
a post from a different forum
lenstermania2 4590 reads
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This is a copy from myredbook San Francisco

Charter Member
1815 posts 25-Nov-04, 10:33 PM (PST)
2. "RE: Beautiful Blonde Latina Bombshell Will Be In Pheoni"
In response to message #1

  Phoenix is the land of ripoffs when it comes to companionship. Either ripoffs or high prices, when you have these stupid-ass johns willing to pay up their a$$es. I was stupid enough to go $1.8 at an AMP in the West Valley recently for mediocre service - the most I have ever paid in my whole life.
I'll be glad when my consulting work is over with in Phoenix...

redbbw007 See my TER Reviews 5180 reads
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I can understand this persons anger and resentment twoard our towns providers. We have many legit independents and a select few legit agencies, but when it comes to the Massage Parlor experience, well it is a roll of the dice and most of the time the poor guy gets crap(s)!
As a provider who works in a local establishment, I find the work ethics of some of the "Massage Girls", intolerable. I see many "out of towners", that take a chance to see me as a last resort, because they have been treated so poorly in the past by other parlor providers. They all have the same story to tell, cheap "room rate" and outrageous tip rates, and little or no massage at all. I for one am awaiting a change in this behavior when the new state licensure comes into effect in January. Many of these shops won't be able to keep their therapists or businesses because they can't provide the state with the info needed to call yourself a real massage provider.
AMPS, MPS, what ever the tag, if it says massage then it should also involve an actual massage!
Sorry for the rant here, but it has been a bee in my bonnet for a long time. The point is, no matter what you do, escort, massage, what ever, do the best damn whatever you do. I have a saying on my website and I follow it daily with each client I meet be it new or long time...some of those out there need to remember that with out our clients, we wouldn't have a job!

"A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is a part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. -" Mahatma Gandhi.

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