
The 90 minute premium.........
Ishootcraps 27 Reviews 838 reads

Ok, I like 90 minutes, an hour is too short, I always feel rushed.  Two hours is too long, I'm always left with time on the clock. And sometimes I get three hours and go dancing.  

I'm also budget minded, therefore I always try to chose a girl that offers a multi hour discount. That is when you purchase more than one hour and the total is less than if you had paid the hourly rate times the number of hours purchased. For example:

If 1 hour is $300, then $550 for two hours would be a $50 discount. (300 x 2 = 600 - 550 = $50 discount.  

But some times I will see a premium for multi hours. For example:

If 1 hour is $300 then 90 minutes should be $450 ( 60 x 1.5 = 90; $300 x 1.5 = $450 ). If your rate is $300 for an hour and your 90 minute rate is $500; you are charging a $50 premium. If you wanted to offer a multi hour discount it should be less than $450.  

The same goes with three hours. If your rate is $300 per hour then 3 hours should be $900. ($300 x 3 = $900). If your three hour rate is $1,000 then you are charging a $100 premium.  

Now of course if you do not like multi hour sessions, or dinner or dancing dates, then charging a multi hour premium makes sense, but most of the sites I read say girls like longer dates. Personally for me, I would never book a girl with multi hour premium; and while I have considered it for some girls, I have yet to book a girl without  some form of multi hour discount.  

I hope this information is helpful.

The ladies who charge a premium for longer appointments do not really enjoy them. Just a hunch. If this is not the case, well you know what they say about assumptions...

Personally, I enjoy multiple hour meetings. There is no rush, and you have the opportunity to warm up to each other before it is time to part ways. And I can count! My donations are all align, and discounted after the third hour.

Just this ladies .02

-- Modified on 5/11/2015 12:34:22 PM

But maybe it slipped ur mind?  

I prefer longer appointments and I think most girls try to sell what they prefer, I want somebody to look at my rates n be like "for an extra 100$ of course I'll take a longer appointment" same When I work duos and am trying to work with a friend for the day I typically price it similarly. For example when Demi and I were working duos my hour was $250 but duo was $350. I wanted gentlemen to be like 2 girls for the same amount of time for 100 more?  

I would think other girls do what they prefer with pricing as well.  

But at the end of the day we all run our biz as we see fit. If a girl makes $300/hr and charges $600 for 2 hours then it doesn't matter to them if they do a 2 hour or 2 one hours so I suppose that's their thoughts behind it.  

Just my .02

nd no, you have never slipped my mind, especially your duos. Best hobby value in the region.  

Wish you organize an orgy.

I've tried to justify it with several girls to no avail. Now, I just pay the posted rate they're asking without question   It's a fool's errand to try to work this out with the ladies, regardless of how mathematically sound your argument is.

davekay9236 reads

I heard this logic one time (I wasn't trying to barter, just understand her reasoning..)

'Well, 30 minutes is 200, and 60 minutes is 300, so 200+300=500 for 90 minutes'

Ladies choose the rates and we choose to make an appointment or not.  If I really want to see a lady and she penalizes the 90 minute appt, then I'll book a 60 minute.

Also if a lady penalizes couples to the extent that I could pay two providers for doubles instead of bringing my girlfriend then that's an easy pass altogether

as the OP proposes? You must have thought it made sense to attract "cheap asses" like us.  

I'm guessing you didn't read the thread and notice the fact that some were able to find humor and an opportunity to banter a bit as a result.  

If you want to be pissed, use this: The Red Sox, Bruins and Pats all suck.

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