
Re: I would say be proud of our differences and America...teeth_smile
ItsHotOutHere 17 Reviews 380 reads

I agree, USA is a land of opportunity in hobbying as well  

Unfortunately, having lived across multiple cities in USA, the diversity in Phoenix, at least with respect to ethnically diverse providers is not as good as cities such as San Jose, LA, NY, Chicago, Houston, Dallas etc...

I have met some wonderful providers here, but do miss the fun in indulging in the variety available in other cities.  

My questions is, do providers also feel the same in mostly meeting Made in USA fun seekers? Is there a desire to sample the rest of the world as part of your profession?

Providers who have traveled to other major cities/states/countries - have the variety enhanced your fun in this wonderful hobby?

I generally am disclose my nationality (from India) and age when contacting providers when I hobby, sometimes have been asked about it due to my accent as well...

It has been a more easy experience here in Phoenix as I continued to introduce myself with my nationality and age when seeking appointment. Most of the providers have said "I do not bother about race or age, as long as you are a gentleman with ladies" - their sessions have been fantastic as well...

A few questions to the providers...

1. Do you find it useful when you know more about a person's nationality, age, etc. before the session? Does it help with the session rather than be surprised when you open the door?

2. Do you cater you session based on the nationality, race, age of the visitor. Have you observed that people from certain countries prefer certain activities and have you adjusted you session to maximize the pleasure of your clients (and for yourself ;))?

3. I have felt some great connection with providers who have met clients from India and have also greeted me in our languages. I have returned the favor to providers who are from countries such as Thailand, China, Korea, Japan and Latino countries - with smartphones it has been easier to practice a few phrases before my session. Just wondering if providers have a "action plan" for people from different backgrounds.

4. Any fun experiences that you would like to share due to such national/cultural differences?

P.S: this is not meant to be a discuss on racism or stereotyping. This is to share thoughts on the experience of  meeting people from various backgrounds (both providers and clients) and how you have enhanced your experience with different cultures..

I love men from the Middle East!  I have meet a variety, from India to Egypt.  So many in fact that I have labled myself as the favorite of friendly foreigners.  I've been married to many (some providers may & you will understand what I mean by this), & loved by all I have Dated :)

I will say that I make minor alterations for foreign gentlemen (from verification to special requests they may have in relation to their culture).  I have found that they are generally the most safe & polite of all gentlemen that I have encountered.

There is so much to be experienced & enjoyed by other cultures.  If there are providers out there who have yet to meet a gentleman from the Middle East, I highly recommend!

Great discussion topic!



Posted By: ItsHotOutHere
I generally am disclose my nationality (from India) and age when contacting providers when I hobby, sometimes have been asked about it due to my accent as well...  
 It has been a more easy experience here in Phoenix as I continued to introduce myself with my nationality and age when seeking appointment. Most of the providers have said "I do not bother about race or age, as long as you are a gentleman with ladies" - their sessions have been fantastic as well...  
 A few questions to the providers...  
 1. Do you find it useful when you know more about a person's nationality, age, etc. before the session? Does it help with the session rather than be surprised when you open the door?  
 2. Do you cater you session based on the nationality, race, age of the visitor. Have you observed that people from certain countries prefer certain activities and have you adjusted you session to maximize the pleasure of your clients (and for yourself ;))?  
 3. I have felt some great connection with providers who have met clients from India and have also greeted me in our languages. I have returned the favor to providers who are from countries such as Thailand, China, Korea, Japan and Latino countries - with smartphones it has been easier to practice a few phrases before my session. Just wondering if providers have a "action plan" for people from different backgrounds.  
 4. Any fun experiences that you would like to share due to such national/cultural differences?  
 P.S: this is not meant to be a discuss on racism or stereotyping. This is to share thoughts on the experience of  meeting people from various backgrounds (both providers and clients) and how you have enhanced your experience with different cultures...  
-- Modified on 9/28/2014 12:44:57 PM not considered being from the Middle East. One would normally call India the far east and refer to it's people as Asian Indians or Eastern Asians or even just Indians. I'll let the OP correct me on what he feels the proper term is.  

I work in an environment in which there is great diversity of nationalities with a very high percentage from India, the world's largest democracy. I really value the exposure I have to other cultures. It opens my eyes to help me understand how different cultures can be. I know this question was asked of Providers but in my hobby experience, although I try to enrich it by seeing ladies of different races, it's kind of unusual to encounter ladies of different nationalities, unfortunantely.

You are correct about the term used to describe people from India.  

When I use the term Middle Eastern, to describe say a gentleman from India, I am doing so to describe gentlemen of similar descent as myself.  When you try to break it down even more, region to region, it can be pretty complicated. My father is from Africa, but is of Middle Eastern descent.  

If I say I'm African, what comes to mind initially?  For the ignorant, which is most of America, it means I come from a dark skinned continent.  So just like a man from India may be called Middle Eastern instead of Indian.  A lady from Africa may be called Middle Eastern instead of African.

I don't want my use of the term to be misinterpreted as negative.  It definitely is a blanket term, but for me, an endearing one used as a welcoming to all of my foreign brown friends :)

Please note that I am an equal opportunity Dater!

Posted By: Drumsticks not considered being from the Middle East. One would normally call India the far east and refer to it's people as Asian Indians or Eastern Asians or even just Indians. I'll let the OP correct me on what he feels the proper term is.  
 I work in an environment in which there is great diversity of nationalities with a very high percentage from India, the world's largest democracy. I really value the exposure I have to other cultures. It opens my eyes to help me understand how different cultures can be. I know this question was asked of Providers but in my hobby experience, although I try to enrich it by seeing ladies of different races, it's kind of unusual to encounter ladies of different nationalities, unfortunantely.
-- Modified on 9/28/2014 10:57:04 PM

...and I think it's unfortunate that the US is considered American yet all of the other countries of the Americas have their own, separate names for their nationalities viz; Venezualian, Brazilian, Chilean, Canadian, Alaskan, etc. I wish we had a better name for our collective nationality but United Statian just doesen't sound sexy enough. So, I'm assuming that both you and Ellie have American nationalities but yet you have  mixed descent or ethnicity which makes you exotics. i'm not so lucky...I'm 100% Caucasian and can't dance worth shit!  ;)

I know what you mean, tho, when you mention someone who's from Africa. The first person I ever met of African nationality was this guy named Trevor from South Africa. He was a Caucasian ethnically, Dutch culturally who looked like Napolean Dynamite! I think that's when I first started thinking a little deeper about how truly complicated it can be when we try to categorize people based on nationality, but at the same time, it can be very important to help us understand, respect and appreciate our differences. Above all each other.

-- Modified on 9/29/2014 3:51:35 AM

-- Modified on 9/29/2014 3:53:40 AM

I completely agree :)

I honestly was just clarifying what I meant when I use the term Middle Eastern.  I myself have made it known that I am a mixed exotic (I love how you put that) & was giving the example of African (I actually meant African American but got tired of editing the damned post as to not sound racist or confusing) to further explain my usage of Middle Eastern.  Sometimes we have to alter our terms used to describe us for the mis/uneducated & ignorant masses, its unfortunate, & I am glad you are one of the FEW who gets it lovie :)

Bottom line:
 I love men.  ALL men.  For many reasons I do have a soft spot for the foreign gentlemen.  Mostly I love them because they seem to LOVE my muddied bloodline & I have NEVER had a foreign gentleman treat me poorly.


Posted By: Drumsticks
...and I think it's unfortunate that the US is considered American yet all of the other countries of the Americas have their own, separate names for their nationalities viz; Venezualian, Brazilian, Chilean, Canadian, Alaskan, etc. I wish we had a better name for our collective nationality but United Statian just doesen't sound sexy enough. So, I'm assuming that both you and Ellie have American nationalities but yet you have  mixed descent or ethnicity which makes you exotics. i'm not so lucky...I'm 100% Caucasian and can't dance worth shit!  ;)  
 I know what you mean, tho, when you mention someone who's from Africa. The first person I ever met of African nationality was this guy named Trevor from South Africa. He was a Caucasian ethnically, Dutch culturally who looked like Napolean Dynamite! I think that's when I first started thinking a little deeper about how truly complicated it can be when we try to categorize people based on nationality, but at the same time, it can be very important to help us understand, respect and appreciate our differences. Above all each other.  
 -- Modified on 9/29/2014 3:51:35 AM

-- Modified on 9/29/2014 3:53:40 AM

-- Modified on 9/29/2014 8:29:20 AM

Thank you  

Posted By: cookiemonster7
Nice pics  
Posted By: EllieEvans
Middle eastern / Italian woman here ;)

I love to meet women from all around the globe. Ms. Ellie you look marvelous what a beautiful young lady. I think we may be a good match Middle eastern and Italian and I am Italian Hmmmm.

bigguy30372 reads

I love meeting providers from different backgrounds.  
It opens my mind, to difference cultures.    
So most people came here, from different places around the world.
This is why, America is the best.

-- Modified on 9/30/2014 11:55:08 AM

I agree, USA is a land of opportunity in hobbying as well  

Unfortunately, having lived across multiple cities in USA, the diversity in Phoenix, at least with respect to ethnically diverse providers is not as good as cities such as San Jose, LA, NY, Chicago, Houston, Dallas etc...

I have met some wonderful providers here, but do miss the fun in indulging in the variety available in other cities.  

My questions is, do providers also feel the same in mostly meeting Made in USA fun seekers? Is there a desire to sample the rest of the world as part of your profession?

Providers who have traveled to other major cities/states/countries - have the variety enhanced your fun in this wonderful hobby?


If my father hadn't come to Arizona for school I would never have been conceived!!

I am thankful for ALL of my experiences with my diverse clientele (including gentlemen from our great nation).  We can learn something from everyone we meet in life, all it takes is an open heart & mind

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