Reviews, Advanced Search, "sort by rating/looks/performance" US, Columbus. It's a really great tool. We have some great ladies in Columbus, hope you enjoy.
I will be visiting Columbus from Monday-Thursday. So if your in the mood for some sweet ripe fresh fruit give me a call. I will be setting up appointments. Here is my number again. 3133955554 I'm Eva.
I an interested in companionship to a swing club Thursday April 6 or Friday April 7 in Columbus. Please PM me your suggestions or interested gals.
Please provide me dependable referrals. Seeking mature gal only who has knowledge of the local swing clubs and won't suggest a dumpy place. I have many years in the lifestyle, but no partner in the area. Last time there I got stiffed at the last minute as in NCNS.
Hi hon, I have been retired for a little bit where I was only meeting with current clients but I will be taking select new clients. My web site will be back up shortly, Kisses, Sam
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