
Why is it that the gross's guys want to kiss more?confused_smile
Oneforus 996 reads

I love sex and kissing , but some people are so very very gross. Don't get me wrong I understand clients are not always don WANs, but some are down right vomit material. Help""!

As a non don WAN I resemble that. (Thanks Rodney)

From the mis spelled words, I assume you are uneducated.  From your station in life, I assume you are young.  You have seen very little of life, and what you have seen, which led you here, is likely unpleasant.  I am sorry for you that life has not yet afforded you much opportunity for equanimity in your wisdom.

As you get older, you will come to see that these "gross" men are looking to you to fill a void.  To satisfy a need.  For whatever reason, life is not perfect for them either.

Perhaps  their marriage has ended.  Maybe they never were successful in life or love.  They remain men who simply looked to you for reassurance and comfort.

You were not their first choice.  They were a little grossed out in the beginning as well, sharing their intimate feelings with a prostitute.  If they could, they would have avoided you too.

So, try to be kind to these men who look to you for comfort.  They will not ask for permanence.  For, despite your youth and beauty, you are a prostitute.  They are no more proud of the interaction than you are.

"For, despite your youth and beauty, you are a prostitute." .... some (well most or ok all) of what she/he wrote was mean/rude/meant to be insulting but that was too.

Yeah, to be fair, it was more insulting than necessary.  For that, I apologize.  What I had hoped also to convey was the humanity of the gross men who wanted to kiss her.

I realize that a young woman would not otherwise consider kissing someone she considers gross.  Nor, frankly, would the gross man likely have the nerve to ask in another context.  I do get that this is a part of her day she finds unpleasant.

But, to objectify men a "clients" and "vomit worthy" is pretty insulting as well.  I am sure the guys she considers gross are fat or old or both.  But, they also have humanity.  They needed to connect with another person.  It seemed wrong of that person to dismiss that needy soul as vomitous.  I just tried to point out that neither side was winning and perhaps both sides could help the other with less castigation.

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
"For, despite your youth and beauty, you are a prostitute." .... some (well most or ok all) of what she/he wrote was mean/rude/meant to be insulting but that was too.

Posted By: whosonfirst
From the mis spelled words, I assume you are uneducated.
Did you mean: misspell?

Cute.  And I will be the first to add that I personally am FAR from perfect,

Posted By: NationalRadio
Posted By: whosonfirst
From the mis spelled words, I assume you are uneducated.
 Did you mean: misspell?

As noted by the comma.  

Posted By: whosonfirst
Cute.  And I will be the first to add that I personally am FAR from perfect,  
Posted By: NationalRadio
Posted By: whosonfirst
From the mis spelled words, I assume you are uneducated.
  Did you mean: misspell?

Wow.   That's your comment?  First, you miss the point.    

Second, your correction itself misuses the word "noted."  Noted means to take note of something, to acknowledge its existence.  Your sentence, however, ascribes that action to the word "comma."  That is incorrect.  A mark of punctuation did not take note of anything.  What you could have said is that my fallibility is evidenced by my use of a comma.  Even that, however, seems incongruous with the informality of the medium being used.  

In the end, your comment shows more of your limitations than it does  mine.  One can only hope that you are better at servicing men than you are at correcting grammar.

the subject has been completely buried in a lesson in spelling and punctuation ;) hahahaha!
just playin;)
I personally love kissing:)
doesn't matter who, as long as they're into it & willing to work with me;) lol

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