
Government Regulations Cause Prostitution
gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 659 reads

e federal government regulations have screwed up the economy and prevented economic progress of the United States.  As a result of that women now have to work when in the past they were able to be supported by men.  The government has also put into place regulations requiring women to be hired, thus denying jobs to men who would otherwise have money from these jobs.  Therefore, as a result many civilian women are not dependent on any man and are not having sex with the frequency they were in the past decades.  Thus, the prostitution demand is caused by government regulation, which ultimately reduced the output of civilian women in the sex arena.    

So the government can't have it both ways.  On one hand it forces women to work when historically for centuries they would be at home and therefore have more energy to have sex at the end of the day.  Yet, on the other hand, the government is trying to reduce demand for the prostitution the government proximately caused the demand for.  Historically, women were a drain on their families because they were one more mouth to feed and required resources to support, so much so that traditionally women's families paid single men to get married to them.  This was called a dowery.  However, since then, women have become more valuable to their families due to being able to be used as free child care for other members of the family who are single parents.  The single parents have been caused by government welfare expenditures, as well.


The government is creating policies and EEOC regulations to hire civilian women so they don't have the sex output of prior generations, and this increases government.  Simultaneously, they are lowering demand for prostitution, which increases government.  The common denominator is that government is increases to astronomical proportions.  If not already in use, the FBI is probably logging in all phone numbers of all providers then cross referencing all hobbyist phones which call them and then sending drones to hone in on everyone's poon phone.  They can link to debits cars and set an alert every time a hobbyist makes a cash withdrawal over $60 and then track him to an appointment.  


Posted By: micktoz

Why don't you and Dave go jerk off somewhere else

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
 They can link to debits cars and set an alert every time a hobbyist makes a cash withdrawal over $60 and then track him to an appointment.    
Posted By: micktoz
Dude, that is hilarious, But if the police COULD do this, they WOULD, trust me....Because they realize that providers
ONLY accept cash "donations"....The sad thing is : That from a technological standpoint, we are NOT that far from them being able to do this. I doubt for $60 withdrawal, thats ridiculous, But say if you withdraw $300 or more from a ATM, and your a male, it could send a report with your name on it to L.E. and they could follow-up, act or not act on it based on your  PRIOR record with L.E..Meaning they could follow your whereabouts IF they have the time/manpower/ and probable cause.....We are easily not far away from L.E doing this at all...Crazy, but its true..

We have the chicken or the egg here.  But I guess blaming government for free enterprise is normal.

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