry and will continue to say it.

We all know what this hobby is about and how it works. Some ladies really know how to give that extra personal touch, for example making sure a person is really satisfied within the date time. Also some ladies might send a thank you text, after the date or something simple like saying I hope to see you again real soon. I can go on, but I think you get the point.  If you want, check out the higher reviewed ladies in the area websites, rates and ask them what works for them.  

Just know each date may be different and also be flexible on each one. It might be a person who likes to talk or another one, that just wants to get down to business.  

The reviews will come and with your website pictures, it should not be a problem going forward!  

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 2:24:53 AM

Thank you, I think I've had phenomenal experiences thus far and it's been a lot of fun. I have been completely perplexed on the reviews and the appropriate way to ask or if to ask at all. From your comment I see it will just take time and to just have fun regardless!
Thank you  
Have a great weekend!  

Posted By: bear96
Ellie I think you did a smart thing by posting your question on here and getting your website out.  
 So in the past, I did not post reviews. I decided to start for a couple reasons, but the main thing is it helps out both parties in this hobby.  I mention in a earlier post to another provider about chemistry and will continue to say it.  
 We all know what this hobby is about and how it works. Some ladies really know how to give that extra personal touch, for example making sure a person is really satisfied within the date time. Also some ladies might send a thank you text, after the date or something simple like saying I hope to see you again real soon. I can go on, but I think you get the point.  If you want, check out the higher reviewed ladies in the area websites, rates and ask them what works for them.  
 Just know each date may be different and also be flexible on each one. It might be a person who likes to talk or another one, that just wants to get down to business.  
 The reviews will come and with your website pictures, it should not be a problem going forward!  

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 2:24:53 AM

for a provider with no reviews you are asking WAY too much money to even begin to spark my interest.  Your hourly rate is as much or more than most of the lovely ladies in the Phoenix top 20.  At the rates you are charging your menu better be complete and your skills well honed.

Good luck, the guys have given you some good advice.

Geezus dude! I was waiting for someone to pipe in with the idiotic "your rates are too high" waaaaaahhhh! She wasn't asking about her rates so complaining about them just makes you look like a cheap butthead.

Posted By: Aguyinak
for a provider with no reviews you are asking WAY too much money to even begin to spark my interest.  Your hourly rate is as much or more than most of the lovely ladies in the Phoenix top 20.  At the rates you are charging your menu better be complete and your skills well honed.  
 Good luck, the guys have given you some good advice.

I was nice and offered my opinion, her rates are too high.  I was  simply stating my observation from the perspective of a potential client who has spent countless hours researching the market.  You can think what you want about my perceived cheapness, you are a fool and I really don't give a shit.

I told myself...Don't. Do. It. But here I am anyway...


You don't think it is rude to tell a lady her rates are too high? But you think it's rude for someone to call you cheap? Do you not see the irony in this?  

Example: Kid A pushes Kid B. Kid C (Danielle) comes out of nowhere and pushes Kid A. Kid A runs crying to the teacher. You are Kid A. (Kid B is Ellie).  

The OP did not come on here asking about how much she thinks she's worth and how much you would pay, as a "potential client". She asked about reviews. Just reviews. Not her rates. Ok?

Perception IS reality. Your posts always have this underlying contempt for ladies who are out of your budget. Trust me: We all see it. Your hostile reaction to Danielle's post just solidifies it, for me.  

I think you owe Ellie an apology. That was very, very rude of you.  

The end


Clearly I need to explain a few things.  First I really don't care if Danielle referred to me as cheap, she couldn't be any more wrong but that is a different issue.  I do take issue with the tone of her post as she began with a "WHHHHAA" etc, very juvenile.

While the OP did not ask directly about her rates, it is absolutely related to her question.  The OP stated that her delima was that she had no reviews and that the lack of reviews was impacting her business, i.e. her phone isn't ringing as often as she would like.  The reality of the situation is that the price elasticity of demand is such that the higher the price charged equals lower demand, PERIOD.  The other factor at play is the higher the price charged the less willing a customer is to simply TOFTT on an unknown entity.  These two factors are absolute and indisputable.  Something has to give in order for the OP to experience the change in outcome that she desires.

Other people have made great suggestions, including offering a discount for customers willing to post a review.  What the hell is a discount if not LOWERINNG HER RATE?  None of these people were admonished for suggesting that her rate is too high nor were they called cheap for doing so.  I didn't have the time nor the desire to write a lengthy post explaining the fundamentals of economics and marketing so I got right to the heart of the matter and stated the obvious. (zero reviews+high rate=not enough business)

Since the rate level seems to be such a hot topic let's for a minute consider some numbers to put things into perspective:

There are 6 providers in the Phoenix top 10 that charge less per hour than the OP  

There are 10 providers in the Phoenix top 20 that charge less per hour than the OP

There are 16 providers in the Phoenix top 30 that charge less per hour than the OP

All of the women on the top 100 list, you included,  have earned their stripes and have found a combination of rates and services offered that works for them.  The OP is still working through this and who better than a potential client to provide input on market conditions.  

With respect to my alleged disdain for providers out of my budget, I can only say that whatever budget limitations that I may have are not such that they have or likely will ever impact the selection of a provider that I am interested in seeing.  I will however not pay higher than market prices for services rendered, whether it be for a plumber or an escort.  If I recall, posts made by me to providers about their pricing have typically been within the context of travelling ladies trying to charge more for less than what the lovely locals charge day in and day out.

I really don't see the justification for appologizing to Ellie.  While admittedly my post was matter of fact, it was neither rude nor was it mean spirited.  I truly wish her the best, she seems like a genuinely nice and intelligent person.  However, I believe strongly that until there is a body of positive reviews she is going to have a hard time with the rate that she is charging and will likely continue to have more room on her dance card than she desires.

I sure as hell didn't intend to piss anyone off with my post and frankly have a hard time understanding how you or anyone else can take offense.  I believe you and Danielle are the ones who are wrong here, not me.

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 12:11:58 PM

I think he's absolutely right. Everyone wants a fair value for their money. One of the first things I look at is what the provider charges. If it's above a certain amount, it doesn't matter how attractive they are or how good their reviews are. End of story. I pass on one that is too high and look for one in my range.

He has not met her, therefore he does not know her worth. A guy has the right to spend as little or as much as he wants. It is his perogative. A lady has the right to charge what she wants. No?  

Don't knock it til' you try it!

He has every right to tell her that she is charging to much. However, that doesn't make him right. Your first instinct not to reply was probably the correct one and one that he should have followed and Danielle certainly should have followed. I agree with you that it was in poor taste that he decided to tell someone he doesn't know and has not visited what her value should be. In his mind he was trying to offer up what he saw as a reason that she was not getting the traffic she wanted or maybe even the satisfaction leading to the reviews that she wanted. I can see how from his perspective what he said was not an insult and was a valid point. As was your point. What we have learned from this is that he is a bit insensitive and oblivious as to how what he says may be interpreted by others.  

Akiya, I would personally love to see you and a mutual hobby friend of mine and yours tells me I really should. However I unfortunately can not afford your rates :( I am not saying you charge to much. I am saying I am to poor otherwise I would gladly have already visited you many times. My loss.  

Now, that is a better way to tell a lady her price is out of your reach! Not meant as just an example /wink

Your version didn't bring my claws out lol It conveyed your message in a light and playful way. I even blushed a little ;)

The only reason I've said anything is to remind everyone that her issue isn't lack of clients, but rather lack of guys that review. I think TvLaws advice so far was the the guys who review (vs a review special). The fact that she started at that rate speaks volumes to me. And perhaps this is only something a provider could and should understand, from a marketing standpoint.  

I've been to brand new restaurants that had zero reviews. I didn't tell them their prices were too high. I ate, I paid, and then I decided whether it was "worth" my money. I could have waited until reviews came out but I was thinking with my tummy and decided to TOFTT :) Damn it I hate when I do that

...look at who her mentors are; Danielle Delaunay and Hailey no less! Not only are they her mentors but they are close friends and duo partners. I assume that you're like me and are pretty familiar with the local ladies, their menus and their service levels. If you're comfortable with a certain level of risk when seeing an unreviewed lady who would you choose, an unreviewed lady who only posts on BP with no reviews or website or a young ingenue also with no reviews but with a website and already vetted by 2 of Phoenix's Top 40 Providers? I understand why some guys who aren't familiar with who's who in the Valley would pass on an unreviewed Provider but I would have a high level of confidence that Ellie is, like her friends, a pleaser. I'm always interested and influenced to know who a lady's partners in crime are, it can be helpfully insightful.
I just want to make that observation and don't mean it as argumentative.

                                                    ''s just sex!'

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 4:03:17 PM

Actually that was an ASSumption on your part. I was asking about the etiquette around asking for reviews. In order to be a member of the p411 or be a member of this site you must be reviewed. There is my dilemma it isn't that my phone isn't ringing. You're welcome to search Bp, be a deal finder or find a provider with one client after another. As I said prior  I am not for everyone and everyone isn't for me.

I've definitely seen the boards and seen the haggling and the up selling and the no shows
And know what I offer .  
I appreciate your input :)
-- Modified on 4/12/2014 9:17:56 AM

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 9:18:27 AM

First off, please understand that I am not taking sides.

I tried not to comment about the bashing of aguyinak earlier but...I agree with him on a consumer standpoint & that's exactly where he was coming from. Maybe the way he said it wasn't sugar coated & watered down, but, he's honest & has a point. Also, I don't think he meant that she wasn't worth her rate.  

For instance, I personally wouldn't get my hair done by someone who is bran new w/ no referrals/reviews & pay the rate of a highly recommended, established stylist. Why? Because I wouldn't want to take the risk on my hair or my wallet. Just the way it is. So, calling aguyinak a cheap butthead or whatever it was, was a little harsh & judgmental. He's actually extremely kind, generous & is very far from cheap.  

Not trying to ruffle feathers, just thought he got a raw deal on this thread...


Posted By: EllieEvans

The raw end of the deal. He answered a question that wasn't asked , thanks for your input though ;)

There are guys out there who don't even look at reviews. I'm not saying that's smart, but I charged very little in the beginning with no reviews, and I now realize I could have made a ton more.  

What she has that others didn't, is the ability to market.  

Girl, charge what you're WORTH.  Quite honestly, guys will tell you not to charge such and such amount, but they've never sold YOU. If you're quality, sell quality.  

(And never discount for reviews. I've heard horror stories. Keep it legit. You don't need to discount for reviews.)

Throwing ads up on TER, as well as good involvement on the local boards - that show intelligence, wit, and/or personality, will also help you become familiar. Post an ad on PHX board regularly!

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 4:37:48 AM

Thanks for the input , I wouldn't discount for a review and  appreciate your opinion's and advice to become a member on sites requires reviews that was my original inquiry how it turned to rates ... Who knows?! I haven't had an issue with it. Guys can bargain shop, risk an upsell, no show or a grab and dash all they want. I also have a career and don't want/need a ton of volume. :)  

Posted By: OpenMindedGFE
There are guys out there who don't even look at reviews. I'm not saying that's smart, but I charged very little in the beginning with no reviews, and I now realize I could have made a ton more.  
 What she has that others didn't, is the ability to market.  
 Girl, charge what you're WORTH.  Quite honestly, guys will tell you not to charge such and such amount, but they've never sold YOU. If you're quality, sell quality.  
 (And never discount for reviews. I've heard horror stories. Keep it legit. You don't need to discount for reviews.)  
 Throwing ads up on TER, as well as good involvement on the local boards - that show intelligence, wit, and/or personality, will also help you become familiar. Post an ad on PHX board regularly!

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 4:37:48 AM

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 1:50:39 PM

discussion points are all valid, so I'd like to throw in my $0.02:

First thing, is to get your name out into the local community.  You've taken the first, and most important step by asking your question here.  Once a week, you may post an ad on the Phoenix Ad page.  Take advantage of that. The friendly people here will be supportive, and are here to give helpful tips if you ask.  

Next, you should establish a P411 and Date Check profile.  You hit on the importance of screening and that is a two way street.  I'm much more likely to seek out someone who is listed there, otherwise you are just a BP girl with nothing to give me confidence that you are whom you say you are.  

Your website really doesn't tell me a single thing about you, apart from clothing size. It's really just a hodgepodge of boilerplate statements from a plug and play format.  Spend the time to compose a few paragraphs about you, or have a friend that's good at creative writing put something together.

Since you have a "regular" 9-5 job, this is really not a professional commitment on your part, but perhaps a side job for some spending money or getting out of a student loan debt hole.  I date between the hours of 10am and 3pm during the week, so I'm not the client you are advertising for.  

I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable spending my money on an amateur in this realm.  Speaking of money, the point was raised regarding your fee.  You are free to select whatever you feel you need to charge, but there are well established, highly reviewed, and well known ladies that charge 50-75% of your asking price.  

There is absolutely nothing to justify the fee, from my perspective.    

With regard to perspective, you should really consider additional photos on your page, and if you are serious about this, invest in a professional photographer.  I'm not talking porn, but tastefully done, quality boudoir photographs.  The images you have are great for Facebook, and may pique my curiosity, but that's about it.  I'm moving on to the next ad.  

State on your website that you have a "reviewer's special".  Offer either a reduced rate, or additional time on the next visit after a review is posted on TER.  

Some of this may work for you, some of it may not.  

Take a look around at the ads here and on some of the other pages and seek out some of the fantastic ladies in town to mentor you.  I think the vast majority would be happy to give you tips to stay out of trouble, be safe, and help you out.  

Best of luck to you!
PM if you have any questions.

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond with such great detail Dave,  to get a p411 account you must be reviewed that's the conundrum. As for price I'm not for everyone and everyone isn't for me, I don't want a ton of clients but definitely want to be reviewed and known by the right clients. I offer a great service have just as much fun if not more than my client and seeing the warnings, abuse posts and the up selling and no shows. I am pretty comfortable where I am at. You're right I do have a 9-5 that I absolutely love and this on the side is a lot of fun for me, I will definitely look at my website and add more of me and my personality  :)  
Thanks again!  
Have a great weekend.

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 9:22:55 AM

By far, that's the most important thing for success, IMHO.  
You are an attractive lady, and getting an idea of the person behind the photo is extremely important.  It's something that gets me curious and interested, and makes me want to reach out and make contact.  Paint me a picture, draw some outlines that I can fill in with my imagination, and leave me wanting more.  
There are people that are solely driven by price point, some are just down right cheap ass slugs.   To me it's the difference between walmart, Macy's, and Nordstrom.   Yugo vs Suzuki vs Jaguar.   Cooks vs. Moet.    
Quality rules in my book, but that's just me.  
Have fun!!



-- Modified on 4/12/2014 2:13:28 PM

I absolutely agree Dave I am quality over quantity any day! I mean if this was my means of supporting myself it might be different . This is just as much fun for me as it for my clients.  ;)

This made me giggle! I like your thought process.

Posted By: Dave76015
By far, that's the most important thing for success, IMHO.  
 You are an attractive lady, and getting an idea of the person behind the photo is extremely important.  It's something that gets me curious and interested, and makes me want to reach out and make contact.  Paint me a picture, draw some outlines that I can fill in with my imagination, and leave me wanting more.  
 There are people that are solely driven by price point, some are just down right cheap ass slugs.   To me it's the difference between walmart, Macy's, and Nordstrom.   Yugo vs Suzuki vs Jaguar.   Cooks vs. Moet.    
 Quality rules in my book, but that's just me.  
 Have fun!!  

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 2:13:28 PM

You will successfully get a jump start. It may be important to have well established hobbyist be your initial reviews. Good luck Ellie

GreekDeprived750 reads

At the end, If you need a reference I'll be more than happy to be honest with other providers about you.  If you feel so disposed, I would appreciate an honest review by you.


absolutely how I believe it should be done'!  

Posted By: GreekDeprived
At the end, If you need a reference I'll be more than happy to be honest with other providers about you.  If you feel so disposed, I would appreciate an honest review by you.  

I prefer not to even discuss reviews during the session. I would suggest you ask as the client is getting ready to leave as you're walking him to the door of your incall, you ask him politely.  

Now about the touchy subject your donation, even though you didn't ask for advice, my opinion, is hold your ground. Eventually you'll get reviews. Remember patience is a virtue.  

Posted By: EllieEvans
As a new provider I have seen a couple of clients and when asked or followed up with about being reviewed , all have said they like to be UTR ?!  
 I know not having reviews limits being seen by anyone other than clients of my girlfriends..  
 So how does one go about asking ? During the call ? follow up? and why do men not review?  
 Thanks  ahead of time darlings..

Thank you so much for your advice! I agree at the end, politely :)  

Make it known at the end of the session that you're open to being reviewed.  Do it nicely like what GreekDeprived said in another reply.  I've only reviewed once so far mainly because the providers I've seen are all staying a bit UTR at this time and I don't blame them for it with everything that's going on.  So my inclination at this point is to not review unless I know that she would like one.

It's been suggested that you offer discounts for reviews, my opinion would be not do do that or at least advertise it.  When I see that on someone's ad or website it makes me not trust their reviews since it's casting some doubt to me on how legitimate the reviews are.  

I do think it's ok though to reward good reviews as long as it doesn't look like a bribe.  Like if I see you and at the end you say something like "I had a great time, please feel free to use me as a reference and if you have time I'd love a review".  Then after I write a review you send me an email or what ever saying thanks for the great review, I appreciate at, please take $50 off the next time we meet.  I would like something like that.  To me it's a little bit of extra customer service that would help get me to repeat or recommend you.

On additional note on your website that hasn't been mentioned.  On you're about page you have badges for TER, P411, DC, etc. None of them link to you on those sites though.  Add hyperlinks to your profile on each one.

Oooo I love the rewards Idea I will definitely be doing that! Thanks for the idea!  I also agree on the discounts I don't want fake reviews or coerced, just validating reviews and real experiences.  
As for the additional  note that's my dilemma no reviews no approval on p411 and here. It's reviewed here then I get accounts there. I understand the discretion and do appreciate it especially since it's been a bit complicated here with everything going on but it is also a bit frustrating.  
Thanks so much for your input and ideas I will definitely being putting that into play ;)

I think I'm going to hire Ellie and write a review of our time together. At least that way I would get her all to myself (rather than having to share) ;)

Oooooo don't threaten me with a good time  :) I think a 2 hr session with pictures is a must ;) ;)

Posted By: danielledoll
I think I'm going to hire Ellie and write a review of our time together. At least that way I would get her all to myself (rather than having to share) ;)

I'll bring the Camera.

On second thought may as well sell tickets and a CD for this session.  
I may become an annually event.

Posted By: EllieEvans
 Oooooo don't threaten me with a good time  :) I think a 2 hr session with pictures is a must ;) ;)  
Posted By: danielledoll
I think I'm going to hire Ellie and write a review of our time together. At least that way I would get her all to myself (rather than having to share) ;)


She posted a link to her website earlier in the string, immediately below zip code's first post.

I complained until I had reviews.. in my day.  
It takes time... but for the valley at the rate you posted... with no may b hard unless you fill a nitch that there isn't a resident here. IE - lactating, anal queen ( dont recommend ) Dom etc. I also suggest a few more pic of your body ? And NO Pics of friends.. this isn't facebook girl !

Good luck, and be patient.

Posted By: elitegray
I complained until I had reviews.. in my day.  
 It takes time... but for the valley at the rate you posted... with no may b hard unless you fill a nitch that there isn't a resident here. IE - lactating, anal queen ( dont recommend ) Dom etc. I also suggest a few more pic of your body ? And NO Pics of friends.. this isn't facebook girl !  
 Good luck, and be patient.
Thanks for the input and ideas! :)
The friends are my bestest girlfriends I do doubles with.  Xo

Your a beautiful woman. Just PM me so I know when you are coming.

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 12:36:41 AM

Thanks darling. I will definitely be in LA and San Diego this summer and will message you :)

Posted By: EasyGoing4U
Your a beautiful woman. Just PM me so I know when you are coming.

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 12:36:41 AM

Heading to LA this Friday- Sunday I would love to see you email me through

Being UTR for the most part in my hobbying has probably kept me out of jail.

There was a really bad law enforcement penetration of an online hobbying bulletin board in my state a while ago. I am convinced that the main reason I was not ID'd and prosecuted was because I didn't post reviews there, therefore was not considered a target.

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