Other Cities

Take me with you!
sofunone 34 Reviews 397 reads
1 / 6

Headed to Maui for business and fun - any recommendations?

MeinarschunddeinGesicht 313 reads
2 / 6

heck P411:
Natalie is on my to-do list, P138800. (TER ID: 146629)
No personal experience, but you can also find some ratings for the Maui Muse, (Heidi the Housewife P14130 (TER ID: 34767), Cassidy Kingston (TER ID: 118694), Alexandra (TER ID: 179696

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 369 reads
3 / 6

Here is a link from the last time I answered this question. Not much changes on Maui so my answer is still pretty accurate. It's all about timing, who may be available there, while you are there. Meinarsch has given you some good info too, with actual TER ID numbers.

Good luck.

hammerhead896 46 Reviews 311 reads
4 / 6

on the Big Island! Please girls make a trip over here soon I am waiting to see someone :)

theMauiMuse See my TER Reviews 362 reads
5 / 6

Thought I would drop on in and say ALOHA! and thank-you for mentioning the Lovely Ladies of Maui. I just registered and sent a message to admin to get all my contact information from Heidi the Housewife from Denver updated with ALL my updated contact information.

Yes, I will be posting an AD on the AD board here too, in a couple days...lol, I am kinda busy.

Anyway, I just wanted to say Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka

the Maui Muse

Heidi the Housewife

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 305 reads
6 / 6

I have only been once & I spent a week there sharing a room with a business man who had to work the entire time.  I layed on the beach it was awesome & I gave him a sweet deal too!

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