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Re: Fuck you, cks
Robertini 4 Reviews 246 reads

maybe time for new hobbies

If email address uses a username from ter, it could very well be someone trying to pretend to be such user.

As far as I understand from info I got, there were several email addresses used by these pii disclosers, all using ter names AND all of them using the same little-used domain. Now, think about that. What's the probability that several different people on here a created email addresses with their names and domain being not ProtonMail, not Gmail, but a fairly little-known domain?

Imo it is a one person's work who likely wants to implicate others here. Just ignore these emails is my suggestion. Don't want to start witch hunts.

. Just ignore these emails is my suggestion. Don't want to start witch hunts
Good advice. It’s just weird that someone would go to the trouble of creating multiple fake accounts just because of a forum beef. Find a better hobby. I hope the emails didn’t cause any Big Problems for the targets of this odd campaign.

You're a butt hurt little bitch who routinely gets his ass kicked on the Politics board so you're posting your passive-aggressive bullshit here.  If you have an accusation to make, do it like a man instead of a little bitch.

No accusations here. Why get so worked up over an innocuous post? Maybe it’s time for you to find a new hobby too!

With the amount of PM's flying around, sooner or later someone has some 'splaining to do.  

He's a loon.  I don't think a new hobby will fix that.

Why did you capitalize "Big Problems," you gutless weasel?  You didn't have the balls to say what you were really thinking, you pussy.

I was out all day yesterday.  When I went on TER last night, the first thing I saw was a message from my biggest enemy on TER.  I was very surpised at receiving a PM from him because we've been at each others throats on TER for over 17 years.  Despite all that, he gave me a heads-up as to what was going on and pointed me to this thread.

That man has character; he is a "mensch" - a person of integrity and honor.  OTOH, you, Lester and CDL are craven cowards.  What you three stooges have in common is that you're all butt hurt little right-wing bitches who get your ass kicked by me on the Politics board.  All three of you are also butt hurt K-fanboys who don't like my posts on the K-girl board.  You can't complete with me intellectually so you do an end run on this board.  All three of you are ChicKenShit coCKSuckers, especially compared to the guy who sent me the PM.

Will you remember he is a person of integrity and honor the next time you call him a liar?  Or are you just a duplicitous putz? Obviously, you have seriously misjudged him all of these years.  Maybe you are doing the same  with others that you foam at the mouth at merely because their politics are different than yours?  At least you experienced a moment of reasonableness and clarity about misjudging people.  Let's see how long it lasts.

Newto1000240 reads

The word is "mensch", not mench.  You need to brush up on your Yiddish.  For the life of me, I can't figure out why your TER nemesis wastes his time with you.  Let's all agree you are a mendacious blowhard and stop all this sniping.

Are you here for pussy or politics?  

As a matter of fact, I don't speak Yiddish, only English and French, so I'm afraid your only recourse is to sue me.  If its important enough  to YOU to correct my spelling, then suing me for whatever damages I caused you is the next logical step.  See you in court!!!   Got petty?

-- Modified on 9/30/2021 2:14:11 PM

You research everything on Wikipedia, including your most popular question, "Why do I have such a little limp dick?"

Busted again.  Blowing the dog whistle.  Trying to insult Jewish people.  And then trying to lie your way out of it.  Throw in a few cute explanations and innuendo's.

Well fuck you.  Compulsive Dick Lover--even your fluffer friend  coCKSucker has abandoned you.  He couldn't take the beating, and he is a trained cuckhold.

Your day is coming.  You will develop a nervous twitch in the near future.  You won't be able to control it.  Your nervous system will keep it coming as you are going to be looking over your shoulder more and more.  At first you will try laughing it off.  You will tell yourself its nothing.  Then you realize you cant stop it.  Then it starts accelerating, until you cant keep your eyes focused ahead of you.  And then whack, karma knocks you out.

There's nobody here to wish you good luck.  Douche bags like you are on their own.  That is until you get whacked, and then the reaction will be shrugging shoulders and a standing ovation.

...you called someone "a duplicitous putz."  What a SCHMUCK!!!

I played with some kids that were Jewish when in grade school, so I learned words like Putz and Schmuck very early, but that still doesn't mean I speak Yiddish.  I digress.  Your point was what?  

When they took you to school and they muttered, "putain de crétin" it was one thing however when they made you wear a t-shirt that said, "putain de crétin means fucking moron" in the school play it made a hit out of the other words that were chanted that day.  It was so cute that as certain students stood and geld up props all the kids, parents and even teachers would scream, "French Fry' or "French Toast" and everyone would laugh.  

And when it was your turn in line everyone kept screaming, "putain de crétin" and then one of the kids kicked you in the ass and knocked you over.  it was a kid who's parents were from Eastern Europe, though nobody knew if he was Jewish nor did they care.  He went up to the microphone and started a chant, 'Putz. Schmuck. Putz. Schmuck. Putz. Schmuck." and the crowd sang it in unison very loudly as he kicked you in the ass.  

That's when you learned those words.  And throughout Jr. High School and High School the tradition continued of all kids chanting this towards you, first the French words, then the Eastern European words in the classroom and on the playground.

You couldn't speak Yiddush if you wanted to fucking moron.  And your twitch is moving right along.  At your work, the cashiers are starting to notice it as you jerk your head backwards and look over your shoulder.  Don't give in--bagging groceries at Alberston's is the best job that you've ever had.

You can't admit when you're wrong.  You couldn't even bring yourself to say your usual wimpy "I stand corrected."
And then you proceeded to use the loanword "putz."  You don't have to "know Yiddish" to know what a "mensch" is.  It's in all the dictionaries, including Wikipedia which you actually believe is a real unimpeachable authority, ROFLMAO!!!!  And the word was spelled for you, so you don't have to "know Yiddish" in order to spell "mensch."

English is replete with "loanwords" from many other languages.  But it's not surprising that you don't know what "mensch" means.  You never have been and you never will be a mensch.

He didn’t use Big Putz though, did he? God forbid that somebody overreact to that! 😂

Siamese trolls.  They have settled into posting together every time I post.  They are so inseparable that there was a suggestion on the other board that they were dating in real life.

The Biggest Double Loser--a show right before our eyes, starring Compulsive Dick Lover and coCKSucker.  Suffering from NO self esteem for their tiny, limp protrusions, these pathetic douche bags create FAKE REVIEWS and post constant LIES.

Both were beaten in their youth by insulting all minorities and religious groups not supporting their sick notions.  Now they make light of people who are conjoined, like Siamese children.  This proves that they know no boundary and respect nobody so that everyone is justified to take a piece out of them.  Now is the time to cut them off like their family has already done.

They have both lost support from their parents who now believe that they should get what they duly deserve.  They live just above the poverty line which is actually unfair to others less fortunate.  Hence they get whacked around regularly by people that deserve better.  

Here's to hoping that their shortfall in their tools comes at the wrong time.  Repeatedly losing the right to post comments on the feedback box is a good way to shut off their ignorant rants.

speaks Frensch, couldn't I?  Since I don't speak the language, if I leave off the "s" in mensch, does it mean "toilet seat" or something bad?  I figure the Torah must have a section that says if I leave off the "s", its a sin against the almighty.  Otherwise, you would not be getting your panties in such a bunch.  Sorry, I digress again.  What was your ORIGINAL point?  If you didn't  have one, I won't ask again because maybe you don't remember.  BTW, what the hell are "loanwords?"  I'm just having fun posting under CDL, my nom de guerre.  

Really, I'm not mocking you.
"Yes, you are!"
No, I'm not.
"Yes, you are you fucking liar."
No really, just having a little fun.
"Here's where you lied before" . . . . (insert link from five years ago).
Okay, maybe it was a little bit mocking of you for your anal-retentiveness about spelling.
"See? You even admit you lied.  I win!!!!"

There you go, I finished the conversation for you, and YOU won!!!  Now you don't need to respond again.  I just saved you four more posts.  

This rant really belongs over at the Politics & Religion board, because this is all about a personal beef that started over there.

That said, the reality is that I know you’re not behind the fake email campaign.

All I did was humorously point out that the perpetrator likely has 1) an obsessive personality disorder and 2) Too much time on their hands.  If that hit too close to home, that’s on you, not me.

 I didn’t realize it was going to be such a “Big Problem” 😂

maybe time for new hobbies

One of these would hold his dick AND his balls.


PS-The one in the photo is WAY TOO BIG FOR YOU CDL.

let her finish it.  
Now who is it for?

Now you know the origins of Compulsive Dick Lover's name.  It started on his first day in High School--during homeroom.  Each student had a chance (with their parent;s in attendance) to speak about what their mother or father did for a living.  That's your mother in the photo!  She then explained what she did for a living.  Like mother like son, you have followed in her foot steps.  Its so nice that Robertini shared the inspiration of cdl's life!

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