
Kudos to Mesa PD for catching him so quickly. eom
Mr-Blonde 383 reads


There is a shooter on the run in Mesa right now. My brother's school has been put on lockdown because of this. I'm kind of freaked out right now.

Headed home from Vegas and everyone was talking about it there too!

What is this world coming t? Crazies everywhere!

Kisses and O's

Right! Fortunately my brother is safe :)

Posted By: MadisonMalone
Headed home from Vegas and everyone was talking about it there too!  
 What is this world coming t? Crazies everywhere!  
 Kisses and O's  

From where he was caught. Thank God my family is helping me in IL.

Good luck to neighbor who was shot.

That is freaking scary! I was holed up in my home all day yesterday way to paranoid to venture out. Horrendous events like yesterday's makes me want to be even more of a homebody.

Posted By: vamptat2
From where he was caught. Thank God my family is helping me in IL.  
 Good luck to neighbor who was shot.

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