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Re: Well, "dude" if you count all the "likes" on my last post (none of them from me)
MadDmacx 29 Reviews 127 reads

Just making sure you hear me  :)   I dont need to count posts or likes.  Im much more secure than that.  You do you though.  Im still here.

Reading the recent posts on the General board got me thinking about my approach to this thing.     I know that there are exceptions to everything, and Im not saying anyone has to agree with me.  I put this on the reviewers board first and now on the general board too .   Im wondering if anyone else thinks the same way.  

Ive been doing this 30 plus years and through trial, error and experience ive learned about escorts.   To paraphrase Jack Reacher I said escort but I meant hookers and whores.   Ive probably seen close to 200 different women over my 30+ years playing .   Again, im sure there are exceptions and I havent seen every single woman, but I have  few guidelines for myself.  These may not be your rules, but they work for me.  
And please, Im not being disrespectful to the 'ladies'.  Im just being real.  Ive got a number of them I see regularly.  They know Im not crazy, wont rob them or worse, wont flake or catch feelings.   I show up on time, give them money for some combo of head, pussy, and /or ass then leave.  
Based on my experience I never believe anything they say. And I mean anything!  I cant tell you how many sob stories ive heard (not from every one of the 150) as part of a setup to ask me for money, or to cosign a loan.  I remember one girl who kept talking to her bf on the phone while I was there.  First time or two I waited (and waited till the call was done.  The third time I just slid my cock in without waiting and went to work on her pussy and ass.  I even fisted her (well- 4 fingers in flat palm up to my big knuckles).   I remember him confronting her about cheating on one call (picture him on the phone and my cock in her pussy)  .   Shes telling him hes got got nothing to worry about while im using her holes.   A few days later she calls me with a bs story and can I lend her money and "she will pay me back"   Why tf would I trust her to pay me back if she does her bf like that lmao.  From then on I knew what her deal was and treated her like a whore hooker.   And you know what? I had much more fun.  You want extra money?  Hmm let me think of some crazy sex act to get you to do.   I let my imagination run and I had better sessions- more fun.   A whores bread and butter is fucking and sucking.  If she does more she gets more. I just aint gonna give her more $ so she thinks Im nice.  Simple.  I think she even respected me more for not being a chump.
Another thing I learned is be direct and say what you want otherwise she will try to "eat the clock".  Not every one will but  ive found  if Im dont say exactly what I want, shes just gonna pour more wine and talk.  When Im communicating with them, I let them know- dress in a thong, tank top and heels.  I also tell then when I get there to be ready to get on their knees to suck my cock.  Being direct makes the session more fun.   We can talk drink and smoke after round one. (Another note  -showering to start is another time waster.   I ALWAYS shower right before I get to them.)
That brings me to my next point: it's all about the $$ right?.    A hooker may say youre cool.  Hell they may even like you in the sense that you are ok to hang with while you are paying them to suck your dick or whatever.  They may even have a drink or smoke weed with you.  But never, never thing you are their friend.   MAYBE, MAYBE you may get one to hang with you "for free" for an hour or so IF you buy whatever they tell you to buy or are doing something else for them they cant or wont do (meaning fix shit, or move shit).  Maybe , and this is rarer, you will get a freebie out of one.   But I guaran-damn-tee they will not make it a regular thing.  If you try that they will ghost you till you get the point and find your wallet.
The last thing Ive realized is every woman who sells ass is basically the same.  All of them, from the $1200/hr ones that call themselves courtesans, or call themselves escorts, to the 200 to 500 an hour range providers all suck strangers cocks for money.   Before they saw you they had a guys dick in their mouth.  Then they suck your dick. Then theyll suck another strangers dick after they see you.  They are all whore hookers.  Thats not disrespect, it's what they do.  When I see them, I show up on time, Im clean, not drunk or stoned (yet lol-if they partake) and I only have them do what they are willing to do for $$.  
They may think highly of themselves, dress great and look  like a model.  I respect that.  Thats why Im there.  But at the end of the day shes putting my dick in her mouth ass or pussy (or all three) because Im paying her to, and she is A- ok with that part of the equation.  I know the 200-500 an hour whores are too.  Ive never picked up a SW but, Ive heard they do the same thing.
No matter how hot they look or much they are charging, it doesnt give them the right to cop an attutude before during or after the session.  I dont get to be an asshole because Im paying, but I can make sure I get my monies worth and dont get took right?
I saw a quote from another monger that says it all :
"You cant always be first but you can sometimes be next.
We can't concern ourselves with what someone we pay for sex is doing when she isnt being paid by us.
If you see her doing gangbang creampies on internet porn, then be afraid, but otherwise get in line and wait your turn either figuratively or literally.
One way or another we are no way near the front of the line, nor are we the only ones waiting in line."  The quote puts it in perspective.  Looking at it the way I do helps keep me clear of the bs.

I agree with this attitude, but as role play, rather than a real judgement on them (or on me.)  I mean in real life there is no societal honor in being a client of prostitutes.  But being dominant and using some form of shaming in role play is a lot of fun.  But I do that more with sugar babes after discussion so there is no question of consent, rather than with hourly pros. where initial discussions might get you branded as a time waster.

I'm not passing judgment.   My point is when I strip it down the the basic parts, In my mind I can steer clear of alot of the bs that goes with the game.  I used to overthink it.   Thats not to say I ignore safety concerns/issues (red flags).  I just choose to keep it simple (even though my post is too long lol)

Im not saying Im better than, or anyone else is less than

edinathens145 reads

It sounds like you're tired of the grind and would be happier pursing a real relationship, i.e. a girlfriend.

Nah.   I love it.   Its not a grind for me when I keep it simple.  

You’re generalizing all women in this industry are whores & hookers who suck, and fuck all day. Total bullshit. You picked poor providers. You’ve never met a woman, like me. I feel sorry for you because with your poor attitude you attract negativity. You dump your disgusting disrespect for working women on survival sex workers. You brag about this makes me want to vomit. Thanks for posting & almost making me puke this morning. I am blessed to have the freedom to choose whom shares my energy.  

This morning I rise to a pre booked breakfast date that was booked in advance by a distinguished gentleman who supplied a deposit for my time. My contribution is $400 for platonic social time in public. No behind closed doors entertainment & you’re not my clientele. Fortunately, there are true gentleman who read my posts on TER & are considered lurkers because they do not participate on the boards here, nor do they agree with the majority of the sexist pigs who continue to pollute the boards with their disrespectful comments towards us females who provide an extraordinary service.  

We are not all here for the same reasons, so stop assuming we are all the same. As human beings we are all very different. I myself am strange & unusual. I am not mediocre, or average. I have never been, like any other female I have ever met in life. Not even my identical twin can compare.  

Today, I have life long friends from this lifestyle who love me for me. I have never been disrespected by my friends who love sharing their time with me. I have a couple gents who I care for whom I have never sucked, or fucked them & never will, but they continue to support me because I provide something you have never had the pleasure of receiving. A true connection & making friends for life is priceless.

Youre making alot of assumtions that arent correct meanwhile youre proving my point.

1.  I have plenty of friends and close female friends irl.  I just like strange every now and then.
2. Im not disrespecting anyone. I meant what I said.    It sounds like my post may ring too close to home.
3. Ive seen 2000 an hour "courtesans" and $500 hookers.  They are not survival sex workers.  They dont suck and fuck all day.  But they sure as hell sucked way more than one other stranger before they saw me, and will suck more after me.  Prove me wrong.
4.  The only reason you see the guys you refer to in your post is because they PAY YOU.  You say that at least twice.  

Sorry if I made you sick though.  Not my intention.  Im not a drama guy.  

I'm kind of surprised at your reaction, Bia.  Since you do BDSM where you humiliate slaves.  As long as everything is voluntary, not sure judgement wouldn't be hypocritical here.  I love punishing and humiliating ... I just get consent ahead of time.  But just being relatively dominant in an encounter seems pretty tame in comparison to someone who is legitimately violent or abusive.

RespectfulRobert154 reads

But then go on to make a very lengthy post that is VERY disrespectful. But keep telling yourself you're not being disrespectful. Maybe one day you will convince yourself?

Im convinced.  You see it different.  Thsts ok.   You do pay $ and get your dick sucked right?  You just dont like the way I say it I guess?

FlaNoName157 reads

That's the problem, he has already convinced himself.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: You say you are not being disrespectful.
But then go on to make a very lengthy post that is VERY disrespectful. But keep telling yourself you're not being disrespectful. Maybe one day you will convince yourself?

-- Modified on 8/20/2023 3:37:14 PM

That's not me being judgmental. It's just the truth.
But, hey, you be you.

Ok.  If that makes me an asshole, in your world,  Ill live with it .   Ill sleep just fine.

And of course you'll sleep just fine. You're a sociopath. They do that.

Wow.  Nope not a sociopath.   And not an asshole to anyone in my world.  Sorry to disappoint you.  You have a tough job speaking for most people in the world though.  I imagine you don't get alot of sleep.

Did you really not expect to get some pushback here with your story? You need to grow a thicker skin..
And, please, stop whining.

My skins plenty thick.  Whining?  Im not whining at all.  Tell me where Im whining?  

That was a really long winded way to say they are a flesh pocket and that’s it. Ok at your core basically your experiences of rates make you disillusioned by an experience with a mistress, a whore, a luxury companion. I mean in essence your deconstructing all women who engage is sw work are the same. As if simply their profession defines their personhood & humanity. Escorts are no different than a server, an oil rigger, late night entertainment sir . Some days you want chipotle other days you want a steak at capital grille. Two different price points both serve steak. The depth of someone character is if they treat the chipotle worker and the capital server the same. You speak of entitlement from whores copping an attitude their price points don’t mean anything. In all freelance work there are different price points some mean something some don’t. I have some guys try to  talk me down my hour at 800(say I’m not worth it I don’t care)—many happily pay and it’s a non issue. I’m some men’s cup of tea not others. That’s really just the market & life. So for 30 years you still see the girls and you still don’t like them. What’s the point  just jerk off, or get a sex doll seems like a better situation than meeting a complex breathing human being.

Like I said (looks like you missed it) Im not saying Im better than anyone or anyone else is less than.  

No, Im not saying you are just flesh pockets.  You are human and have feelings and all that goes with it.  Alot of the people that reponded to my thread are making inferences that flat out arent even there.  When Im doing a session I never ever hurt anyone.  If someone says stop, I stop. Ive never done anything that 95 % of the guys on here havent done.  I dont make anyone feel bad during sessions.  Everyone I see likes to see me again because I keep it light and real.  The number one thing providers tell me is that there are way too many guys out there that catch feelings for providers and complicate the relationship (guy / provider) and then things get out of hand.  And then there are plenty of providers on the boards that arent doing themselves any favors by acting they way they do- acting like their shit doesnt stink or basically treating guys like ATMs and applying one way rules (guy cant be late but woman can ghost/no show no call) .  Thats because they all have put this thing on a pedestal.   Too many people on these boards are making what we are all engaging in way more complicated than it needs to be.   Could I have used more flowery language?  Yeah but that was my point. Say what you want but  the language and tone in my post is no different that most of the reviews on this site and any other site to boot.  

Why are you sharing all this?

Despite calling them whores and liars and reducing them to body parts and money, you claim you're not being judgmental. Whew. I was afraid I misunderstood.  

In another post you say you're happy with your choices and really don't care what any of us have to say  

And you say that "they" are all the same, i.e. they "sell ass".

So, you've made your choices, you've made your judgments, and you claim to be happy. So are you here to inculcate us with your hard-won wisdom, to preach the gospel of alienation, to put providers in their place, to seek affirmation? It's hard to tell. Seems to me you have nothing to prove to any of us.

Or is there something else? Something suggested by the edge of bitterness and disaffection in your tone? Something implied in your defensive and cynical approach?

I am cynical in that I dont believe anything I hear from a provider.   I dont pretend to speak for everyone but I think that goes for 95 % of the guys on here.  Im not looking to put anyone in their place though.    If you missed my response to JordynBlackrock check it out. That might answer your question, but maybe not.  

A number of factors can influence a provider’s decision to set a particular price point for her rates. Sometimes one might increase their rates to discourage business from a certain type of client, like the OP in this thread.  
I am aware there are many different providers who offer their own selection and style of services, and for different motivations. I can only speak for myself and this is what I will share.  
I enjoy meeting new people, I love the feeling I get when I meet someone for the first time, that combination of excitement and anticipation, and maybe a touch of nervousness. I love going on dates without all the civilian drama- real life dating is a shit show and there’s a lot of weirdos out there. I almost always have a good time on dates with clients. I love sex, but it does have a personal side for me. It is so much more enjoyable for me (and my partner) if we spend some time getting comfortable first, talking, learning to actually like each other. I’m sure some people are turned on by sex with a total stranger but I find it so much better once I know someone just a bit and have relaxed in their presence.  
I have known a number of ladies in this business and their motivations all vary, but there is more to this than just the money for many.  

The original poster would not be a good client for me. His thinking is far too transactional and doesn’t look at the overall experience, or the longer term big picture.   As an example he sees chatting over wine to get to know his provider as a girl wasting his money. Perhaps she is just trying to build some attraction to get things going?  His approach to the session seems to show that he is seeking a girl who is revenue driven and perhaps higher volume. Ok for some, but unacceptable to judge all providers by his experiences and perceptions.  

For those who still appreciate the art of seduction, I appreciate you.  

Posted under an alias as I wanted to share my thoughts but didn’t want this to be misinterpreted as self-promotion.

... but I've met some pretty amazing, wonderful ladies in this business.  

And yes, I don't believe everything that every one of them tells me (I realize it's part of the job to keep clients feeling special and happy), however I've had relationships with a few women that went beyond strictly "client-provider" and believe that many women enjoy good chemistry and are honest in their dealings with me.  A few I consider to be good friends.

Once-Is-Not-Enough134 reads

Have been in this hobby longer than you and have seen more women.  But that is neither here nor there.

Must agree, every time I meet a new lady my "SCAM" filter is active.  I know myself well enough to realize; I do not have a 12 inch cock, am not more handsome than, whoever, or have the build of a Greek god.  Flattery does nothing for me except put me on guard.  But every business transaction I enter, either in or out of the hobby, I try to treat everyone with the respect I expect to receive.  I see every appointment as a business experience that I almost always end up totally enjoying.  There are many businesses I frequent where the owner and I have established a solid rapport.  Similarly, there have been a few ladies over the years with whom I have also established a solid rapport.

Have never loaned a provider money, but I do make sure I pay them adequately for the service I receive and a fair tip when appropriate.  I am never late or a no-show.  Arrive completely open-minded but never ask a lady to do anything that is not on her menu.  Always show up immaculately in every way, as if I was going on a real date.  A number of times have been with women who may have been in a pinch and because of our rapport, gladly helped them out financially.  But was never scammed, they did not ask for the money, and did so only when we shared that solid rapport.

Have had a few less than stellar experiences with ladies but they were the rare exception rather than the rule.  Different strokes for different folks.  If this is how you satisfy your kink and the ladies you frequent are ok with it, then more power to you.   I choose to enjoy my business transactions a bit differently.

You sound like a real charming man….

Contrary to popular opinion on this thread, I am.  I do call it the way I see it though, which isn't popular with this crowd.  I dont get where the shock comes from.  I mean, come on,  the reviews and general board chatter on TER doesn't read like a Harlequin  novel.   Alot of the reviews are graphic and pretty demeaning if you're really honest.  But, you're entitled to your opinion, and Im entitled to mine.  

Only if you have a double personality.  You may talk charming sometimes but what you write is crass, and thus, no you aren't a charming person.  

And I think you wrote all of the things you have hear just to start shit and get reactions, and then acting surprised as part of your trolling.

Seems he treats them properly but people are actually complaining that his thoughts about it are impure.

Or does he have a reading comprehension problem? Or both. ALL the comments are in response to what he actually wrote.
What's so hard to understand, fester?

Wow talk about anger.  Whats with the nasty tone inicky46?  They say if you have to resort to name calling you're actually losing.  It seems he's one of the few that a. actually did read it all, and b.,  isn't making inferences that arent there (aka putting words in my mouth).  I referred to your review of Gina Rollins because it is a great review but raunchy af.   I dont know u.  But I'm having a hard time seeing how you think youre any different from me.  Smh.  

That's me being nice to one of my favorite piñatas. It also seems like you have no clue what name-calling actually is. I guess I must have hurt your feelings above.
I know you will feel compelled. to respond. But please don't.
For your own good.

If  Lester thinks that's you being nice then ok.   Me? I don't think youre  being nice.   Trust me when I say Im not butt hurt at all.  Im doing fine.    But.... "dont respond ......for my own good huh?"  Wow.   Sounds ominous and scary lol.  Thanks for the warning.   I think youre taking yourself way too seriously inicky46. Ill be here as long as you are lol.  

He's a troll. Ignore him. It pisses him off.

I was hoping you'd simply stop embarrassing yourself.
But, no.
And I could never be angry at Uncle Fester. He's too big a buffoon.

Ooooh okaay .  Thanks for the concern.  I'm not  embarrassed.    And there u go again with the name calling.  You get off picking on Lester huh?  Lol everyones watching inicky46.  You need to do better.  

criticism of your "raunchy" review.   Here, raunchy is good and is one of the reasons we come here.  I will pay good money for raunchy and I think others here will, too.  

Hi there cdl.....point of clarification from me.   Im not criticizing his raunchy review.  I love it.  I really do.  And glad to hear you pay good money for raunchy....thats my point.    

Oh and incky....you should listen to cdl ....

There are 66 posts on this thread of yours. Of that, 31 of them are by YOU. You are talking to yourself. In one case you replied to yourself three times.
You have made a complete fool of yourself. You need to remember the old advice, "When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging."
As for the other good advice, it's WAY too late: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

Lmao @ "dude".  You're counting  all the posts?  Wait, seriously, you took time out if your life that you will never get back, to do that?   Im sorry if I keep coming up with more material to your posts. I promise Ill stop.  If you really cant help yourself dm me.  Its ok. I wont rat you out .  

Wait a minute.  You counted all the posts?  Since you probably know, how many posts were yours?  Think about that lol  It seems like  youre keeping up with me.    You shouldn't keep worrying about me being embarrassed I'm not.  As far as being foolish, ya gotta stop giving me so much good material "dude".

a lot of people agree with me. And did it really take TWO more posts from you to answer me? Sad.
Now go and count my posts. Good boy!

get some "likes" too.  I'll start.  Lol

Just making sure you hear me  :)   I dont need to count posts or likes.  Im much more secure than that.  You do you though.  Im still here.

But you seem to feel very slighted and disenfranchised by the sex work industry as a whole. Your graphic attempt to humiliate sex workers is clearly you feeling emotionally deprived by your past experiences. In short you are WAY over thinking this. Way too much. We provide a service. You pay for and partake of the service. Move on with life.

You get it.  Well most of it.  Im not trying to humiliate sex workers (btw it takes 2 to tango right? and I as a monger am part of it).  I didnt use milder language but that was my point- it is what it is.  If you boil it down to its most base thats what it is.  I used to over think it, now I don't .   My post was for those guys that are getting too wrapped up in this thing and overthinking it.   It is exactly as simple as you said it.   Moving on.  

"I remember one girl who kept talking to her bf on the phone while I was there...First time or two I waited (and waited till the call was done.  The third time I just slid my cock in without waiting and went to work on her pussy and ass.  I even fisted her...And you know what? I had much more fun.

Maybe you'd be better off with a blow up doll. (And, save lots of $$ to boot.) Lol!

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