
Re: She's not YOUR ATF. She's not YOUR anything -e-
jshgll 35 Reviews 438 reads

I recently dealt with the retirement of my ATF.  It was the first time it had happened to me.  I was very surprised by my attachment.  She wants to go back to school and completely cut her ties with the hobby.  That is why she turned down a very lucrative offer to see me on the side.  I commend her ambition; however, I wish I could see her again sometimes.  Eventually, another ATF will develop. It is simply what happens in the hobby.  No lady does this forever.

I am not an active hobbyist and am not sure how I even came across the ad for my recently retired ATF.  I have seen her many times and I know it is not a good idea to become emotionally involved with a provider (or so they say).  When I heard she was retiring I was surprised at how I felt.  It is not just the obvious stuff that will be missed, but the chance to talk to someone about different things and just have fun.  I doubt if I will even see anyone in the business again because there is just no way it will be the same uas it was with this special person.  I hope I'll get over it at some point.  Anyway, just wanted to spill my guts to the Board.  Happy holidays to all.

But still see old clients for old times' sake. Maybe have a chat with her?  

Or find a new ATF! I'll be in town soon... :)

Have a chat with your ATF and see if she would consider seeing although she has retired. Many retired ladies do it..  

If not, there are plenty of ladies in the hobby whose company you will enjoy. Ask your ATF if she will not continue to see you, who will she recommend.  

Good Luck!

Thanks so much for the advice.  I will ask her and see what happens.

Happened to me too -- twice -- in 2007 and again in '09. But have kept in touch with both since and have a good chance of getting a UTR thing going soon with at least one. So hang in there. If there's any chance she would like to continue with a couple select clients without the hassle of advertising/screening/maintaining a website, etc. she'll let you know as long as you let her know. Good luck. reads

By F. Scott Fitzgerald...

"There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice."

The fun you had with your favorite is over...but, there are new and different types of fun to be had, if your heart is open.  

Why not get to know a new lady? You will never forget your ATF, nor should you...but there are some wonderful women out there, who, if you are open to them, might enrich your life in their own unique ways :-)

I'm sure you're right.  Never said she was.  Actually, she is a smart, independent woman who is perfectly capable of doing whatever she wants and will succeed wherever she goes.

No he's wrong.  She's still your All Time Favorite.  You may not mean shit to her but she is your ATF.  Not sure what sort of bug crawled up TheL's coward alias ass.  

Merry Xmas!

I recently dealt with the retirement of my ATF.  It was the first time it had happened to me.  I was very surprised by my attachment.  She wants to go back to school and completely cut her ties with the hobby.  That is why she turned down a very lucrative offer to see me on the side.  I commend her ambition; however, I wish I could see her again sometimes.  Eventually, another ATF will develop. It is simply what happens in the hobby.  No lady does this forever.

Glad to hear others have gone through the same thing.  I understand that is the nature of the business.  Will just try to move on. I wonder if providers ever feel the same way when they leave the business.....that is that they miss a special client or two?

DirtyJesus317 reads

I mean, this is a "service-industry" you know... Just hire a new one and tell her how you like it done...

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