
Q: Philadelphia hotels for Incallsteeth_smile
CollegeSuccubi 687 reads

Looking for the best hotel options for escorts and clients. I am new to the hotel incalls, I have a private residence location but I get a lot of potential clientele not wanting to see me because of this mainly. I am thinking of Airport area or I open to other suggestions long as there not to expensive. I am currently located near the KOP area but one of my regulars tip me LE is/was doing stings so this are is not an option for me or anyone for that matter.

If you look at the ad boards you'll see girls are still setting up in KoP and Plymouth Meeting in the Western Suburbs. You're right that there has been more LE activity there, including an announced bust recently.  But discretion and screening are your best bets to stay safe.  

Downtown near the convention center is also a good spot, as is the airport. Each has their benefits and each will attract a different set of guys.  There was a thread not too long ago on each of those areas. Maybe try and search for it. Good luck!

What he said!!! I concur! And it is VERY dangerous and not smart to post any hotels on these kind of forums. Let's please use common sense here everyone!

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