
Re: hypocrites?
paco1980 19 Reviews 2510 reads
1 / 32

Ok, my daughter is 20 and trying to earn money to go to back to school.   I told her she should look into working as an escort because she could make good money.  She lives at home so could save a lot.

Anyway my question is should she apply to work at an agency or just be an independent?  Also what advice would you give someone starting out brand new?  My wife thinks this could be dangerous for her but I assured her that if common sense is used escorting is perfectly safe.  

Appreciate any input.  Thanks!

ILikeLadies 830 reads
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vman1970 148 Reviews 960 reads
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Come on now.  There cant be degenerates like this out there that want to pimp out their own daughter

Buddy2012 17 Reviews 841 reads
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I'm surprised your daughter hasn't disowned you and that your wife didn't file for divorce.  Terrible idea.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 689 reads
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Dtnd 882 reads
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And I will show you how it's done. Dumb ass

Eggs_over_easy 937 reads
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I guess I'm confused. I'll admit seeing a father asking about opportunities for sex work for his daughter is unsettling on a base level, but at the same time if you view sex work to be a legitimate occupation for women when they willingly choose it, why is there universal negative reaction from both hobbyists and providers alike to the question?

I'll assume he's a troll but the question asked was simply what is the best approach to doing business when being a sex worker.  

I'll make an admittedly apples to oranges comparison here but consider this. If a father asked about the best way for his son to find work in a coal mine where the work is difficult and dangerous as well as offering low pay, no one here would bat an eye, but when it's about his daughter and sex work he is automatically a villain or a pervert? Both professions carry substantial risk but only one can be extremely profitable when done correctly.    

If you view sex work as somehow inherently harmful to woman then why do you engage in it either offering it or worse yet purchasing it if doing so is irreparably harming the woman being engaged? Remember every lady you have seen is someones little girl.

Admittedly I wouldn't want to know my daughter was a provider but if you find yourself having a negative response to the thought of your own daughter being a provider then how can you square that with you seeing one yourself.  

It seems to me that most here would like to see sex work become legitimized and safer for all who want to either provide it or purchase it so why then attack someone who's asking about the best way to approach it? If you think sex work isn't dirty or demeaning then why does it matter if it's her father asking the question? Why the puritan attitude now?

ItsHotOutHere 17 Reviews 882 reads
9 / 32

Excellent riposte...

The simple answer is we are all sex addicts and we rationalize our actions in anyway that makes sense to get laid, watch porn, etc. etc. Our brains are numb for rationalization and once we stand outside the box and think about what we are doing - we can all see for ourselves of what most of us are - hypocrites and addicts.

This is a moral question - and most of our moral compasses are very disoriented. Porn/Sex addiction is more about avoidance, numbing pain, and boredom than it is about sex. There are enough valid research available on this in the past several years, just Google "your brain on porn" to find out how our brain works and get introduced to Dopamine if you have not hard about it before.  

Anyhow, getting back to the original question - agency have more risk with respect to attracting LE. Would recommend to start as an Independent and use P411 and other services to ensure proper verification. Why am giving this advise? Because I am addicted to sex and I am not thinking straight.
Posted By: Eggs_over_easy
I guess I'm confused. I'll admit seeing a father asking about opportunities for sex work for his daughter is unsettling on a base level, but at the same time if you view sex work to be a legitimate occupation for women when they willingly choose it, why is there universal negative reaction from both hobbyists and providers alike to the question?  
 I'll assume he's a troll but the question asked was simply what is the best approach to doing business when being a sex worker.  
 I'll make an admittedly apples to oranges comparison here but consider this. If a father asked about the best way for his son to find work in a coal mine where the work is difficult and dangerous as well as offering low pay, no one here would bat an eye, but when it's about his daughter and sex work he is automatically a villain or a pervert? Both professions carry substantial risk but only one can be extremely profitable when done correctly.    
 If you view sex work as somehow inherently harmful to woman then why do you engage in it either offering it or worse yet purchasing it if doing so is irreparably harming the woman being engaged? Remember every lady you have seen is someones little girl.  
 Admittedly I wouldn't want to know my daughter was a provider but if you find yourself having a negative response to the thought of your own daughter being a provider then how can you square that with you seeing one yourself.  
 It seems to me that most here would like to see sex work become legitimized and safer for all who want to either provide it or purchase it so why then attack someone who's asking about the best way to approach it? If you think sex work isn't dirty or demeaning then why does it matter if it's her father asking the question? Why the puritan attitude now?

Eggs_over_easy 797 reads
10 / 32

Well said!  

Posted By: ItsHotOutHere
Excellent riposte...  
 The simple answer is we are all sex addicts and we rationalize our actions in anyway that makes sense to get laid, watch porn, etc. etc. Our brains are numb for rationalization and once we stand outside the box and think about what we are doing - we can all see for ourselves of what most of us are - hypocrites and addicts.  
 This is a moral question - and most of our moral compasses are very disoriented. Porn/Sex addiction is more about avoidance, numbing pain, and boredom than it is about sex. There are enough valid research available on this in the past several years, just Google "your brain on porn" to find out how our brain works and get introduced to Dopamine if you have not hard about it before.  
 Anyhow, getting back to the original question - agency have more risk with respect to attracting LE. Would recommend to start as an Independent and use P411 and other services to ensure proper verification. Why am giving this advise? Because I am addicted to sex and I am not thinking straight

bigguy30 897 reads
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Posted By: paco1980
Ok, my daughter is 20 and trying to earn money to go to back to school.   I told her she should look into working as an escort because she could make good money.  She lives at home so could save a lot.  
 Anyway my question is should she apply to work at an agency or just be an independent?  Also what advice would you give someone starting out brand new?  My wife thinks this could be dangerous for her but I assured her that if common sense is used escorting is perfectly safe.    
 Appreciate any input.  Thanks!

undercoverlover 28 Reviews 916 reads
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I'm sorry this is some funny shit!

"Daddy!  Daddy! I have a case of Gonorrhea!"

"Well baby, put it in the fridge. Anything is better than Bud Light!"

ItsHotOutHere 17 Reviews 920 reads
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Posted By: JuliasLittleSecret
 The OP's daughter is 20 years old and he's asking providers for a good way to help her suck his TER buddies' dicks and have reviews posted about it.  That is beyond disgusting.

Dave76015 38 Reviews 726 reads
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BTW, I think this is Troll Chow.

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 987 reads
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I am prob feeding the Pervy little troll but this is wrong. If my dad ever suggested I become a provider well that would be WRONG. The thing is my dad would NEVER suggest I do this for a living. I would never tell anyone to do this. You make the choice on your own. It isn't for everyone. With all the positives comes negatives.  

  I do hope this is a joke because Daddy went too far.

BigGQinAZ 5 Reviews 824 reads
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Wow:  "...I would have absolutely no issue with my daughter becoming a sex worker, but it would NEVER be due to my guidance* or encouragement, and it would NEVER be used as a way for her to pay for school.  I would pay for that** before she ever needed to worry about it..."

*Think about what you just wrote.  Who OTHER than you—as both her mother AND a veteran sex worker—is more qualified to teach her the boundaries, safeguards, best marketing venues, and eventual exit strategy that would help to reduce her risk and amplify her profits were she to "stumble across" the industry elsewhere or through "a friend"?

**Yes, YOU would pay for that, albeit from YOUR work as an escort, rather than hers!  Seriously?  “Here, honey; Mommie earned this for you sucking dicks so you don’t have to, at least until you’ve gotten your degree...”

I agree with Eggs_over_easy that there's WAY too much justifying and hypocrisy taking place in the responses to this post.  To the aging providers out there who have to compete with the latest tight-bodied 20-something, resentful that there is a growing market for teen porn out there, just remember that YOU were that girl 10-15 years ago.  Methinks your selective outrage and double standards are showing.  

And to the "hobbyists" who think they’re ingratiating themselves with the providers on this post by suddenly becoming RESPONSIBLE whore-mongers, who do you think YOU’RE kidding?  That's SOMEONE ELSE’S naive, impressionable, too-immature-to-know-better 19 year-old daughter whose face you coated with your ejaculate last week.  Puh-leese.  Rendering an emotional response (outrage) to an activity in which you regularly engage—because you want to limit others from doing it—is the definition of hypocrisy.  One cannot employ logic and reason to talk someone out of a position that they didn’t employ either to arrive at in the first place.

The reality is that this activity is an exchange of service for consideration between consenting adults, wherein the societal legal age of consent is 18, not 20, 26, or whatever you think it should be.  Your daughter can get contraception in her High School nurse’s office at 14, and an abortion without your permission soon thereafter in most states.  Get real, people.

This father may well offend many of us, and JLS may indeed be a model mother, but the stones you all are throwing in this glass house of ours are best left on the ground.  Falling shards don’t mix well with naked bodies

BigGQinAZ 5 Reviews 879 reads
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Hello Paco,

While I disagree with your premise, I applaud your right to ask the question as you did.  Here's my contribution to the discussion, albeit a few days late...


paco1980 19 Reviews 768 reads
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Posted By: BigGQinAZ
Hello Paco,  
 While I disagree with your premise, I applaud your right to ask the question as you did.  Here's my contribution to the discussion, albeit a few days late...  
Thank you for your contribution Sir.  Unlike the others here you are no HYPOCRITE.  Nothing wrong with being a provider in my view.  It is an honorable line of work and can be both helpful to others as well as enjoyable.    

My daughter is a legal adult and I feel being a provider will not only earn her good money for her education but teach her much about human nature and the world in general.  And if she gets to enjoy some sex while providing i say good for her!  Nothing wrong with that either.  

To read providers and their customers vilifying me for suggesting my daughter do something they all are doing makes me quite sad that this community has so many self hating people who are ashamed of what they do.  Cowards and losers!

if my daughter does become a provider I hope one day she can hold her head up high and say to anyone who asks, "yep, I provided and am damn proud of it!"

balljointnut 23 Reviews 712 reads
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Posted By: paco1980
Posted By: BigGQinAZ
Hello Paco,  
  While I disagree with your premise, I applaud your right to ask the question as you did.  Here's my contribution to the discussion, albeit a few days late...   
 Thank you for your contribution Sir.  Unlike the others here you are no HYPOCRITE.  Nothing wrong with being a provider in my view.  It is an honorable line of work and can be both helpful to others as well as enjoyable.    
 My daughter is a legal adult and I feel being a provider will not only earn her good money for her education but teach her much about human nature and the world in general.  And if she gets to enjoy some sex while providing i say good for her!  Nothing wrong with that either.    
 To read providers and their customers vilifying me for suggesting my daughter do something they all are doing makes me quite sad that this community has so many self hating people who are ashamed of what they do.  Cowards and losers!  
 if my daughter does become a provider I hope one day she can hold her head up high and say to anyone who asks, "yep, I provided and am damn proud of it!"

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 625 reads
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Not guidance for safety after the decision was made without her influence.

I can see where you may misread the sentence, but the way she phrased it was correct.  

Julia is of course welcome to correct me.

-- Modified on 8/6/2015 9:51:50 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 646 reads
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BigGQinAZ 5 Reviews 708 reads
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when I wrote, "...were she to 'stumble across' the industry elsewhere or through 'a friend'..."

Think of it this way:   Let's say I was a closet skydiver, a veteran of many jumps and accomplished within the activity but had been keeping it from my teenage children.  One day, my daughter comes home at age 20 all excited about having done her first tandem jump, and swearing that she's going to get her license and "turn pro" at some point.  Why WOULDN'T I offer to teach her myself, show her the ropes, tutor her in the dangers, and direct her career to the best equipment, jump sites, and instructors—and away from the biggest dangers and temptations?  Who better to do that than her own parent, an experienced jumper himself?  Julia and I were in agreement right up until that point, when she took it into Stupidville on two fronts:

First, she wrote that she wouldn't allow her daughter to do it to pay for school.  Given the motivations of some providers (drugs, alcohol, extreme debt, toxic relationships, and unwed teen parenthood), I can think of far worse things to pay for with the proceeds of hard work, even hard work as a provider.

Secondly, she wrote that she'd pay for her daughter's schooling—from the proceeds of her own sex work—before she'd ever allow her daughter to escort in order to pay for her own education.  WTF?  THAT's a double-standard, it's illogical, and it's the definition of hypocrisy, i.e. rendering "outrage" over an activity in which she regularly engages, purely because she wants to limit another legal adult from also doing it.

As parents, we want the best for our children.  I completely agree that I wouldn't actively encourage my daughter to become an escort.  But neither would I demean, insult, or question the motives of another parent who felt differently—based upon his belief that ANY profession (garbage collector, janitor) to which one applies their best efforts can be an honorable means of paying for an education.  The hypocrites (hobbyists and providers) who were judging him had no place doing so, and are best served by looking in their own mirrors at their own past and current actions.  

Paco isn't ashamed of paying for sex—or of others who do, or those of you who provide it.  Obviously, the same can't be said of his accusers.

paco1980 19 Reviews 791 reads
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Why no?  What is so wrong with a young woman being a provider?  Great money in it!

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 751 reads
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And really getting involved in her sexual actions? Just not a good idea IMO. Also, with the rates the providers seen in the reviews, some of those girls are $80/hour. I dont think a dad seeing ladies at that rate can truly guide a young woman to do it safely.

As much as I don't judge based on rates, I was $180/hour my first two weeks, offering $60 QV's. Do you know what kind of clients that brings in?

The one good client I had refused to pay me less than $250/hour with a hundred dollar tip.

Also those rates attracted a ton of pimps trying to get me to work for them for more. Luckily I was 30 years old, and could smell that BS . but a 20 year old with no life experience?  

Tread carefully. Anything happens to her, your ass is on the line. I can guarantee that.

HeathersLuv4u See my TER Reviews 724 reads
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BigGQinAZ 5 Reviews 612 reads
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Hello Ms Julia,

It’s probably pointless to try to reply to you because this is now the second time that you’ve misquoted me and assigned beliefs or convictions to me that I don’t share.  Did you not read what I said at the end of my last post?

“…As parents, we want the best for our children.  I completely agree that I wouldn't actively encourage my daughter to become an escort…”  EVER, Julia, NOT JUST AFTER AGE 25 like you—but EVER, for all of the reasons you cited and more.  But while I would dissuade her, that doesn’t give me the right to JUDGE her—or you—for exercising her or your free will in an individual decision once she’s become an adult and, unfortunately for you, that’s at the age of 18, not at 25 when you decree that it’s OK.  

BL: If your daughter wants to provide at 18, there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop it.  She could access porn at the age of 6 online, get birth control through the Middle School nurse WITHOUT your permission at 13, and access to multiple abortions soon thereafter—and you’d have been none the wiser.  ALL of those events (and drug use, molestation by an uncle, rape by a boyfriend, yada-yada) can “change her chances at ‘normal’ dating”, Julia.  Welcome to the “liberation” of women, sweetheart, and to the The Age of Promiscuity for which your chosen profession—“hooker” you said?—is nearly the Pinnacle Achievement, second only to teenage porn star.  Before you demean others no worse than you, perhaps you’d like to take some time away from polishing your Mother-of-the-Year tiara to own your part of the problem?  Because even though you serve filet mignon beforehand, you’re still “sucking old dick for Benjamins”—as you so eloquently put it—for dessert, and that’s still illegal.
There is one OTHER thing we can agree on: The number of 40, 50, and 60-something teenagers out there, looking to have sex with someone their daughter’s age.  But that’s not the only side of it.  There are also plenty of dishonest, diseased, and drug-addicted “ladies” out there—of ALL ages—who are blackmailing those same juvenile “old men” into perpetual housing, money, cars, etc., and just like those naïve 20-something female “victims”, these morons have no one to blame but themselves.  NEITHER gender has the market cornered on dishonesty, immaturity, or dysfunction, Julia, and just because you do it "with class" doesn’t mean that it isn’t fraught with inherent dangers for BOTH parties.
I WASN’T AGREEING WITH PACO—I was merely defending his right to parent as his conscience dictates—without your holier-than-thou shame, ridicule, “kicked-in-the-balls” judgments, and endearingly lady-like expletives heaped upon him.  The man’s daughter is 20, and has presumably survived her parent’s oversight without your help this far.  Go tend to your own daughter and leave our children to the rest of us.

All the best to you,

BigGQinAZ        P.S.:    …And just for the record, I’ve never called anybody a “hooker”, taken “advantage” of anyone under 25, and the last 4 courtesans I’ve seen were the ages of 36, 41, 32, and 42

BigGQinAZ 5 Reviews 713 reads
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I love you too, Heather.


QueenBia See my TER Reviews 661 reads
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If I had a daughter I could not encourage her to enter this industry.

gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 378 reads
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what diet and exercise regimen did you use to loose 80 lbs?

gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 638 reads
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You've got to be kidding me.  The biggest scam there is out there is that providers are charging too much and these high priced providers believe they are better than lower ones.  Some of the best girls out there charge $60 qv and $100 hh.  

Plus in Germany or Amsterdam the girls only charge $50 and they are several levels better than the $500 providers in the USA.

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