
Gentlemen...class style and grace aren't only for princesses (Long)
Secret squirel 12456 reads

Some tips for successful hobbying. Those who already adhere to these rules of thumb may disregard this note.

Class: Anyone can have class, but most choose to ignore this personality feature.  When visiting with your companion of choice please:
Shower and do a general hygiene check, you know, brush teeth, apply deodorant, wear clean clothes, the usual stuff, before your visit.
Drop a tick tack or a mint before you greet your companion.
Have clean hands and fingernails, it takes a few minutes to clean them well.
Don’t take reviews for granted and expect your session to be exactly like “BigStud69’s” review. Relax and let nature take its course. No companion wants to be interrogated on what services she provides before you even get to know each other.
Act like a Gentleman and treat your companion like the sensitive lady she is.

Style: Some people just know how to have a good time.
Relax and enjoy your companions company, both physically and mentally.
Engage in conversation that doesn’t involve direct orders, or porn movie dialog.
Let your companion know that you find her attractive, with out resorting to 70’s retro style slang words.
Pay her exact agreed upon fee with out haggling, bargaining, begging, pleading or applying a sappy sob story about how your dog died and your girl friend ran away with the lawn boy and you shouldn’t have to pay for a service since you are the last of the red hot lovers. We can empathise with you, but we still need to get paid for our services.
Remember, you are getting a service that does have time restrictions, be respectful of your companions time, and her other appointments.
If you enjoyed your session, go ahead and be a little extra generous and leave her a tip, even if she doesn’t expect one.
If visiting her in call location, don’t scatter your personal belongings from one end of the room to the other, spilling loose change, pocket lint, old burger king receipts and such all over her floor. Be respectful of her personal space. Take a moment to neatly keep all your stuff in one nice neat pile.
If she is coming to your place, tidy up a bit, light a candle or incense and hide all the mess in the hall closet.

Grace: It’s not just something you say before thanksgiving dinner.
Don’t man handle your companion; she doesn’t want to have to bust out the mace or stun gun on you.
If you encounter involves some play time, treat her with respect and don’t resort to porno style acrobatics and rough play, unless she indicates that is what she likes.
Slow and steady wins the race, Jackhammer tactics will get you a slap in the face.
With out being overly insecure, ask your companion if she is enjoying what ever you are doing. Give her the opportunity to let you know what she likes.

I am sure the ladies of this board can contribute many more things to this list but I figured I would be bold enough to at least highlight the main complaints and problems we encounter.
To the gentlemen that always exude “Style, Class and Grace” we graciously thank you!  

As is usually the case, there is always another perception or side to a story. While I don't disagree with much of what you said about proper behavior and protocol, I felt your comments were a tad belittling and some providers might likewise need to be reminded of certain things also. Using your categories:

Class: I doubt if "most" hobbyists choose to "ignore this personality feature" as you state. For the provider to whom the following might apply: Please allow adequate time between appointments so that you may shower or appropriately bath between appointments rather than a quick swab with a soapy wash cloth or handy wipe. Nothing more unsettling that performing DATY and getting a mouth full of soap or some strange assemblage of chemicals in my opinion. The good news here is that I know that you at least tried to clean yourself albeit in not the most appropriate manner. It would be nice to have you redo your makeup and hair before receiving your next client. It would also be nice to find clean bed linens and the bed made upon the gentleman's arrival. Drink with your clients in moderation so that your later appointments don't encounter you wasted and unable to fully meet the requirements of your job. If your attire was soiled in the heat of passion during a prior session (ala Clinton/Lewinsky), have a change of attire available. I really don't need to hear or discuss what you prior appointment(s) that day did or did not do during your session. It is also inappropriate to ask what other providers your client has met or spent time with and how "he liked her" or what "items where on her menu". While I am sure it is of interest, it is none of your business. If you really want to know this, go ask that provider or read her posted reviews.

Style: Yes, some people don't know how to have a good time. It would be nice for a provider to at least offer the appearance of an adequately planned session without the need to rush through activities because of too tight scheduling. I'm sure most hobbyists would enjoy some meaningful conversation as a lead in to a more intimate experience. Most of us are keenly aware when you are rushing to get things to completion to meet an already too crowded schedule or because you are too tired from earlier appointments. Have a choice of beverages available for your clients. Not everyone enjoys beer and water may not be an adequate singular choice. For the amount most charge for an hour of their time, having a beverage available should not be a financial problem. Would you expect less when doing an outcall? While most providers do not like bargaining, most hobbyists do not like up selling. So, let's knock it off. Be honest and clear regarding just what is included in your service and at what price point and be upfront about it. Don't wait till the heat of passion to lay bad news on your client. At least give him the option of saying "yes" or "no" to proceeding with the appointment based on full and accurate information. If the gentleman paid for an hour of your time, that is what he is entitled to. Bringing things to completion in 20 minutes does not give you an out to cut the appointment short.

Grace: Spending inordinate amounts of time in preliminary conversation as a means of "shortening" the session is wholly inappropriate and not appreciated. While I am certain that some amount of preplanned scripting is required on the provider's part, mechanically adhering to a set routine of activities doesn't cut it for everyone especially when the client is requesting a certain activity or focus that works best for him. It is also bogus to hear that "yes" that is on my menu of services but I don't do that until I get to know you better. If that is truly the way you wish to proceed, then DON'T identify it as a menu item and pleasantly surprise the gentleman with an appropriate suggestion at the appropriate time. If you are not really offering a GFE or PSE, then don't claim such in your advertising.

Sorry if this became a tit for tat but your post annoyed me.

Being on the provider side of the equation I can understand and agree with all that Secret Squirrel wrote and I don't think that the post was meant to be disrespectful or insulting... just informative/educational. Maybe a little humor would have made it less annoying or offensive.

You made very valid and important points for the hobbyist's side of the equation. I know that there are some very poor providers out there because I talk to a lot of guys and I've heard some awful stories. Luckily there's a lot of great providers out there so there's no excuse to ever go back to a bad provider. Don't give the bad ones your business/money and warn others about them. Reward the good providers with your busines and put the bad ones out of the business! That's what these boards are for and that's why EVERYONE should be writing reviews, good or bad.

Secret squirel9504 reads

Sorry Muffyman it wasn't meant to anoy anyone. It was meant to stir a response, just like the one you gave. Bravisimo, well said and points all well taken. I gave one point of view, you gave the view from the other side of the coin. I agree with everything you said and applaud you for taking the time to write it all out. Too often in this business we (providers and hobbiests)get caught up in the "me" syndrome, when it should be a mutually benificial experience. Perhaps the climate in Phoenix with all the LE, and publicity has brought out the less desirable men who normally do not partake in the industry, but feel that if times are tough enough they can get away with deplorable behavior from any provider.(because business is slow and we have to be less selective ?, just a guess)
If the original post came off as harsh or crass, that wasn't the intention. It was intended to offer blantent obvious things that hobbiests should think about before ever picking up that phone or writing that email to call on a companion. I think your post also does that same thing for the providers who try and cram (no pun intended)as many appointments into a day, are never prepared to stay the length of time they offer or are unscrupulous and dishonest. They will be exposed here and on other review sites. But for the provider there is no other way for us to "review" hobbiests and let them know that their actions were ungentlemanly like or just plain obnoxious. So sometimes we have to make generalizations, to spark some good old fashioned debates and conversations.
Signing off...
Secret Squirel

I agree with not wanting to offend anyone and certianly if the shoe doesn't fit don't wear it. I am sure squirel was not talking about each and every person out there. I agree with all of her points and also agree with those made of the client. I think we can all learn to take better care of each other and not have these problems in the future by communicating our differences.If the shoe does fit consider a change or two. We all have to learn and it goes both ways.
Have a great week everyone;)

I agree with most everything said on this subject so-far. on both sides.
I'd like to add a couple of pet-peeves of mine. Ladies, During my paid-time with you, please DO-NOT answer CellPhone calls from from other clients etc. It's rude, disrespectful and it cuts into my time with you that I paid-for.

Secondly, In most cases, rates are advertised as per hour.
However, in far too many cases, once the guy has had an "O", the provider packs-up and hurridly leaves regardless of how-long she's actually been with the client.
If I pay you $$$ for an hour of your time, I expect an HOUR of your time! If my boss was paying be that kind of money, and I was taking-off as soon as I had the chance, I would soon find my-butt kicked-out onto the street and jobless.
Also, lately, I've had providers ask if it's o.k. to smoke during our session.
Why even ask such a question?
Don't you have enough self control to not smoke a cigarette for 1 hour?
My paid time with you, is not for taking cigarette breaks, calling other clients or anything else other than giving me your full attention.

Hi everyone,
I have been around for a while now and have learned the hard way about the importance of these issues.
      I have also had some experiences recently that left me dumbfounded.  I fully agree with the respect issue.  However I try to see the situation from the gentleman’s point of view also.
 I will try to make my thoughts as short and to the point as possible using the same categories.
Class:  Some respect it, some do not.  I have encountered some clients that feel the need to make sure they get their money's worth with MY session AND for the previous session where they had been screwed over.  I generally meet very respectful men but again there are exceptions. Some men think we like being treated like we are a lower class. If you want to see someone and really want to make it mutually enjoyable do your homework. You do not need to grill her on what she does or does not do. You should be able to tell by her reviews what she does and does not do.  You can also tell what she enjoys.  If someone does not have enough reviews to make your decision simply do not see her until she does. There are plenty of ladies out there that are very well and abundantly reviewed.  I agree with not being drunk during your appointments. I learned that one the hard way;) Nobody wants to see anyone who is not absolutely at their best. Making the bed and having a clean home is kind of common sense.  Fresh towels and sheets are a must.  A clean house leaves a good impression.  So to sum it up just because your behavior is not bad does not mean that everyone's is great.  Also for the ladies try to be respectful in return by not being plowed out or being anything less than sparkling clean even if that means setting your appointments further apart. I am sure a gentleman would be happier to wait a bit longer to see you knowing that you will be fresh. With this one it goes both ways. If you book an hour appointment it should finish closer to an hour, if not you should book more time.  If you wonder why someone isn’t available at the agreed time is is just as possible that another client is disrespectful of a provider’s time just as it is possible that the provider might not be respecting your time.
Style: It is as simple as this: again do your homework.  If you are looking for PSE look into the reviews. I am not a porn star so I offer more of an intimate GFE type thing. I am more playful rather than PSE. Although some reviews are not 100% accurate in some cases, if you go through at least five or more of them you will find some consistency and possibly some inconsistency when doing your homework. You can Judge from there. This is not rocket science. The purpose of a review website like this is to give the clients a chance to share experiences.  Fear of LE will prevent the ladies from being explicit.  Fear of rip-offs will prevent gentlemen from participating in the hobby.  Reading the reviews can mitigate the risks but as TER states on its home page, “everything posted on this site is a work of fiction, written for entertainment and amusement purposes only”.  Just as a reviewer could blatently lie, so can a provider.  If the providers can lie too, will it really make you feel better if a rip-off artist tells you what you want to hear?  You are still going to be ripped off in the end.  It is like the liars paradox, the real providers won’t tell you what you want to hear, the rip-offs won’t tell you what you want to hear, so why ask the question? Ladies we don't have to be rude. Leave that to someone who might not have any class. A simple, “no thank you" will do. A client might not even realize that they are being disrespectful and will either learn or not. Keep in mind that stupidity does not run in a particular sex. We ladies by trial and error have to learn too. By accusing we are only making it more difficult. As for rushing I am not sure what to say. Muffyman said that some girls talk to waste the session.  Many reviews describe a GFE as providing a no-rush comfortable session”.  Some clients are interested in taking their time and establishing a rapport with the provider, just as the provider may want that kind of rapport with the client.  I talk a lot for that reason, not to waste time. I also do not cut my sessions off if I know I have spent a lot of time chatting. If you are in a hurry gently lead the lady to into play time or let her know that you are on your lunch hour and have to be back at a certain time. I do not know about other ladies but I offer a second cup if someone is done in 20 minutes. Again this is something you can get a feel for if you read a lady's reviews. As far as the offering drinks issue is concerned. I have bottled water and sodas.  I do not charge outrageous fees and do not see fifty people in a day so Muffy that is not a fair assumption on your part. I would be happy to pick something up for someone if they ask ahead of time. I like to make sure someone is happy but I am not going to put in a fully stocked bar to accommodate. I try to meet requests if I can when given notice. Simple.......
Grace: What can I say, some people are just not very graceful. Accept each other or don't. Do not get into a business you do not like doing. Don't man- handle the ladies. I have sent people home in the past when after three warnings they did not stop manhandling me.  Dirty talk is a blast but degrading talk can be annoying and disrespectful if a lady is not into it. Again do your homework and you will have an idea. Also I personally do not mind someone asking if I like role playing or dirty talk. I will tell you my personal limits. There are acceptable questions. An example is, “what is your tipping policy?" or “Is your rate a flat rate?" As far as discounts and specials you don't go into a restaurant and offer fifteen dollars for a thirty dollar steak. You will get a rude answer or nothing at all.  If you are on a limited budget it does not hurt to ask if the lady offers any specials. She always has the opportunity to say no.  Tipping is a nice thing and always appreciated but if a lady has a flat rate that is high to begin with she is not expecting a tip and by doing so you are only saying that she went above and beyond the call of duty and that you appreciate her. Bottom line if you really want to make sure you will have a connection ask the lady to take 5 minutes out of her day to chat with you on the phone. Do not ask stupid questions but see how she responds to casual conversation. See if she starts complaining about how bad her life is or asking you who you have seen and if you liked them.  By her being in a hurry or rude you will know. Do not take up her whole day but Make sure she gives you the time you deserve. A five minute conversation can tell you whether you will enjoy yourself intellectually or not. The reviews will say the rest. Again it doesn't have to be that hard for either of us.
My advice to the Gentlemen out there;
1: Make sure that the lady you have in mind is someone you are attracted to not someone you are wanting to see because of rate or convenience only. This can make for a better time.
2: read her reviews and make sure she likes the same things that you like. Again these things can vary a bit but generally you will know.

I have learned the hard way on all these things but I am not here to blast men. Stupidity comes in all shapes, sizes and sex, as does common sense. My sermon for the day ;)
I am off to buy a can of mace and a stun gun:0
On a serious note I hope we can all learn to play nice.

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