
having to disagree with the ladies and gentlemen of this board for once....
IsabellaManelli See my TER Reviews 8731 reads
1 / 10

Regarding the post about expensive providers not enjoying their jobs....

That is COMPLETE speculation and very unfair. So, you can also say that someone like me, that prefers one appointment a day (two at the most and very rare), or because I have a 24 hour policy, doesn't enjoy her are SO wrong!!!!

Bottom line, there are men that are paying these women for their time and it is usually on a much more intimate level than just sex. You can be seduced throughout an entire night of dinner and dancing even before the dessert. You know sexuality encompasses a lot more than just the act. It's sad to me that some people just don't get that.

Why would you think the providers don't enjoy sex because they make that kind of money? The men are paying it. If they can, why knock them?  If you think the men are suckers...well, you are entitled to your opinion.  But, some people are looking for something else. Maybe they aren't getting what they're looking for with these providers, but I tend to think they are.  

It is okay if you can't afford a high priced provider or simply don't want to pay that kind of money. That is your prerogative, just as it is the providers to charge that much. I can bet, it has nothing to do with not enjoying their jobs.  As a matter of fact, because they are dating wonderful men and getting paid well for it, I tend to think they enjoy their jobs quite a bit!  silly wabbits....        

I think it is important to give quality service each and every time and be completely SINCERE about it each and every time. Some women are amazing at their jobs...but some are also amazing actors.  

Everyone is different and have their different levels of comfort. So, it isn't fair to knock these ladies. And trust me...I love sex and when I am not having it, I do pleasure myself....can't go a day without it.  

Just my 2.
Have a great weekend!


HaileysWay 8988 reads
2 / 10

You said this so well and I agree with you every little bit of it. Very  well said!!!

brazilian83 8164 reads
3 / 10

I couldn't agree with you more, I love what I do also and enjoy the time I am with a companion. There seems to be a lot of jealousies here amongst providers where there need not be. We are all in a competitive market and the men will go either by economics or personal preference to the provider of their choice. This stupid mudslinging is something I would expect from a girl in High school or someone who is desperate for business followed by the Me Too croud of posters afterwards who post without even knowing the right information. Its like one person starting out telling a story about Jack in the bean stalk and 25 people later ending up with Cinderella, they are just not the same. I like to post from time to time and put my 2 cents in on a discussion, but it gets to the point where I dont because of people like these on the discussion boards. It gets pretty bad when a person cant post that they are coming to town or even post a simple view without all the mudslinging. Hopefully this enlightened some of you. At least if anything get your facts straight before you make a fool out of yourself.

-- Modified on 9/18/2004 6:43:23 PM

-- Modified on 9/18/2004 6:58:26 PM

lookhard69 30 Reviews 7582 reads
4 / 10

I don't usually post to this board, but I am still reeling from an overnight session with one of Vegas' top rated (according to TER)that I had in Vegas, on a "business" trip 2 nights ago.  

Isabella says..."Bottom line, there are men that are paying these women for their time and it is usually on a much more intimate level than just sex. You can be seduced throughout an entire night of dinner and dancing even before the dessert."

I was with this beautiful lady for an amazing 6 hours filled with conversation, drinking, visiting strip clubs and a bubble bath before we got to "dessert" and I can't describe in words that doesn't make me look like a little girl because of the "emotional connection" that was made during our date.  This lady LOVES what she does and like Isabella, sees only 1 client per day so she can get her head in the ball game for him.  She told me she realizes  how much money men spend on her and she wants to give everything she can to make it memorable.  I commend you ladies with that attitude.

I have been with expensive and inexpensive ladies and what determines how much I will enjoy myself is NOT  what they look like or how much they charge but ALWAYS their attitude!!  Most of the ladies that weighed in on this subject are the tops in Phoenix, so obviously not directed to you.

My last comment is to the men out there.  If you find a special lady, try and spend a multiple hour session with them.  The rewards are hard to even comprehend!!

keeno 16 Reviews 8688 reads
5 / 10

Isabella's reflections strike to the core of the matter. If a gentleman wants sex, a brief fast break, then most know what they want to pay and what the market bears.
BUT, if he wants conversation - casual, intellectual, even intimate - then that's a different experience and adventure desired. Sharing one's soul - on a mental, emotional, and physical plane - with a "multi-dimensional" woman is a different and exhilarating moment. Of course not always guaranteed, as interpersonal chemistry never is.
But there's another dimension available to the gentleman who takes the monetary plunge to be with ladies who have this profile. There can be an emotional high attached to the challenge of creating an encounter, especially with a stranger the first time, knowing that HE is on the line to make it a success - for her and in turn, himself. After all it's his $$ and it depends what he wants out of it.
The challenge of creating the right environment for the encounter (hotel, dinner, event, wine,....) helps. But then there is the improvisation necessary to fuel the fire, through the entire time. This requires both people to be on the mark and vibrating together.
Some ladies claim to offer this experience (emphasized on their websites) --- many reviews of them would seem to validate that they succeed most/all of the time. I have had a few such encounters - and for me, they are different and more intense experiences. And at no time did I feel that they didn't enjoy what they were doing - at the dinner table or in bed. Quite the contrary. Understand that in no way does this mean that any provider may not or cannot actually offer such an experience. But many don’t indicate they do – or necessarily want to.
And Isabella's reasoning is quite logical. How easy is it for any person to put energy and intimacy into any encounter if they're having encounters constantly. Easier for that lady to NOT be able to offer her most and best for the client. (Each person’s energy capacity is not unlimited.) And that may more easily breed for his disappointment, depending on his expectation.
And so the honorarium for such ladies' tends to be more. The more successful a courtesan is at meeting her challenge, over time, the more able she is to increase her prices and win over clients.
I believe these experiences - quick sex sessions vrs more prolonged intimate encounters - are apples and oranges comparisons. Not logical. Volkswagons and Rolls Royces both get you there. But the actual in the moment experience is quite different. And of course they sell for different prices.
As always, one has to decide what they want, and what it's worth individually - and what they can afford. As is all things in life.

MysteryAdmin 70 Reviews 22661 reads
6 / 10

I agree with Isabella on this.  Not every provider knows about or cares about reviews.  For all we know, she could hike her rates due to overwhelming volume.

I see no correlation between rates for service and "enjoyment" of the work being done given the nature of the work being done.  :)


MadisonAZ 7052 reads
7 / 10

I agree with you 100% and could not have expressed it better than you just did.  
I feel that every lady and gentleman that is in this community is here for a different reason.  Some of us for the benefits, some for the excitement and for myself, it is for my education.  

I have seen all aspects of this industry and know that there is always something out there for everyone.
-You have the low end streetwalkers for very low price, no personality, no promises of a good experience and no safety (usually)
-Next you have the ladies that advertise in the printed publications, such as the new times....Not all these are low end, but the majority dont want to spend the time or money on the quality advertising such as websites, etc.  Many of these are untrustworthy, unreliable, and you never know what you will get.
-Then you have the agencies.....(not referring to TLC or PhxQts, but rather the cash and dash rip off agencies all over)
You never know what you will get, how much you will be taken for and the fear that some huge guy is waiting outside to get the girl and your money before the hour is up.
-Finally, you have all of our community here on the boards and our online community. You can see what you are getting, can get a good idea of what to expect based on reviews, and generally get more personality, more quality and a better experience overall.

No matter what your taste, preference or style is, you can find something for everyone.  If you are looking for quality, this is the first place you look.  Every business out there has a competitive edge and when there is no regulation and no one can put a price on another person, there will be differences in pricing.  But, the beauty of this is in the eye of the beholder.  
If you choose to spend your money wisely, then you should do your homework, get to know the ladies first and then make your decisions on who you see based on that.  This board should not be a tell all of the providers out there.  Everyone has different experiences that reflect their different personalities and p.o.v.'s.  Just like in Advertising, you cannot believe everything you see and hear.  Some people kiss and tell too much, more fantasy talk than reality, and some people write biased reviews based on other factors that may be going on in that persons life.  Just because there are good and bad reviews, well reviewed and no so frequently reviewed ladies, and expensive pricing or not so expensive pricing, does not mean that there is not something for everyone.

I can say, for myself, that there are many reasons why I do not have pages of reviews.  I am in this business to fullfill my education and with the constant studies, I am very selective with whom I spend my time with.  I do not take several calls per day, like Isabella was stating, I prefer to be selective with my time and this hobby.  This is why some of us ladies are selective, we would rather spend our time per day with someone that we can spoil rotten, treat like a king and make it an experience that will never be forgotten.  We do not like to rush, we offer more hours for less per hour, because we would rather spend a whole morning, afternoon or evening with one person as opposed to with several.  This makes your experiences much more personalized,and when that happens, you enjoy each other much more. Talk to the lady you are interested in, let her know your situation and the time you are looking to spend with her and i am sure most of the ladies will be happy to tailor something to fit your needs.  :-)

Just my opinion....

Kisses, Madison

SayWhen 9968 reads
8 / 10

I also was concerned about your prior problems. However it looks like you have corrected them, and are consistently getting good reviews.

  Apparently others are not willing to forget. I wonder why ?

  Oh well you can't be all things to all people.

MysteryAdmin 70 Reviews 7438 reads
9 / 10

Oh, don't get me wrong as I certainly DO know there are ladies who don't enjoy doing this at all and I would venture to speculate the majority of the ladies out there don't and some say they do more for "PR" reasons than for being genuine.

My point was the enjoyment factor doesn't necessarily relate to desired rates.  I've spent time with providers who charged 4$$ who were clearly going through the motions and others who were truly sexual beings who view this as a way for them to explore their sexuality and they enjoy the sexual adventures they embark on.

I've spent time with ladies who charge much less who also fall into the same categories as the ladies I describe above.  The lady who charges 2$$ doesn't necessarily enjoy the work any more or less than the lady who charges 4$$.

I figure the ladies determine their rates however they see fit, period.  :)


MysteryAdmin 70 Reviews 4881 reads
10 / 10

I currently don't have any travel plans to Phoenix even though I had been trying to get down there to see someone special.  :)


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