
A Public Apology; No Way
Paulf1949 2 Reviews 1605 reads
1 / 18

This provider posted she was visiting Scranton this past weekend on P411. We had agreed on Saturday at noon...40 minutes before the time she sent a pm that there was a hotel problem and could we meet later or on Sunday.  More pms and agreed on Sunday a can guess what happened. I drove almost 80 miles round trip. no answers only voice mail.  NCNS!! Asked by pm after the fact what happened... no response, yet she has beens on p411 several times since. AVOID!!!! I doubt she ever came to Scranton.

vman1970 151 Reviews 866 reads
2 / 18
JackDunphy 629 reads
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These two issues mentioned here are troubling and can hurt her biz very fast so it is only fair to wait and hear what happened to her, but the fact she is checking her p411 account after her NCNS would give one further pause, if what you are saying is true.

I have no reason to doubt what you are saying for now, but to be fair, we don't know her side as she hasn't had her say in the matter.  

If this did happen to you, I feel your pain and sorry you had to go through that bullshit.

Keep us updated and thanks for the heads up.

Paulf1949 2 Reviews 466 reads
5 / 18

Another day has elapsed and Karlie has been on P411 a couple more times to include viewing my profile.  Still no excuse, apology...nada.
 As the old saying goes a poor excuse is better than no excuse at all...

I will waste no more of my time on this "Lady"

Watch out Baltimore she is traveling there soon.

klewedin 71 Reviews 600 reads
6 / 18

I'll probably regret this post, but these semi-angry NCNS threads are always difficult.  You never know the other side of the story, but even if the hobbyist is completely right, this stuff happens ALL of the time and folks have to get over it.  And just so people don't think I am being a WK to Karlie (I don't know her) or in general, I had two appointments cancel last week, one without any communication.  So I felt the pain, but so what? I have another appointment booked with a super provider and life will be good once again.    

The lady has nothing to gain by publicly responding to this thread, other than prolonging it and gaining more recriminations from the OP and those who sympathize with him. Maybe she should make private amends to the OP, but from the tone of his last post, I doubt that it would fall on receptive ears.  

Just some thoughts about this common experience

JackDunphy 572 reads
7 / 18

And you said that after you said "You never know the other side of the story." Bizarre...

Maybe she didn't NCNS and the OP is fabricating this whole thing? Possible, right?

You don't understand PR, I get that. But its very simple. Let me break it down for you.

If people are maligning your character or biz practices publicly, you get out and make your argument and address the issue. That's what any caring and concerned person or service would do, IF...their reputation was important to them.

Her being mum on this topic will lead reasonable people to believe the OP is telling the truth.

klewedin 71 Reviews 535 reads
8 / 18

This hiccup will get buried in the Internet and few will remember since it isn't a review.

JackDunphy 521 reads
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It's a dog. When guys see that, they get nervous and tend to do some more research generally.  

Her name will come up on a search of this board, and if I were advising the OP, I would ask him to put his post on the MD and DC boards to warn those guys as well.

Thanks for looking out for the guys.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 583 reads
10 / 18

ostensibly, NCNS is one of the most common complaints of provider and client alike.

Yet... in 4 years I've never seen one. Yes, I've cancelled and been cancelled on (rarely); but always with some notice and communication.

Hell, a few weeks ago I was an hour late for a two hour appointment that she thought was a one-hour appointment. And it worked out fine because we communicated throughout our miscommunication. LOL. We did a better job of being clear about schedules and being on time (and having a better time) when we met again a week or two later.

I always wonder at the communications that lead to these NCNS situations. Not just the "business" details, but the "human" elements as well.

More on point, thanks for sharing the info. I'd be pissed and need to vent also. Unfortunately, there seems to be little to be gained beyond that from such situations and posts, IMHO.

Shake it off, move on and don't contact her again. See my TER Reviews 788 reads
11 / 18

I didn't mean to do it. I am about to write you an email with my explanation. I hope you will understand and forgive me.  

Posted By: Paulf1949
This provider posted she was visiting Scranton this past weekend on P411. We had agreed on Saturday at noon...40 minutes before the time she sent a pm that there was a hotel problem and could we meet later or on Sunday.  More pms and agreed on Sunday a can guess what happened. I drove almost 80 miles round trip. no answers only voice mail.  NCNS!! Asked by pm after the fact what happened... no response, yet she has beens on p411 several times since. AVOID!!!! I doubt she ever came to Scranton. See my TER Reviews 839 reads
12 / 18

As huge tragedy hit my family at that time. I got overwhelmed. I made big mistake by not contacting Paul and explaining myself earlier. It was never my intention to waste anybody's time and play games.  
I hope Paul and everyone here will understand and forgive me.  

Karlie Gold  

"Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly"
Jan Twardowski

LSMJD 33 Reviews 489 reads
13 / 18

Thanks Karlie for at least coming on the board and providing some explanation to others who have been following this.  What you and Paul agree going forward is your business,  but at least you've offered some closure. Nice to see.

Paulf1949 2 Reviews 602 reads
14 / 18

Posted By:
As huge tragedy hit my family at that time. I got overwhelmed. I made big mistake by not contacting Paul and explaining myself earlier. It was never my intention to waste anybody's time and play games.  
 I hope Paul and everyone here will understand and forgive me.  
 Karlie Gold  
 "Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly"  
 Jan Twardowski

Thank you very much Karlie

JackDunphy 456 reads
15 / 18

Paul did a valuable service by alerting the community and Karlie responded in an apologetic and professional manner.

However Karlie and Paul handle this bcd, is their business.

Its nice to see people act like adults and handle issues like this that come up in our little world and it appears like the "system" worked in the end.

Best of luck to the two of you.

cegb42 3 Reviews 515 reads
16 / 18

That review seems a little bs though tbh. Either the guy doesn't realize what 75 extra lbs would look like on a girl that size or its being heavily exaggerated. Even 30 lbs would be difficult to put on in the 2 months since her last positive review.

Posted By: JackDunphy
It's a dog. When guys see that, they get nervous and tend to do some more research generally.  
 Her name will come up on a search of this board, and if I were advising the OP, I would ask him to put his post on the MD and DC boards to warn those guys as well.  
 Thanks for looking out for the guys.

538059 321 Reviews 525 reads
17 / 18
frankiegee11 497 reads
18 / 18

When in doubt...any doubt at all...avoid!!!

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