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I read all the paragraphs
Gaijin64 6 Reviews 255 reads

I think you're painting with a broad brush based on YOUR experiences that appear to be mostly k-girls.  Nothing wrong with that and I've likely visited as many in-calls as you have.  

Newsflash....you don't have to "ring" the doorbell for the camera to work.    

At any rate, I wasn't looking for an argument, and I stand by my point that there's nothing wrong with assuming there's a recording device at most incalls.  Feel free to believe whatever you like.

-- Modified on 12/16/2021 12:50:20 PM

Once you go into the incall at an agency apartment, the first thing the girl does is text the booker that you have arrived, and the booker notes the time so he/she knows when you will be out.   If there was a camera inside the incall, this would be unnecessary, because the booker would see that you are inside the apartment.  The same thing happens when you leave.  As soon as she closes the door behind you, she texts the booker.  If you should run overtime by several minutes, she will also text the booker so he/she knows that you are not out yet.  Pay attention next time and you will see for yourself.  

If they do not text the booker once you are inside, then you MAY be in one of the rare places (less than 10% of incalls), in my experience, that has a camera in the common area (never the bedroom).  This is mostly to insure two customers don't meet each other at the incall, with one leaving and one coming in at the same time.  Before the inexperienced go "Ewww," it's not what you think. lol   These incalls are two bedrooms/two baths, separated by the living room and kitchen, with two girls using the same entrance for their customers.  Care is taken by all involved not to have two customers who don't know each other run into each other in the entry area.  In some cases two friends will go to an incall together, be greeted by both girls at the same time, and then each pair off with one of the girls in accordance with whatever they told the booker. I used to do this once a week with a hobby brother.  We went to breakfast and then drove to the same apartment.  He saw one girl and I saw the other.  

That's all fine, but none that automatically negates a camera installation.  I've gone to locations that have a ring doorbell.  I think it's safe to assume you're on camera at most incalls.  You're almost certainly on camera anytime you walk through a hotel on the way to a room.

I DID say that less then 10% of the incalls I'm familiar with (well into the hundreds) had common area video monitoring, which means there ARE some.  Saying it is the norm is incorrect.  I'm not referring to cameras installed and monitored by building management, only those that are controlled by the agency.  Many of the upscale apartment complexes orgs use have cameras in some areas, especially parking garages.  

All of them HAVE a ring doorbell, but the booker usually instructs the customers NOT to ring the doorbell.  You just stand in front of the peephole until she opens the door.  Newsflash . . . . . she is expecting you.  Doorbells are often audible in adjoining apartments, and nothing makes a neighbor more suspicious than hearing a doorbell ring every 90 minutes or so, 12 hours a day, five or six days a week.  To use your logic, this doesn't automatically negate the possibility that they are Amazon junkies getting deliveries, but why create curiosity at all by using the doorbell?

It is your logic that was incorrect.

You said "If there was a camera inside the incall, this would be unnecessary, because the booker would see that you are inside the apartment".

This is fallacious logic. Most hidden or security cameras aren't real time ip cameras that can be accessed to have "a peek". They merely store info so if needed the recording could be accessed and some person could be identified.  

Most camerad that are installed in the common living room area by agencies aren't real time. And yes, there are some because on a wall of shame (very bad actors) guess what pics there are of? Of these bad actors entering  or inside the common living room area

ring the doorbell in order for a "Ring Doorbell" to work.

According to their website under "How It Works":
1) Detect motion when people come to your property.
2) Receive notifications on your phone, tablet or PC.
3) See, hear and speak to visitors in real time from anywhere.

It appears that the "doorbell" function just serves as a way to let someone else in the building, who doesn't have access to the notifications, know that someone is at the door.  

So while neighbors don't hear doorbells not rung, someone (building management?) will most likely be notified every time someone approaches the door with that visitor most likely being recorded at the same time.

-- Modified on 12/16/2021 2:40:51 AM

His theories don't hold up to reality.  This is a consistency for someone that professes to be god's expert on all things for the hobby.  Sometimes it sounds pretty good--then on second glance its quite easy to see that there are more holes than Swiss cheese in his post.


Because he ONLY WRITES REVIEWS.  He doesn't actually do the sessions--or at least most of them.  He just cranks them out on his keyboard.  So his narrative on the board makes no sense.  

Now let see if he will respect the board by ignoring this post as he has posted dozens of times that he has blocked my posts from appearing on his computer.  


Cdl does do his sessions. I've seen many girls he's seen and not once did I sense anything funny with his reviews. His reviews are legit.

BTW-I generally enjoy your posts ;)

However, there are a few holes here:

You have 9 reviews in 5 months of 2020 and all are in the greater Bay area.
CDL has 357 reviews the great majority in OC.

This certainly does not demonstrate that you have much of a background.

NEXT, it seems strange that you wrote:
"I've seen many girls he's seen and not once did I sense anything funny with his reviews. His reviews are legit.

You had exactly ONE review that CDL also reviewed!  

Would you care to explain?  And please spare us of any excuses here.  

It appears on the surface like you are his shill in the moment.  Perhaps you are learning a valuable lesson in speaking with absolutes.

Sure - seems very offtopic but sure. I joined ter in spring of 2020. I wrote a few reviews of just before shelter in place started. I then stopped hobbying for a while. Since ter prohibits reviews of older than three months, I could not review other girls I've seen that cdl had also seen. Keep in mind that kgirls change names often as well and travel bakc and forth to LA/OC and the bay, it is pretty close.  

I'm not shilling for anyone. You know damn well me and cdl don't agree on a lot of stuff and he even has me ignored. But I won't ever let some personal bullshit eclipse the truth. You're trying to make it sound like his reviews are bs and they are not to be trusted. Other people are reading this and you are leading them astray for what seems to be bs reasons.

"I've seen many girls he's seen and not once did I sense anything funny with his reviews. His reviews are legit.  

How many times have you seen girls that he's seen?

Right now there's only one.

And I'm posting because his word is a fantasy routine.  The only thing that is BS here are your BS posts!

Your going forward reply is not needed if you can;t give a straight answer to the question above.

Do yourself a favor and be truthful.  Your reputation is on the line.

but I have never seen one at an incall apartment.  Can you imagine receiving a notification every time someone walks down the hallway and sets off the motion sensor?  These are designed primarily for individual residences, not hallway-access apartments.  Can you also imagine the security issues if a customer is in the hallway and the booker starts talking to him through the doorbell speaker?   A neighbor could be coming out of her apartment just as the customer is saying "I'm here to see Candylips."   IMO, it's unlikely ANY booker or org would install these, but they are great for private residences.  My son uses one and loves it, but he's in a house on a few acres and doesn't get the kind of foot traffic you have in an apartment hallway.  

-- Modified on 12/16/2021 11:23:03 AM

1st you wrote this:

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
All of them HAVE a ring doorbell, but the booker usually instructs the customers NOT to ring the doorbell.  You just stand in front of the peephole until she opens the door.
Then you wrote this:
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: I understand how these work . . . .
but I have never seen one at an incall apartment.
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
IMO, it's unlikely ANY booker or org would install these, but they are great for private residences.

Appears to be conflicting statements, huh?

So which one is it?

Do I need to break out my waders because it's starting to get pretty deep in here?

I didn't realize you were using a brand name.  That's why it appears to be a conflicting statement. I understood what you meant when I posted the second time and discussed it accordingly.  My bad, and my apologies for my misunderstanding on your first mention.  However, I still say you will not find these devices on incall apartments where the entries are off of a hallway, which is the type of apartments most agencies use, so bringing these up in this context is academic at best, near-trolling at worst.  If you think you look good in waders, go ahead and wear them.  Post a selfie.  Lol

Here we go again.  Another work around and WOW an apology.  He sounds so expert at everything until being held accountable.  Then he goes into the song and dance.

I didn't bring up that specific brand name, the post you originally replied to did with you confirming it by specifically saying "ring doorbell" in your response.

What other brand of "ring doorbell" comes up when you google that phrase? The one being referenced in the discussion. Now googling "video doorbell" results in more variety of systems. Context matters.

Personally, I usually look past your backpeddling when you're caught in your so-called "misunderstandings" because someone else will call you out on it. But when you imply I'm "near-trolling" you for calling out your conflicting statements, that just pisses me off. I'm the last person here to be trolling ANYONE.  

Seemingly apologizing in one breath and then gaslighting in the next one is never a good look. Just signs of narcissistic behavior.  

I assume when you say "these devices", you're specifically referring to a "Ring" type motion-based brand and not some other type of button-activated video doorbell system. Just trying to obtain clarity from you.

Using a motion-based video doorbell system (ie: Ring) in an apartment setting is probably not a good idea. The ones which are button-activated would be more suitable for that setting.  

Some parting wisdom from Abraham Lincoln:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

...when he said: "I've gone to locations that have a ring doorbell."

CDL replied to Gaijin's post: "All of them HAVE a ring doorbell, but the booker usually instructs the customers NOT to ring the doorbell."  What CDL said so ineloquently and inartfully is that all the apartments have a doorbell that rings, NOT a "Ring Doorbell."  He was saying to NOT ring the doorbell but simply stand in front of the peephole.
Hold it - on second thought, I believe CDL didn't know that Gaijin was referring to the brand "Ring Doorbell" because it wasn't capitalized.  CDL thought Gaijin simply was referring to doors that have doorbells rather than doorknockers or nothing at all.

You understandably misinterpreted what CDL said - you thought he meant a Ring Doorbell, instead of not to ring the doorbell. That's why you thought he was backpedaling when he later said: "...I have never seen one (Ring Doorbell) at an incall apartment."

CDL was also wrong when he said: "When you first said ring doorbell, . . .I didn't realize you were using a brand name."  You were replying to CDL's post where he said: "All of them HAVE a ring doorbell,..."
CDL did not realize HE was using the brand name, same as Gaijin was.

However, I agree 100% when you use these words to describe CDL: "backpedaling,"  "misunderstandings" when called out, "apologizing in one breath and then gaslighting in the next one" and ESPECIALLY "narcissistic behavior."
I wish I could give you a "Like" for each of those descriptive phrases of CDL.

Whatever was I thinking?  I had no idea you would get your pantries in a bunch over a misinterpretation of terminology.  Now that you have made it clear you’re somewhere between a drama queen and a whiney little cunt, I will try to be more genteel with your feelings in the future.  

You said I gaslighted after apologizing but then you admitted I was right about a motion sensor doorbell being a bad idea in a hallway access apartment. Is there no end to your drama?

It always turns out to be the low-volume guys here who are the Uber serious ass-hats. Guys getting pussy a few times a week are more laid back and less uptight.  Now I suppose you’re going to stalk me like the rest of my fan club. Lol

It comes out whenever your back is up against the wall, CDL.

Oh, and its so impressive that you are part of the group of  "guys getting pussy a few times a week".

More accurately stated, guys that have to civi life who BUY bottom of the basket pussy and binge on it.

So more specifically if you need that volume of relief you don't have any real life in general.

Or in the case of CDL--its simply masturbation with a typewriter.

I think you're painting with a broad brush based on YOUR experiences that appear to be mostly k-girls.  Nothing wrong with that and I've likely visited as many in-calls as you have.  

Newsflash....you don't have to "ring" the doorbell for the camera to work.    

At any rate, I wasn't looking for an argument, and I stand by my point that there's nothing wrong with assuming there's a recording device at most incalls.  Feel free to believe whatever you like.

-- Modified on 12/16/2021 12:50:20 PM

When someone says “agency incall”, I take it to be a reference to a Kgirl incall.  Outside of Kgirl operations, I think booking agency-owned incall locations are the exception rather than the rule.

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