
Re: I'm curious about influx...
Odabo2 15 Reviews 332 reads

I doubt if it's an issue of the political leanings of the city and local populace and more so about the revenue generated by being the host.

LJ is back, Manziel is coming and the RNC is coming to town:)

Now we just need the Providers to tag along!!!!!!!!

No kidding.  Weakest scene provider-wise I've ever seen.  May as well be in Podunk, Iowa

...now that all of these things are happening.  I'm kind-of stoked for the RNC.  I might come back around for that one. ;)

Although, I am INCREDIBLY confused as to why the RNC would be held in Cleveland.  Did the city go red all of a sudden?

I doubt if it's an issue of the political leanings of the city and local populace and more so about the revenue generated by being the host.

AS1273 reads

The republicans would want it there to try and shore up their support in Ohio in general.  Cleveland might be blue, but most of the state is red...or was up until recently.

Very, very true.  and an event like this would bring in a lot of revenue for the city, regardless of political affiliation.

Well, I'll definitely be back around for that, and definitely back around long before then.  It was nice to come home and see a lot of positive change happen.  I left in '05.  Things are a lot better now than they used to be.

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