
Hey Pooner, are you getting threatening PMs from this clown like I am...
gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 1215 reads
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I have been analyzing the metadata regarding Davephx and the circumstances around his email list.  I am issuing a warning for all to unsubscribe from his email list asap.  Davephx has been providing information to the government possibly unwittingly as the government is monitoring Davephx's list then gets all the emails of every provider on it for it to then monitor.  Also probable moles.  Everytime someone talks to Davephx they end up arrested.  Take the studio guy, for example.  He had emailed Davephx then the government arrested him.  Same for the Goddess.  

Clearly it is more than a coincidence and Davephx is a mole.  

Another board Davephx extolled how great Maricopa County Superior Court judges are?  Now who in the world thinks these moronic judges are great?  Only government moles or government agent agitators.  Nobody thinks that Superior Judges are anything but criminals in robes.  Truly our government is falling apart due to the terrible judicial branch in Maricopa County.    

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 120 reads
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... local law enforcement. There are so many examples of him outing Phoenix Providers and alerting LE with their personal information which often leads to their arrest. Unwittingly, many women presume he is trying to help local Providers work safely when they join his Private List but eventually find the opposite is true and they end up in legal trouble. For years, I've warned that DAVEPHX is a pawn of Law Enforcement; he spends hours at Government offices and Courthouses working with law enforcement / associated agents. They give him information of imminent and pending legal activities and he gives them private info on Providers. It's a cozy arrangement he has to help destroy the local hobby community and feed his grotesque ego. It's still a mystery to me why TER allows him to infect this board with his presence. SMH.

DAVEPHX 102 reads
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Everything you said is slander and a total lie as most folks here know.   If I had your real iD I would contact an attorney.  I am known as the go-to non-lawyer to help on legal issues for decades, trying to keep folks out of trouble.  Wanred about stings in the old days etc and follow many court cases looking for good defenses and of course the current 9th Circuit case challenging the prostitution law.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 89 reads
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... threatening legal action against TER board members like I'm getting?! Holy Shit!!! This guy's a totally unraveled Nut Case!!  It's no wonder why he's being investigated by the FBI and they've infiltrated his board. Stay away, man. DAVEPHX is frickin' DANGEROUS!!!!

gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 78 reads
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Proves Davephx is a mole the legal system only works for those connected to the government.  

Davephx is going to have to pay my membership before I can read his pms, lol!  

Sound like Davephx should be banned for threatening hobbyists!

DAVEPHX 104 reads
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Keep up the slander and lies, if any one wants a gentlemen discussion of facts am happy to discuss.  I offered my phone number to both of the slanders to discuss and DS replied with just swearing at me.  No mature discussion of where on earth they get these lies and why they make up these stories.  DS has been making up these stories for years.  Yes, I seek legal action against malicious slander, not anything related to sexwork as I never have only helped companions against the legal situation in Pheonix.

gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 90 reads
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Wait so you admit that you tell providers to collect hobbyists names then you ask the providers for hobbyists names so you can sue them.  You can then extort the providers to cooperate with providing you info lest you out the providers which you have admitted you compiled over 300 of them on your list.    Then everyone who talks to you gets mysteriously gets arrested

1.  Goddess
2.  Studio manager
3.  Guy in NY who did tours to Thailand

3 people you admitted talked to you coincidentally they were prosecuted and convicted, one guy twice!  No connection, according to you just mere coincidence.

Then you want to get our phone numbers to reverse track them.  Then you post about the judge smiling at you during trials when she should be concentrating on the case and protecting the rights of the defendant.  But you claim hanging out with the judge is ok and doesn't bias her or your proposed slander case.  Terrible.  
Posted By: DAVEPHX
Re: Amazing
Keep up the slander and lies, if any one wants a gentlemen discussion of facts am happy to discuss.  I offered my phone number to both of the slanders to discuss and DS replied with just swearing at me.  No mature discussion of where on earth they get these lies and why they make up these stories.  DS has been making up these stories for years.  Yes, I seek legal action against malicious slander, not anything related to sexwork as I never have only helped companions against the legal situation in Pheonix.

DAVEPHX 72 reads
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Your distortions and lies are unbelivable, but am happy to reply if this will get thru the TER censors that are allowing this slander

 Yes I want to know who you and Drumsticks are to consider with lawyers actions for your totally false slander.  

The 300 are not compiled they requested to be on the Pvt List for free, that started in 1999  now mostly warning about legal issues, not to break the law, reporting on industry news etc.  It only goes out now about every 2 months to those that have requested it.  I have not promoted it anywhere in like 10 years new folksl contact me from referrals and again is free and no longer ads or reviews since the new AZ law that shut down all the local boards.

I don't hang out with any judges or any LE.  During a break in hearings when I hadn't attended for a while the judge said something about me being back as a joke and from the bench when the court was in recess.

The Studio Guy, yes years before the raid I warned him his porn studio would not hold up against prostitution, but that had nothing to do with the raid.  In the court records it was a complaint from a neighbor that started the investigation.  

Likewise Goddess - I was friends with xxxxx years before even though I am not interested in her religious ideas.  I warned her that spiritual beliefs are not a defense against State prostitution laws. I did over 200 reports following the case and suggested defense strategies. As reported in the media and court records the investigation began as a result of the big New Times article about their "sacred sexual healings".

I was in touch with the NY guy after my Asian trip 10 years ago.  Now you dream up that I am talking to New York LE - how silly.  

I didn't ask for anyone's phone numbers I GAVE mine to you and DS to discuss in a professional gentleman way to clear up the facts. DS just swore at me in response.

I have talked to hundreds of folks in Phoenix and have escort non-client friends.  Your fantasy is grossly in error.

Give it a rest and stop your slander and lies.

BoardAdmin 100 reads
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