
Re: There is a logical explanation for this
1139682 9 Reviews 3218 reads
1 / 32

Through conversations with friends and providers, I've noticed an interesting trend.. the younger clients are seeing the older providers and vice versa. Has this always been the case or has this been happening more in recent years? Thoughts..

Jazz Jewel See my TER Reviews 111 reads
2 / 32

my clients have gotten younger.  I was so surprised!   It's strange to spend time with a gent who is in his late 20's, but hey...  everyone wants to learn right?  LOL

That said, gentlemen from mid 30's to early 50's are not booking as much as they did when I first began.  

The older guys, 55+,  still as stellar as ever and consistent.


monicasweets See my TER Reviews 102 reads
3 / 32

Since i started in the community and being a younger/younger looking provider about 80% of my gentlemen friends are 50 +

blkmanwhip 3 Reviews 95 reads
4 / 32


The things you do will ruin a young man for life (I a good way).  LOL  I still think about the time I saw you.  :)

2648667 31 Reviews 84 reads
5 / 32

This has come up in conversation with not all, but quite a lot of the women I've met, from about 28 up to mid50's. They all say I'm MUCH younger than most everyone they see, youngest they've seen in a while, etc. Hell, I'm mid 30's, I thought I was getting old!

If you wanna draw conclusions based on what I've been told, it would be that the "old guys" are seeing just about every age group, and there are very few young bucks in this game, or if they are around they're seeing the young gals. The general trends, across the board? I dunno. Why do you care?

maxwell44 23 Reviews 96 reads
7 / 32

Whatever age the provider says she is in the ad, you need to add 15 years to that.  

So if you are a 25 year old guy who wants to meet with a provider your own age, you are really going to meet with a 40 year old.   And in conclusion, that is the real reason why younger guys meet with older providers.

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 83 reads
8 / 32

So you saying if any girl that says she is 25 is really 40? Thats the way I read your post.


XBanker 54 Reviews 91 reads
9 / 32

Sounds like a rather extreme generalization, but since I fancy the 40 year old should I expect to meet a 55 year old or after  40 will that discrerpency  diminish?  xbanker

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 115 reads
10 / 32

I do meet with 30 years old and older... my preference is married gentleman that appreciate discretion.

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 84 reads
11 / 32

I don't think its a extreme generalization, I thinks its about as foolish a statement that can be made I have read this week.  


QueenBia See my TER Reviews 104 reads
12 / 32

I am now an older provider & am surprised at the younger clients, but enjoy all respectful individuals.

MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 99 reads
13 / 32

I will happily show my I.d. To anyone who questions my age. I earned every damn year - I intend to claim them all!

Proud 36

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 99 reads
14 / 32

plus one, as will I to a disinterested third party lol.  


2648667 31 Reviews 85 reads
15 / 32
MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 100 reads
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Just a thought...this is a rather expensive extracurricular activity, even at the mid-range price point. Most men spend much of their life working to afford to buy a car and a house to impress the women they are courting in the hopes of finding the one they want to marry. Then they have to save for an engagement ring, then a wedding, then children, then college funds...on their way to **hopefully** retirement. Maybe the reason we encounter such a significantly higher number of older clients is because they couldn't afford it when they were in their 20's and 30's.  LOL

The majority of the population can't afford to drop 300+ dollars a week on a luxury item...and when they find themselves with a Christmas bonus or a handsome tax return check, they use it to book a vacation with their wife/girlfriend in the hopes that it might make her happy enough that they get a blowjob when it isn't even their birthday!!!!   ;-)

Most men spend far less on "luxury items" for themselves than do their female counterparts. We spend probably on average 5-10 times as much money on personal care/maintenance as men do.
I mean think about it...
Hair salon, nail salon, makeup, facials, tanning...and then for the significant other of many affluent males (especially in Scottsdale) you have botox, fillers, eyelash extensions, massages, waxing etc etc.

What I'm trying to say is...guys, you deserve way more unsolicited enthusiastic blowjobs in your lifetime than you are getting...and thank you for deciding to do something nice for yourselves every so often - because I really enjoy going to work every day now more than when I was selling Real Estate.

This is WAAAAYYYY better than when I worked 5 times as many hours & 10 times as hard, for the same amount of money and WAAAAYYYY less fun!

bsbllaa 17 Reviews 93 reads
17 / 32

Maddy hit on the reason older guys are fairly consistent, with all age groups of providers.  I'm older (60) and my personal experience is I'm tired of chasing younger women - I was tired of it when I was younger, but did it anyway.

With age comes an understanding of "been there, done that".  No more $250 meals to just get a good night kiss.  With providers, the sex is better, definitely more reliable, and there's no "why didn't you call me" BS.

So us older guys have the money, dig the outstanding service, and really don't want any relationship BS.

MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 84 reads
18 / 32

I see what you did there...

When I was much younger before I bothered to look the word up I thought my dad made the word up to replace the word shit. It just sounded so ridiculous to me it could t possibly be a real word!

Moreover, the only sentence I every heard him use it in was: "( Insert name ), you're full of malarkey!"

So my logic wasn't flawed at least
Posted By: Fearghas
Re: Hey, me too. And that's no malarkey. EOM

2648667 31 Reviews 89 reads
19 / 32

Malarkey: of or pertaining to made up, invented, fictitious, occasionally slanderous, falsified, embellished, exaggerated, or downright wrong "facts", "stories", and "information."  

Synonyms: bologna, bunk, bull shit, horse shit, croc of shit, fish story, hogwash, balderdash, folderol, poppycock, blather, hokum, fake news (and increasingly just news), and of course claptrap.

Origins: Malarkey has existed almost for as long as human civilization itself. Due to it's extremely early emergence into human culture, the details regarding the exact beginnings of malarkey have been hotly debated among self-proclaimed amateur anthropologists for generations. The most common theory holds that malarkey was invented by two men after a particularly boring and fruitless fishing trip. The appeal was obvious and immediate, especially amongst other men. Malarkey soon spread to stories of hunting and sexual conquests, along with the occasional shelter building project. Malarkey was quickly spread throughout the world with the advent of inns, taverns, pubs, and bars. Malarkey was at epidemic proportions near the end of the twentieth century, and exploded into a zombie apocalypse level problem upon the invention of the internet. Aided by the Internet, malarkey has even found its way into mainstream news media. Malarkey began as fun and games, but has grown to permeate society at dangerous, ludicrous levels. The vast majority of persons under the age of thirty in the developed world quite literally stare at malarkey all day long with no awareness or recognition of the fact.  

Example of malarkey in a conversation between an aging homeless man and a typical ASU student:

"Hello, young person. What do you think about the Mill Avenue bridge over there?"

"Oh hi. The bridge is great! Looks nice and it's a local icon."

"I agree. I just happen to hold the deed to that bridge. Got it right here in my pocket."

"Oh wow! Lucky guy!"

"Wow indeed. Unfortunately, I've fallen on some hard times. I'm looking to sell the bridge at a phenomenal price. Practically giving it away. What do you say, don't you want to be the proud owner of that beautiful bridge?"

"Oh, man! I'd really love to. My friends would go ape shit. But I don't know if I should, I got these student loan payments."

"Oh don't worry about that. You shouldn't have had to pay for that anyway, remember? 'They' should have paid for that for you. Besides, worst case scenario, that's next week's problem. Why worry about it now? We're talking bridge ownership here!!"

"All valid points, crazy old guy. How much money we talking about here anyway?"

"Tell you what, I'm feeling generous because you've got a nice face. Plus I'm a little desperate today. I'll let it go for whatever cash and credit cards you have on you."

"Deal!! Thanks!"

(It's just possible I've got too much time on my hands today. LMAO!)

2648667 31 Reviews 81 reads
20 / 32

I'm sure you're absolutely correct about the average life trajectory and it's effect on escort patronage among American males of the various age groups. Everything you said makes sense. I mean, I'm pretty certain the average guy in his fifties or beyond who had a decent career and paid a little attention to his money has more of it than I do. OTOH, all the guys I know my own age, even the ones who make more than I do, they all think I'm rich. That's because I don't have a wife and kids keeping me broke all the time.

Women of America, if you're spending money on facials, I can help you with that. Bring me the receipt from your last facial and I will charge half or less to give you one. All organic, of course. LoL (Actually, I don't care for COF. If she doesn't do CIM, I'd rather just let it fly where it will. Couldn't pass that up though.)

I love your thesis that men should spoil themselves a bit more and that it's great when they do.

Your idea that men deserve more frequent enthusiastic BJ's. Standing ovation!

Please don't let me put words in your mouth (I'll omit the obvious BJ innuendo to show how "upscale" I am) but, overall, you seem to be supporting one of the things I put forward; that there are very few young guys seeing providers. I agree. However, the OP seemed to be saying that there are young guys around, and that they're seeing "older" women. Do you think we should stay strictly on that topic? Me neither.

I hope you really do enjoy this job more than your last one, not just because of the income, and you're not just blowing smoke up our asses. Camille was dead right yesterday, talking about a lot of men want to be enjoyed as well as enjoy.

MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 80 reads
21 / 32

On further consideration after reading your post, and re-reading the OP...

I have a working theory...

First let me say, the two following statements are generalizations. Of course there are always going to be outliers...but I think we can agree that the statements are representative of the majority.

1. Older men were not exposed to the amount/variety/types of sexual imagery in their formative years when they were exploring their sexual identity that has become increasingly accessible/available to subsequent (younger) generations of men.

2. Younger women are generally more reserved and inexperienced with regards to non-traditional sex, even if they are fairly free/open to engaging in "normal" sex. On the contrary, older women have generally experimented more with creative/kinky/freaky sex that has often been identified as non-traditional

Older men have been somewhat conditioned to traditional vanilla sex because generationally, the women they dated as young sexual adults were more sexually conservative than we see currently. They may be more comfortable engaging with a younger lady who hasn't yet been brave or bold enough to have tried anything outside of traditional sex.

Younger men have been inundated with massive amounts of free porn at the push of a button. Not to mention the content is of a much greater variety than was available 20-30 years ago. As the images these young men crave becomes more and more extreme and kinkier and makes sense that they would seek out women who are less likely to be shocked/appalled at their outside the box special requests.

My two cents...but it makes sense to me.

gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 92 reads
22 / 32

Posted By: MadisonMalone
Re: "Much Younger"...
Just a thought...this is a rather expensive extracurricular activity, even at the mid-range price point. Most men spend much of their life working to afford to buy a car and a house to impress the women they are courting in the hopes of finding the one they want to marry. Then they have to save for an engagement ring, then a wedding, then children, then college funds...on their way to **hopefully** retirement. Maybe the reason we encounter such a significantly higher number of older clients is because they couldn't afford it when they were in their 20's and 30's.  LOL


Costs can be cut.  Stay single.  Live in a cheap neighborhood and drive a 20 year old vehicle - engines are much longer lasting if you change the oil and don't overheat.  Don't have kids or if you do let the government pay for them.  Let them get Pell Grants and Stafford loans to bankrupt the government - the faster it happens the better.  We need a new bread of younger hobbyists who will in turn draw in more 18-19 year old providers!  Maybe a Pooner Explorer Program is in order or a JR Reserve Provider Training Corps.  
The majority of the population can't afford to drop 300+ dollars a week on a luxury item...and when they find themselves with a Christmas bonus or a handsome tax return check, they use it to book a vacation with their wife/girlfriend in the hopes that it might make her happy enough that they get a blowjob when it isn't even their birthday!!!!   ;-)  

 What I'm trying to say is...guys, you deserve way more unsolicited enthusiastic blowjobs in your lifetime than you are getting...and thank you for deciding to do something nice for yourselves every so often - because I really enjoy going to work every day now more than when I was selling Real Estate.  
That's is why the blow and go was created - $40 to $50 bbbjcim should be industry standard.

MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 105 reads
23 / 32

If you are just going to think of it as a hole, get a fleshlight. Costs about the same, comes with it's own cup...and you get "free refills"

Allstar 9 Reviews 88 reads
24 / 32

I started in the hobby at 26, which was 1997. I had a good job and spend my money partying and having fun like most guys my age. I was not interested in marriage and having children. Many men took a different route and now have kids and are living the married lifestyle (for better or worse). I was not poor by any means, but I was not stable enough and was not earning enough in life to afford a house, nice car, retirement savings and wooing women. I was sleeping with a provider at the time who was in her late 30's, possibly 40 when I was 26. I loved it. I thought she was elegant and glamorous. She wore heels, pearls and lingerie. I was always attracted to older, mature women when I was young. Vanna White and Christie Brinkley come to mind. When I was a teen they were already in their 30's and I had pictures of them on my wall and in my locker at school. Christi still looks amazing at 60!  

It is not a trend in my opinion for a young man to be attracted to and even want an older woman and the hobby allows them to fulfill their fantasy. On the flip side, the older provider loved me too. I was 26, 6'1" tall and 178 pounds at that time. Currently, I am 46 and have not hobbied steadily for the past two years. I'm in the stage of life that now that my business is successful and stable, I am trying to build financial security and set myself up...bought a boat, saving money, hence the reason I was most active when I was younger. I didn't care how I spent my money then and because I lost my career in 2001, due to shifts in manufacturing oversees and the financial collapse after 911, I had to start over again. I started a business that took years to establish. I will be much more active again in the next year or two (when I am about 50) because Ill be all set up and have expendable income once Ive stabilized. This is about the same age many men get divorced and once they settle, they are around 50 as well. It all seems normal

tt85003 121 Reviews 100 reads
25 / 32

Posted By: ChristineGFE
Re: There is a logical explanation for this
I don't think its a extreme generalization, I thinks its about as foolish a statement that can be made I have read this week.  

MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 104 reads
26 / 32

We will happily welcome you back...whatever age/ethnicity/physical type/ hair color your preference is these days...there's someone here who's just your flavor!


MILFKelly See my TER Reviews 100 reads
27 / 32

I'm a mature provider and I attract all ages. However the really good chemistry happens with older gents or my age which is always a bonus. The younger ones can give a woman another type of satisfaction, at times I enjoy that as well. It's all very good. Thank's guys and gals.

journaz 49 Reviews 68 reads
28 / 32

It's funny prior to this i never thought much about the age of the ladies I've spent time with. Looking back they've all been older than me with the exception of 2.  There's just something about an older woman that's exciting for me.  I've also found that the most professional ladies have been older. Maybe that part shouldn't surprise me as much lol.

Allstar 9 Reviews 101 reads
29 / 32

I have been interested in this thread and I am not seeing comments about something important, that has been a driving factor for me almost 30 years...attraction. I'm not unattractive, but I have never attracted hot, sexy civvy girls. I knew guys growing up who always seemed to date really pretty girls, and the rest of us guys, who were not blessed with an affluent family, athletic body, higher social status and a lifestyle that gorgeous women were attracted too, (speaking for myself) I was always told "maybe you should set your sights a little lower." "There is more to a relationship than just looks." "wouldn't you rather have someone who loves you and treats you good than a superficial pretty girl who doesnt?" "All you want is barbies".  

There have always been gorgeous women in every generation that dress hot, sexy and look amazing, but that isnt the majority. When I was in my twenties, I used to go to Scottsdale like every other guy. I would see hot women at the pool parties with perfect body's and long hair and they were unobtainable to me. Always laughing and hanging all over guys my age who seemed to have brand new SUV's, sports cars and cabana's at the pool parties. Like most guys my age, we all knew a guy or two who had the perfect girlfriend. But for many of us, we were encouraged to settle based on personality.

We would go to parties, bars, etc, and sex was available, but it was a lot of work. Getting ready after work, going out with friends, approaching, talking and charming, getting a number and if it was the right number, taking the girl out on a few dates, or trying like hell for a one night stand. Even when I was 27, I said screw this! Im not going to go thru so much trouble for the chance to bang mediocre girls I don't even want. I was spending $250 a week going out to bars and eating out just to be available to meet women. Because of the hobby, I slept with actual models, fitness trainers, a couple of porn stars etc. I can't even remember the last time I slept with a woman that didn't have at least a C cup, but almost always D and DD cups. Just because I'm not one of the guys who could/can naturally attract 10's from high school, or college etc, didn't mean I had to settle and accept life like a gold fish dropped in a bowl. I saw a path to get what I wanted and I took it. I stopped spending hundreds of dollars going out drinking trying to pick up so so girls and spent it on the women I chose.  

I think young civvy girls, especially those in college are much more feminist than when I was growing up and look down upon men who want women for sex appeal. It is frowned upon these days and many colleges look down upon young men and are told their masculinity is a form of micro aggression, that to want a woman because of the way she looks is sexism and so on. Rape culture and the like. These young men grew up on internet porn and escorts are accessible sexual fantasies. Escorts sell the very idea of sex and cater to a mans needs. Don't underestimate a mans desire to sleep with beautiful girls and taking advantage of internet sites to find and get access to what they want and or can't get. Studies have shown less younger people drinking and smoking than past generations and prefer sobriety, or pot. If a young man isn't drinking, doesn't have a girlfriend, or kids and doesn't smoke cigarettes, that is a lot of money now available to spend on escorts. Age has little to do with it.  

akiya See my TER Reviews 82 reads
30 / 32
bsbllaa 17 Reviews 88 reads
31 / 32

"wouldn't you rather have someone who loves you and treats you good than a superficial pretty girl who doesnt?"

No such thing with any civvy woman.  Eventually they all become naggers.  Escorts forever for me.

bsbllaa 17 Reviews 97 reads
32 / 32

Posted By: journaz
Re: For me
It's funny prior to this i never thought much about the age of the ladies I've spent time with. Looking back they've all been older than me with the exception of 2.  There's just something about an older woman that's exciting for me.  I've also found that the most professional ladies have been older. Maybe that part shouldn't surprise me as much lol.
Older providers are usually better performers for me.  I'm older and sometimes the younger ones don't have the same "want-to".  I will see providers younger than 30, but only if they have reviews that demonstrate consistent performance - especially with reviewers I know who are older as well.

I look at it this way:  If a provider is older, it usually means she really likes the lifestyle.  This translates into better experiences for their clients.  Younger providers may or may not stay with it, which means there is something about the lifestyle they don't like - and that translates to underperforming.

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