
Re: Meh
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1347 reads

Maybe we can tour Vatican City.

So I just got home from campus and was really looking forward to watching yesterday's Judge Judy but APPARENTLY it got recorded over with pope stuff. This time they've gone too far.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
They picked the old white guy again.
Pope Francis is Latino.  Isn't that enough?  Jeez.

By the way, I didn't hear any of the black cardinals complaining.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Since when does Italian = Latino?
Pope Francis is from Argentina.

He's FROM Argentina, but he's of Italian descent. Both of his parents were full-blooded Italian. Being born in a place that has a large Latino population does not make one Latino.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
He's FROM Argentina, but he's of Italian descent. Both of his parents were full-blooded Italian. Being born in a place that has a large Latino population does not make one Latino.
Ethnically, he may not be Latino, but culturally is a different story.

So, I guess it depends on how you look at it.

For instance, I was born in Cincinnati, but only lived there a few years.  I've lived in Butler County since.  I could say I was a Franklin guy since I spent most of my life there, but I still consider myself a Cincinnatian.

Like I said, it depends on how you look at it.

Dude, you and I both know that you assumed that he was Latino because he's from Argentina.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Dude, you and I both know that you assumed that he was Latino because he's from Argentina.
Yeah.  I did.  I admit I was wrong.  But still, what I says is true.

For example: Cleveland Browns LB Scott Fujita.  He's white, but he was adopted by Japanese parents and considers himself culturally Japanese.  You become a product of your surroundings to some extent.  Can we agree on that?

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
I guess, but it's totally irrelevant.
You should've stopped at "I guess."

Actually there should be no guessing about it.

Imagine that...guess he will give up soon too...why not pick a young one...WTF??

Posted By: ASinfulDream
Imagine that...guess he will give up soon too...why not pick a young one...WTF??
That surprised me, too.  I thought since Benedict was up in years they'd surely elect a younger pontiff like Dolan or Schonborn.

Pope Francis was pretty much second chosen the last time the Pope was chosen. He is a very well respected man, and stands for change and the country needs it and wants it. Him choosing the name Francis is a pretty big deal. Also he is a bit older, but when you say a young pope, that would mean one in his 50s or 60s.

Posted By: ASinfulDream
Imagine that...guess he will give up soon too...why not pick a young one...WTF??

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
So I just got home from campus and was really looking forward to watching yesterday's Judge Judy but APPARENTLY it got recorded over with pope stuff. This time they've gone too far.
Try YouTube.

I may be lapsed, and I'm far from the greatest example of a Christian.  But I liked the election coverage.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
I may be lapsed, and I'm far from the greatest example of a Christian.  But I liked the election coverage.
I think its just me and you on that one CG.

Posted By: Kinot
Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
I may be lapsed, and I'm far from the greatest example of a Christian.  But I liked the election coverage.
I think its just me and you on that one CG.
Apparently Catholics make the best providers AND clients.

I'm over it. I think me and you causing trouble would me a lot more fun. Miss and Love Ya Bitch!!

Maybe we can tour Vatican City.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Maybe we can tour Vatican City.
Dammit!  Have you two no shame!


Apparently not, thank God!  

Life would be much less interesting without the lusty duo.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Maybe we can tour Vatican City.
Dammit!  Have you two no shame!


Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Maybe we can tour Vatican City.
Dammit!  Have you two no shame!

I don't know about Ally, but I definitely don't.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Maybe we can tour Vatican City.
Dammit!  Have you two no shame!

Who is shame? Have I met him yet??

HA! I am all for it...They need to liven up over there anyhow :)

Hey Tobi, not commenting either way on the new old pope, but I think your anger is misplaced. Sounds to me like it was a programming decision by Channel 5 that caused your angst, not the Vatican.

Personally, if given the choice, I would prefer Judge Judy to the papal elections also.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
So I just got home from campus and was really looking forward to watching yesterday's Judge Judy but APPARENTLY it got recorded over with pope stuff. This time they've gone too far.
-- Modified on 3/14/2013 1:09:06 PM

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Channel 5, Vatican, same diff.
Courtis Fuller should've been named pope to make you happy.

I gotta admit he's a handsome guy and dresses in style.

I had to Google him. Why in the hell would I have picked him to be pope?

Posted By: redbeardxyz
Hey Tobi, not commenting either way on the new old pope, but I think your anger is misplaced. Sounds to me like it was a programming decision by Channel 5 that caused your angst, not the Vatican.
Are you dense?  Don't you know the world revolves around Tobi?  And that includes the television stations.

Are you mad because you had to be told that Italians are not Latinos?

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Are you mad because you had to be told that Italians are not Latinos?
I never said they were.

...I have to stop reading it. The temptation to comment is nearly overwhelming.

Awww come on do it...DO IT...Here I will twist your....

Twist my ... all you want. I won't fall for your tricks! (Actually, I probably will, just not yet.)

Posted By: ASinfulDream
Awww come on do it...DO IT...Here I will twist your....
Sounds painful.


Like I said, I may not be the best example of a Catholic, and I may have lapsed, but one of these days I may go to confession and begin going to Mass again.  Who knows?

That doesn't mean I'm entering a celibate lifestyle.

By the way...

A priest died and went to heaven.  At the Pearly Gates of Heaven, he is told by St. Peter that since he lived a holy life, he would be granted one wish.

"Well..." said the priest, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.  "I've always wanted to read and understand the Good Book in its original languages."

"It is done," said St. Peter.  The priest is shown to a large room with a table and chair and the original texts.

Several hours later, St. Peter is speaking to a recently deceased man.  He suddenly hears the priest exclaim.

"Oh, my goodness!  The word is 'celebrate'!"



Ok, now I have to comment. Dammit. I'll just say this: I stand with Tobi, but I think she was too gentle.

I hate Judge Judy and cannot stand Maury Povich or Jerry Springer. I got tired of watching Americas' idiots long ago. I assume as you get older you will too. ;-)

I watched the coverage to see who the new pope was. It is a big deal! As someone else said, I too watched the elections and I watch the political news every day. It is important to know what is going on and many people cannot even name the vice president.  I like to be updated on world events, especially since my family are from Greece and many of them live there, and I have relatives in London and Italy.

How can you hate JJ?! She's an icon!

Regardless, Maury Povich is an exploitative piece of shit. Jerry Springer is a super cool guy, though. He came to campus around election time and was just a genuinely nice guy.

Posted By: Sidney Starr

I watched the coverage to see who the new pope was. It is a big deal! As someone else said, I too watched the elections and I watch the political news every day. It is important to know what is going on and many people cannot even name the vice president.  I like to be updated on world events, especially since my family are from Greece and many of them live there, and I have relatives in London and Italy.
Agreed! With 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, it was indeed a big deal. And like you I am very up to date on politics and world events (kind of have to be with my career in worldwide commodity trading, but I like this stuff anyway).

Hope your Greece family is fairing well over there. Pretty grim scenario for that country.

The languages spoken most often by the Cardinals are Italian, then Spanish then English. I have visited and it is a stunning area with beauty all over the city and country.

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