
can someone please explain this to me?
azvictoria See my TER Reviews 1262 reads
1 / 17

OK  they took away ours mods and now we have support  and supposedly our  own host and hostess that were in place to start topics of  interest and  make this this a better board user  far  I have seen or heard the so called  welcome wagon  coming to our town  at least with our last mod we knew he was real and present here and if you had an issue or stepped sideways  he took care of it we are back to square one I  the only one that thinks this might  be a step in the wrong direction at least as far as PHX in concerned? I also want  these so called hosts to say hello and introduce themselves  is that not  what a good hosts does at a gathering  to make us feel welcome? So much for all the interesting topics   there has been 0  by them  not even a pic thread and we have not been given the rules so we can even have one  I myself am getting bored quickly  by the new "TER" so TER if your listening AND YOU TRULY WANT A BETTER PLACE FOR US  THEN DO WHAT YOU PROMISED ..... AFEW MORE WEEKS LIKE THIS AND phx WILL JUST FADE TO BLACK ........

AuroraDawg 579 reads
2 / 17
daziffer 6 Reviews 442 reads
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I agree with your host/hostess remark..lets just go ahead and run with it so to speak. You have always been a good one for starting topics on here, and I can't think of anything you have said that could be offensive with the new just go for it!!! Almost all of us support you and your fun times that you create on here!

azvictoria See my TER Reviews 718 reads
4 / 17

like the chile dog  it will  just crapped out and be flushed away much work went inot bring  life back  ti just flush it away IMHO

justdonebyu 3 Reviews 925 reads
5 / 17

I am guilty. Guilty of blogging here. This is not a blog site that should be sharing random info not shobby related - but darn if it doesn't. It is a hobby site with a specific agenda (or used to be), that has become a bit more "off topic". It used to be guys sharing information (some cities still do) about new providers or experiences. I would like it to be that. Or let the existing providers post a special on the ad board. Fine.

We have gone to a "hush" society here in Phoenix anyway. Most of the posts, including mine, are trivial when it comes to me finding "company" - yea, I get the flavor of a ladies personality a bit I guess, but that's it (actually - some of the ladies posts have caused me NOT to see them). I go to the reviews, search, and that helps. The Phoenix General Discussion board does not give many "heads up" any more. And there are only a few constant posters. I liked the humor, but that said, one of my favorites is gone right now.

There are guys that keep to themselves - and their "finds". Does not do the girls any good. There are folks who have bad experiences, but do not post due to retaliation (I still really don't get that - it is the Hen's telling the Foxes to shut up - and the white knight syndrome).

If the ladies would post their OUT OF TOWN or SPECIALS on the ad board, and the guys would post useful information without getting slammed or labeled, and all of our ego's were in check enough to use the board for the business intended, I'd say it would be an improvement. And that means less work for the owners of the board - and in this economy, I agree with their position and letting the cities manage themselves more. The "other" local board has dated info and is not in anyway any better. Not a slam, just an observation - the info is duplicate and in some cases out of date.

Maybe the reviews will get back to a rationale rating (I have seen some 10 rated girls in Phoenix who by any standard are an 8 at max compared to other cities on the site, but never said anything here in Phoenix).

We are all entitled to our opinion and yea, like....we all have one.

Phoenix will not fade to black - there will be reviews and ads to look at. And if the guys grow a vaj jay (per Betty White) and start posting meaningful info again, all would be good. The ego's in the community are out of check - including mine.

Hey Dave, we need to start going back to Canada :-) lol


azvictoria See my TER Reviews 1043 reads
6 / 17

lets see how many hobbiest step up and do what you are asking or if the board drys up like it did  before..... the good new is you will only have to log in once a week  to read everthing....maybe less

justdonebyu 3 Reviews 849 reads
7 / 17

I will know that only relevant information is available, when I, the Hobbiest, needs it. And not have to filter through so much other stuff. Drying up of the non-useful stuff would be a good thing. And if guys don't post useful so be it. Honestly, I have not seen ANY girls, based on their posts from the general discussion in the past several years (though certain hobbiests posts have lead me to a girl or two - but found later it was schillling, which I can deal with by filtering out those hobbiests). All from reviews and ads. Like I said, the general discussions have caused me NOT to see certain ladies.

I'd head straight to reviews. Check the posts if there are any relevant points about the ladies I am interested in. And then check ads.

Sounds like a plan to me :-)

justdonebyu 3 Reviews 721 reads
8 / 17

So not much will actually change, but.. too much weight was carried by frequent posters with the mods. I mean, if a frequent poster could ping a mod and get someone censored or blocked, that was not a good thing. Let "homebase" do that.

I think, over time, it will all work out.

arizbob 19 Reviews 591 reads
9 / 17

the board at all. To be exact there is nothing that has not been discussed at least a few times. You should just go straight to the ads and review pages. It nice to have a little friendly banter with the ladies and it sounds to me you don't want that. If TER wants this board to be extremely narrow in focus then they should make a shoot the bull board for guys and gals to have fun.  Not trying to come down on you but I disagree with your position.

justdonebyu 3 Reviews 730 reads
10 / 17

The great thing about America is we can disagree without being disagree'able. I do appreciate your comment.

This will be my last "general" post. Going forward, only in support, or not, of the ladies as it relates to hobby services will I comment on. 1,000 channels on cable now and I still only watch about 4. Same with the ladies I see I guess.

The hobby has changed quite a bit over the years. Knowing that posts are a double edged sword, I will take your advice.

TER is not in the business of "shooting the bull" about general stuff. They pay for bandwidth, storage, and processing power. To the owners, it is a business. They derive their money from membership, and membership is driven by the value the board brings. More value (good info - not schill) about the hobby (cash is something no person should waste - wealthy or not), more members - or at least, quality members who actually support the hobby by seeing ladies frequently, which gives the ladies a reason to be on the site. At some point, it becomes a cost trade-off.

I welcome the filtering of certain posters. I know who I would filter already. Then yes, as of the past few years, the board would appear empty to me anyway.

We have self-fulfilled - the quality of the hobby has suffered in Phoenix for many reasons. If you are getting the same results by doing the same things, it is time to change what you are doing.

To quote a friend


-- Modified on 2/9/2012 10:57:01 AM

loverboy62 4 Reviews 472 reads
11 / 17

when you could find out about a new lady a friend had seen and get a believable report.  Long gone are the days you could get a good warning to stay away from a reliable hobbyist...Long gone are the days of positive get togethers where you had a chance to interact with the Ladies and determine if there was a connection that would draw you in..And yes, long gone are the days when a true Provider knew what it meant to create the perfect "fantasy date"..  Well "Just Jack"  you were right on target with your prediction.

Posted By: justdonebyu
The great thing about America is we can disagree without being disagree'able. I do appreciate your comment.

This will be my last "general" post. Going forward, only in support, or not, of the ladies as it relates to hobby services will I comment on. 1,000 channels on cable now and I still only watch about 4. Same with the ladies I see I guess.

The hobby has changed quite a bit over the years. Knowing that posts are a double edged sword, I will take your advice.

TER is not in the business of "shooting the bull" about general stuff. They pay for bandwidth, storage, and processing power. To the owners, it is a business. They derive their money from membership, and membership is driven by the value the board brings. More value (good info - not schill) about the hobby (cash is something no person should waste - wealthy or not), more members - or at least, quality members who actually support the hobby by seeing ladies frequently, which gives the ladies a reason to be on the site. At some point, it becomes a cost trade-off.

I welcome the filtering of certain posters. I know who I would filter already. Then yes, as of the past few years, the board would appear empty to me anyway.

We have self-fulfilled - the quality of the hobby has suffered in Phoenix for many reasons. If you are getting the same results by doing the same things, it is time to change what you are doing.

To quote a friend


-- Modified on 2/9/2012 10:57:01 AM

applecious 95 Reviews 1361 reads
12 / 17

I agree, this host/hostess deal seems to not be very present. I read the boards daily, but have no clue on what is going on with this host/hostess deal. Who is the host/hostess? OR it just has not started yet.

What's wrong with have a MOD? At least they are present, active, and involved in the hobby. The customer support might be some random person who have no idea what the hobby is about and goes around deleting things that do not need to be deleted.

Maybe have both. A mod for moderating the discussion and a host/hostess for the welcoming part that TER is trying to do.

AZJustJack 3 Reviews 583 reads
13 / 17

I think What's 'long gone' is the whole sense of community we used to have back in the day...or maybe we never truly had it, and we all just mutually pretended in shared delusion. It was a hell of a lot of fun, though.

Found myself thinking about Rose this holiday season, and just how much I enjoyed the Toys For Tots get-togethers...even if maybe all the toys didn't get to the tots, and maybe all the money didn't get to the donation was fun to pretend, just for one night. Get loaded, chat up pretty ladies, maybe have some fun under a mistletoe someplace....good times.

I miss that lady. I miss what was. Who doesn't?

If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by. And your friends.

Hobby Happy

justdonebyu 3 Reviews 929 reads
14 / 17

been busy, but things are slowing down so I have more time to hobby and run amok. Loverboy and I caught up at JustJack (yours) and Wanderer's favorite watering hole (steaks) in Scottsdale Friday night. Yea, times are different, and things change - but some things never do - like my cell number. If you still have it, drop me a text.

As for Rose - we were coincidently talking about her because that is how LoverBoy and I met. She forced a sense of community in her own maniacal way. Greed, arrogance and lack of good fantasy has caused things to go downhill. Heck, there are hobbiests still keeping girls to their small circle, and then the girl wonders why she is not getting more business.

Never used to be like that - but what do I know.

When you get a free evening, let's pop into where you and I enjoyed Devin :-) I'll get LoverBoy to join us.


HalfHour 625 reads
15 / 17

How many locals are even interested in being one?

You have been an unofficial hostess and did a nice job too. Recent drama has left things quiet I believe too.

It is what it is.


DAVEPHX 609 reads
16 / 17

Posted By: justdonebyu

Hey Dave, we need to start going back to Canada :-) lol
Too far and costly with hotels while huge selection of gals and of course no legal isssues.

Phoenix is a mess with all the pending legal issues and 10 day sting with FBI that just ended last week.

600+ charges nation wide in 11  cities including Phx, using children and trafficking as excuse and only about 4 alledged trafficking and pimping found rest just part of the big bust show.  Don't have Phoenix PD separate numbers yet. Was  primariy locused on customers but about 200 gals also for soliciation.

AZJustJack 3 Reviews 599 reads
17 / 17

Lost the old phone, so years of info, hobby and civilian, is lost to the winds of history. Guess I shoulda backed=up...

MY number is still the same, if you still have it-otherwise I sent to your JDBY email (not here, of course, I'm no paying member) so check your mail.

I haven't been to the Spot in a long time-sounds fun. Lemme know.


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