
Re: Trying to understand better....regular_smile
Canmandoo 12 Reviews 76 reads

Christine - don’t overthink this. Your math and understanding are good but your pricing is probably not a good example since you already discount significantly for longer dates (no margin to work with). I wouldn’t suggest any changes. You might even consider requiring to be fed during long dates (as many do).  

This is for ladies who advertise they love dinner dates specials but charge $500+ for the privilege of being treated to a nice meal in addition to BCD pricing. I’m just suggesting they lower the dinner price if they truly want to encourage it. Clearly some don’t and that’s fine.

How much would you want to be paid to be treated to a nice lunch or dinner? Many would be happy with the free meal. Providers here in my range generally charge $300-$800 for additional dinner time.  

Examples from my current interests here (based on 2 hrs BCD + 2 hr dinner)
Type    Total   -2 hr rate  =  Dinner Fee
Packages     1400       800          600
Flat rate       1150       800           350
Social rate   1050       750           300
Regular        1600       800           800

Flat or Social per hour rates  are good because they don’t encourage someone stretching out dinner and barely a quickie before time’s up (which happens).  1k for 2 hrs BCD + dinner with someone with around 400 hourly rates makes sense to me but I don't find it.  

Sorry for sounding cheap but it’s the principle of paying a lot to treat someone to dinner makes me really feel pathetic. Paying for other things is different.  

Ladies - I understand time is $ (if you’re working every hour), but why don’t you offer better deals so we can treat you to dinner?  

Guys - if you do this, do you usually pay full price? or only if it’s off the clock?

This wasn't meant as a solicitation but thanks Madison. You may recall we did this before at full price in MN - that was awesome! But you may have forgotten cancelling a travel date on me. That was not so awesome.

-- Modified on 10/19/2017 9:20:48 AM


Your question is too open ended. How long is dinner, lunch. Where is dinner, lunch with relation to where provider is coming or going.  

Please define all aspects of question. Is lunch at burger shack or nice resto? I think many of us think you asking social time plus BCD time. But honest your first sentence says nothing about BCD just says social. Would you be be booking one hour BCD and 2 hour social? Would you be booking 2 hours BCD 2 hours Social? Or perhaps you are asking just social time and no BCD time?

Please excuse my question but these things need to know for a real reply.  


Sorry Christine - My question (more of a plea) is why more ladies don't have a pricing strategy that encourages being treated to dinner with a BCD session. Like Bentley and Heather.  

For me it's dinner (1-2 hours) at a nice venue plus 2 hours BCD nearby as my examples suggest. Your pricing for longer hours is very generous whatever activity - dinner or BCD.  

If someone wants $500+ to be treated to dinner...I'll just book an hour instead or move on.

If you look on my website you will see that so offer social rates for dinner or drinks out.  

My social rate us for time in a public place. It can only be added to a date of 2 hours or more. It is not intended for meet and greet.  

I started it a year ago because I experienced so many clients arriving in town from  the east cost late. They were often hungry and limited on time. My time is still valuable, so adding an hour or 2 for free time is not an option, but I tested my social rate out and it is awesome! I have  few regular guys I see often that I meet at the hotel, we uber to dinner, have  great time talking and building chemistry, uber back and spend our 2 or 3 hours private fime. 150 an hour out on top of a 2 hour booking plus a nice dinner is a nice date.

My dinner date of 4-5 hours is $1,000.  I completely agree that BCD should be one rate and social rate should be a different rate.  Many providers do not offer different menu items and just have a standard donation regardless of what occurs.

Sometimes the pricing reflects how much a provider actually values 'social' time vs 'private' time. Some ladies really would prefer to just play and not go out for a social event. As a result, their social time is often pretty much the same as their private time. Others, like us, really enjoy getting to know clients so we have a very low 'social' rate to encourage gentlemen and couples to meet first. We find it helpful with the rest of the encounter...but that is our opinion.

Once again, this is the great thing about the variety of options out there. Find those providers who have similar likes/interests and gravitate that way. You will find out who enjoys the public, social time and who doesn't when you evaluate their rates. We know a lot of providers on both sides of the occasion. It doesn't mean any are better people than any just reflects what they enjoy.

Hope that helps.

Tori & Nick

It's good insight to know ladies value meal time differently and price accordingly. No judgement.  

Guess when I booked the "dinner date special w/2hrs private" priced at $500+ over the 2 hr rate , I may be asking someone to dinner that really isn't into it. I need to reconsider my plans.

... of around $100 - $150 /hr if we went out to eat, to a show or concert before or after a regularly session. A regular session before a social date would increase the likelihood that I might also enjoy an after dinner regular session as well. And, if we went out to eat it would be at a nice restaurant which she could help select.  :)


I am trying to understand this topic a little bit better. Maybe I am just totally misunderstand it.  

I hate do this but I will use me as an example because a little easier for me to understand if you reply.  

I have a rate of 350 hour. Client wants 3 hours. My rate for 3 hours is 750.00. So if consider all the time is 3 hours that is same as 250.00 hour.  

If like a few suggest you book just one hour at 350 BCD, then two hours lunch, dinner, social etc at even just 100.00 per hour. 350 BCD no discount because 1 hour. Then social for 2 hour at 100 hour is 200. That means 3 hours time for 550.00. So for 3 hours of provider time you want pay 550? Total per hour to provider is 183.00?  

Some times clients forget a few things. One hour to get ready appointment. Some providers much faster but I take my time. So one hour get ready appointment. At least 30 minutes before and after to get to appointment then back home, so that is another hour. Let pretend that cost to and from appointment is simple social time cost of 100.00. I only see one client a day a few times a week at most, so my in call calculate at 100.00 per appointment, no matter how long appointment.  

So by simple math, 3 hours appointment is really 4 hours. $100 dollars cost to either incall or time to get there and back.  

If you paying 550 for the appointment BCD and social combined, and cost to provider is 100 its 450 to provider. If 3 hour appointment is really 4 hours then the provider is make 450 for the 4 hours. That is 112.50.  

Am I understand this correctly?

I will admit that my business model and circumstances do not allow for more efficient manner to provide. But many just like me I think.  Also I limit who and how many I see so I am not as efficient as others in that respect also.



Christine - don’t overthink this. Your math and understanding are good but your pricing is probably not a good example since you already discount significantly for longer dates (no margin to work with). I wouldn’t suggest any changes. You might even consider requiring to be fed during long dates (as many do).  

This is for ladies who advertise they love dinner dates specials but charge $500+ for the privilege of being treated to a nice meal in addition to BCD pricing. I’m just suggesting they lower the dinner price if they truly want to encourage it. Clearly some don’t and that’s fine.

Clearly no value in taking providers out to eat or extended appointments where you are basically resting for hours on end.  Just stick to the one hour or ideally hh appointments and take care of business promptly.  

ShillBill116 reads

You must be a fav clients of all the

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
Re: Trying to understand better....
Clearly no value in taking providers out to eat or extended appointments where you are basically resting for hours on end.  Just stick to the one hour or ideally hh appointments and take care of business promptly.  

but... maybe try girls that look like they enjoy eating.  

LOL, that's the best reply I've seen on this trend.  
What will it babe Italian, Mexican, Chinese or good old American steak and baked potato.  

Posted By: Bluecourtney
Re: This may sound awful  
but... maybe try girls that look like they enjoy eating.  

I just clicked on your posts and saw the one for lunch at Durants! I would have LOVED that! Why do I feel like we are kindred spirits...
Makes me miss Phoenix

I can't believe how much cheeseburgers are at McDonald's these days:  $1.39!!!

Unbelievable.  Better stick to burger king for the $1 cheeseburgers.

If you schedule time with a professional, then you pay for their time.  

If I take my car to the mechanic, I'm paying the standard labor rate.  

Should someone want to spend time with you prior to BCD, then "bravo".  They can choose the time they want to spend at the price they choose, because you are buying into their "green" work time.  If you look at this like every professional person is a pro, then if you want to short-change them on working time, then you undervalue them and I'd really want to question the work you do, how you value your time during the work day, and do you appreciate their time as a professional equal?

If this was the General Board, I'd be shit upon by a bunch of mysogynistic shittards for being a "white knight".  Fuck them.  This is business, and do you respect your business partners?  

Just blowing out $0.05 out there, so don't take in personally, ok?

BiffMonday109 reads

I love this discussion. I've been with escorts that did this for a full time job and others who had a college degree, and a career who only saw clients on the side for erotic fun, a little extra $$$, or both. I think dinner date rates at a lower cost than BCD rates makes sense IF for example the lady wants a smaller group of regular clients who she has a better relationship with by spending more time with them than it takes to simply say hello and get undressed. Maybe they would love to be treated to dinner, a concert, or a show, but are not making that known, or pushing that thru advertising or on the website.  

However, if a girl gets enough calls at $500 an hour, and is not interested in spending so much time with her clients, passing up $500 an hour to make time to earn half that in a longer date, it may not make financial sense to do so. I feel like there is no such thing as a 1 hour appointment. It always takes longer to have a no rush date. Oh, so you're from the midwest too?" (as I am removing my shoes and socks and she is grabbing lube from the dresser). I always look for girls that offer discounted rates over 1 hour and will book 1.5, or 2 every time. I don't like paying full rate for a second hour. It's easy to find this, but I often wondered why so many providers didn't just offer a 1.5 hour rate, or a discounted two hour rate simply to slow things down a bit. Most girls allow the date to go over 60 minutes anyway, why not get paid for it? I'm happy to pay a little more for that, but a second $500 just to undress and dress I can't justify.  

There are as many scenarios as there are people. So my .02 is - IF a lady would like to have a more time to have a closer connection with her clients, may enjoy being taken on a trip, out to dinners or shows, is willing to earn less as a package to have those experiences, because she would simply enjoy it, or is the reason she is doing this all together, that should be reflected in their pricing, their ads and on their website. Maybe I could find a girl who wants to go to the Saturday Valley Ho party with me for 3 hours, because she would enjoy the afternoon, watching a poolside DJ, getting a little buzz, making a grand and still be home by 5. $500x 3 hours plus the room and drinks is too rich for my blood, but if I knew I could research and find someone who offers a lower rate, because they enjoy that sort of thing, it would be nice to know that while I'm reading profiles and reading web pages.

The better a lady promotes herself and defines her business model, the easier it is for us guys to find what we are looking for and likewise, what the provider is looking for. That is really helpful to us guys looking for a specific experience and may eliminate frustration on both sides and fishing Emails on our parts.  

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