
Re: Forced Vaccines
gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 1267 reads
1 / 7

The City of Phoenix in one of its few good decisions, ordered all city LE and city employees of Phoenix to be forcefully vaccinated by January 18.

This is a great thing and everyone who has a citation or case invovling City of Phoenix should have their attorney find out if the arresting officer is an antivaxer because then they can have their cases dismissed since there will be no evidence against them!

So all hobbyists and providers should support the City of Phoenix vaccine mandate and make public comments at the December City Council meeting demanding that the swine employees be vaccinated or fired!

effort900 26 Reviews 209 reads
2 / 7

Ridiculous ... I am not anti-vax but NO ONE should be FORCED to be vaccinated or fired from their job for Christs' sakes.  That's Just Wrong, Period!

gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 218 reads
3 / 7

Government agents should be forced since they put the citizens at risk.

2ndhobby 221 reads
4 / 7

So let me get this straight, when all the first responders and hospital workers were saving your ass (unvaccinated I might add) that was ok.  But now they must be forced to take the jab?  As well as the sanitation worker you never come in contact with?  I’m ok with getting vaxxed, I’ve done it.  I am not about our Government forcing us to do it.  Take the shot if you want to.  Don’t take it if that’s your choice.  

gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 233 reads
5 / 7

The government has never "saved" me and in fact the government has made it more dangerous to live in Maricopa County.  

The government should be abolished asap since it provides no useful service to the citizens and instead has devolved into a protection racket which conspires with drug criminal enterprises to abuse citizens.  

ArizonaAdonis 318 Reviews 219 reads
6 / 7

If we were going to be honest with ourselves, we don't have any idea how frequently "safety" has been been granted to us by first responders. I believe they provide a great deal of safety and I am very grateful for all they do. I'm in favor of people being respectful of choices. If vaccines work, then get your vax (like I have) and feel comfortable that you have done your part (along with the boosters if you feel inclined). Let's stop making the issue have contention for one another. Sheesh.

Slickone50 39 Reviews 228 reads
7 / 7

Please don’t feed the animals.

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