
hope they are ok...
ItsHotOutHere 17 Reviews 988 reads

i was planning to meet kim for the fourth time on 2 weeks, she is addictive. looks like i am out on 3 strikes with her.  

more seriously i hope they are not in trouble. kim was planning to stay till nov 7th. hopefully they are back safe and sound.

The phones are down...Ads are pulled off in back page (this is the agency with the highly reviewed Kim).

anyone made appointment with them recently? The other Thai group seems to be well and fine...


xcommando1071 reads

I noticed the same yesterday and today. I thought the agency had been around awhile so I find this odd...
Really hope it doesn't mean I missed the chance to see Kim. :/

i was planning to meet kim for the fourth time on 2 weeks, she is addictive. looks like i am out on 3 strikes with her.  

more seriously i hope they are not in trouble. kim was planning to stay till nov 7th. hopefully they are back safe and sound.

Yeah, this doesnt sound right for them to pull all the ads on B/P like that...
I hope it doesnt mean they are under some heat from LE...

Noticed the same.  They went AWOL for a couple of months a while back too.  Seems like a pattern?

Just talked to the operator- there are no problems.Reason why the B/p ads are down is
because they are  re-locating and need the small break...will be back up in several days..
(whew!- i know, I was thinking the worst, too!.)

Thanks for the update! I was starting to get worried for a second there

Posted By: joel099
Just talked to the operator- there are no problems.Reason why the B/p ads are down is  
 because they are  re-locating and need the small break...will be back up in several days..  
 (whew!- i know, I was thinking the worst, too!.)

your silly my friend.. of course they are fine... SMH. OR they could just be on the watch and need to lay low . People don't "cool out" and move for no reason. You boys kill me.  

Posted By: joel099
Just talked to the operator- there are no problems.Reason why the B/p ads are down is  
 because they are  re-locating and need the small break...will be back up in several days..  
 (whew!- i know, I was thinking the worst, too!.)

xcommando1391 reads

Posted By: joel099
Just talked to the operator- there are no problems.Reason why the B/p ads are down is  
 because they are  re-locating and need the small break...will be back up in several days..  
 (whew!- i know, I was thinking the worst, too!.)
Hopefully they're back up before Kim is supposed to leave!  ;(

While waiting for them to re-locate and  "come back" off break... .I would NOT be so quick to use that "other thai" agency that charges $250...They could be under "LE watch" as well!!..So be careful...

Posted By: ItsHotOutHere
The phones are down...Ads are pulled off in back page (this is the agency with the highly reviewed Kim).  
 anyone made appointment with them recently? The other Thai group seems to be well and fine...  

poorjohn617 reads

3rd week and still not back. I was really hoping to see Kim at least once and also hoping that both Angie and Pinky would return. Especially Pinky as we both had a really great time. I posted a review of her but TER said no thank you. Probably because her ad was already down.

BTW, The one on break advertises 60min/200 and 75min/300. Anyone know it that is a typo? 100 seems a lot for extra 15 min. The "other thai" agency also advertises 60 min/250 or 75min/350, again 100 for extra 15 minutes doesn't sound right.


I think $300 includes 2 pops.

Posted By: ItsHotOutHere
The phones are down...Ads are pulled off in back page (this is the agency with the highly reviewed Kim).  
 anyone made appointment with them recently? The other Thai group seems to be well and fine...  

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