
Wow Paris, that guy has some nerve!
Paris-Bouvier See my TER Reviews 5890 reads
1 / 16

I had a gentleman contact me a couple of weeks ago and we scheduled a rendezvous for 9am this morning. Yesterday morning, we emailed one another to confirm and everything appeared to be a go. This morning, I got up at 6am to prepare for our time together. While driving to his location, I attempted to call him 5 times to let him know that I was on my way. Each time I called, the phone rang several times and then I received a message stating that his voice mailbox had not been set up. Therefore, I had no way to leave a message for him. With that being said, I decided to turn around and head home, instead of fighting rush hour to end up being a NCNS. Upon arriving home, I sent him an email explaining the situation. A little later, he responds that he came to Orlando for the sole purpose to see me and another companion. He states that both of us cancelled and that we were being very discourteous. In addition, he advised me that I should have called the hotel for his room number.

Here's my thought on this---------> I've been a companion for a number of years and I've learned to run a pretty tight business. In the beginning of my career, I experienced some issues with NCNS on outcalls. Therefore, I put into place a system that I share with every outcall appointment. I will confirm with you the day prior to our scheduled date. Then, I will reconfirm prior to leaving my home. I will not leave my home, until I've had contact with the gentleman. If he fails to communicate with me, I will remain home and treat it as a NCNS. Personally, I don't feel that I'm obligated to call the hotel and ask for this gentleman's information. Not to mention, a hotel will not share this privy information. The only thing a hotel will do is transfer you to their room, not give you their room number.

Perhaps, I'm being a bit anal here...I don't know, but I'd love to hear the ladies and gentlemen's thought on this board.

Paris Bouvier

lungman 10 Reviews 6901 reads
2 / 16

he should of answered his damn phone.
What was was his explanation for that?
Your not at fault at all.

parthree 58 Reviews 8103 reads
3 / 16


This guy obviously did not read your website and follow your rules which seem quite reasonable.  Too bad you had to go to all that effort and then he nc/ns'd you.  I can't believe he would actually suggest you call the hotel for his room number.  Sounds like a complete noob or worse.  Communication in this business is key and he obviously doesn't get that--his voicemail wasn't even set up?   You are right in your thinking about this.

Looking forward to your relocation to the frozen tundra.  We need your warmth!

Paris-Bouvier See my TER Reviews 7014 reads
4 / 16

The veil was removed, from his eyes, and he now sees the light. Hallelujah ;-)  Now, he'd like to reschedule for another day this week. I'm going to be a really nice lady here and give this gentleman one more chance, under my conditions.... I will not get up at 6:00am. Instead, he's going to have to settle for an afternoon delight.

I don't know if I'm the only companion like this, but my sleep schedule is the worst it's ever been. Prior to becoming a companion, I was up by 5 or 6am every morning. Now, I'm lucky to have my tail out of bed by 10am. When I do, like this morning, my little Yorkies are like WTF and they refuse to move out of the bed. LOL

As usual, thanks for your input Parthree!

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 7939 reads
5 / 16

I could hardly believe it when you said he told you to call the hotel and ask for his room number, that's ballsy.  You're right, hotels will not give out room numbers anyway, what was he thinking.  He's the one in the wrong, not you, and I think you are well within your rights to put those outcall rules into force.  Lots of gals would not give him the second chance that you are, because of all the time he made you waste.  Were I in your place, I'm not sure I would do that.


parthree 58 Reviews 6477 reads
6 / 16

Uh oh!  I like morning appts.  Nice way to start the day.  Maybe when you get up north your sleep cycle will get better.

miseryrelief 6384 reads
7 / 16

The guy got a bad attitude from the start and had to reasoned with to see why he was wrong. I would take a pass. Guys sounds like bad news and has already wasted your time and money. If he flew into town just to see you and another provider with that goal only he would of made sure dot his I's and cross his T's to make everything went greasey peasey..something is not right.

Posted By: swimtrekr
I could hardly believe it when you said he told you to call the hotel and ask for his room number, that's ballsy.  You're right, hotels will not give out room numbers anyway, what was he thinking.  He's the one in the wrong, not you, and I think you are well within your rights to put those outcall rules into force.  Lots of gals would not give him the second chance that you are, because of all the time he made you waste.  Were I in your place, I'm not sure I would do that.


lungman 10 Reviews 7183 reads
8 / 16

Yorkies are cool....i know my "Rocky" is!!

seduceurwife 6963 reads
9 / 16

He's probably a good guy who just made a mistake.  If you didn't have a rule about calling before you leave, then I would say he wasn't in the wrong at all.  He confirmed the day before and expected the appt to take place.  However, since you do have that rule, he should have been prepared.

The calling the room thing is pretty dumb.  But he was probably just frustrated.  What guy wouldn't be if they just missed out on you because they weren't good with details. A second chance seems appropriate.

Paris-Bouvier See my TER Reviews 7770 reads
10 / 16

I don't know how that little guy is managing in Alaska, I sure hope your dressing him in his little Eskimo gear. ;-) My dogs would go on strike, if they were in Alaska! I have 4 little Yorkies named Gucci, Chanel, Mercedes and Bentley. Obviously, I named them. My boys wanted to name them tupac, biggie little etc. Needless to say, mom won the battle. They range from 2 pounds to 7 pounds. The little 2 pounder has what's commonly known as the little guy syndrome. LOL

Are we allowed to share pictures of our dogs on here?

Paris Bouvier

Paris-Bouvier See my TER Reviews 9332 reads
11 / 16

I guess that fellows name is Biggie Small, not Biggie Little. Same difference!

Paris Bouvier

decadentxy 32 Reviews 6796 reads
12 / 16

I think as long as both parties made every effort to communicate and confirm that's what it takes.
He started adequately, and you followed thru on your part. If the engagement was that important, i assume he told you how best to reach him on short notice: email, cell, etc.

It happens often that a lady and I set up a date.  I'm in your position now.
Date & time was confirmed the day before, sometimes even just hours before. I drive over, but mutiple attempts get "voicemail" is full.  
I'm in the area, sitting, waiting.  NCNS.

You set out, then turned around b/c of lack of contact.  I wish I had turned around a few of those times.  So I can't blame you Paris.

eurotool 7 Reviews 10783 reads
14 / 16

You'd think that sence seeing you was his reason for going to florida, and you told him you'd call when you were on your way he'd have made sure to answer his phone.  He should have been expecting your call and should have answered. He was probably still sleeping, or he's a flake. Hope he doesn't flake on you again. Big of you to give him another chance.

lungman 10 Reviews 9404 reads
15 / 16

Yes, he's ( Rocky ) doing great...he loves the snow.
Got him a cool looking eskimo dog coat, to keep him warm.
He's a tuff little guy. ( 4lbs )
Dog pics? I'm not sure?

MarilynMaxwell See my TER Reviews 7082 reads
16 / 16

 After waking up at 6am he is very luck you are giving him another chance. Hope it works out this time. MM

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