
Re: Eros has a feature that shows immediate availability now. eom
breakmyheartbrat 7 Reviews 7032 reads

Now im Curious Emily, of why in this discussion you did not name another board that is prominent in the area and i know you are a memeber?  Could it be that you and i feel that everyone on that other board seems to have double maybe triple agenda's ?

I have read several posts on TER and it seems that a lot of gents go to Back Page first and then come to TER gents for insight.  

One thing confuses me and I hope that I do not get hazed for asking this, but here goes.

Back Page has always been (in my opinion) an unsafe way to advertise.  I have read that it is comparable to Craigs List.  I have also read that each Attorney General from every state has asked Back Page to take down the adult services section.  

Has Back Page become that much of a significant source for finding companions?  What is it about Back Page that makes a person feel so comfortable that they would look there for a source rather then Eros, Naughty Review, Date-Check, P411, etc...

I don't post here very often so I am hoping that I asked this question in the right forum and manner.

Thanks all.

It also depends on the section of the country as to the safeness of BackPage.  In my area, it's not highly thought of.  I usually tell guys that ask, 'you can look anywhere, but if the one you are hot for does not have reviews SOMEWHERE, move on'.  I look in lots of places for potential providers to visit, and when I find one that piques my interest, I go searching for reviews.  It's what we guys refer to as 'research', similar to providers' screening of clients.  It's just as important for us to stay safe as it is for providers.

IMHO, you might have gotten more answers posting on the General Discussion board than here.


Thanks for the feedback.  I appreciate it very much.  

So can I repost this question in the GD forum or do I have to ask admin to move it?

I agree that BP is not a safe way to find a classy, discrete provider. If I am able to schedule a date with several days advance notice, and with some flexibility, I'll only search Eros, Date Check, P411, etc. However, if I'm looking for a date on short notice, BP offers the advantage of showing who is available right now. Combining the BP ads with a TER search for verification seems to minimize the risks - I hope. And there are some very good providers advertising on BP, along with some who are not.

I have been a long time hobbyist and have used BP many times!! I agree I do not see someone unless there has been a review!!!  My other way if interested in the peson is to meet for a drink and right now I am seeing a very cute milf that I met first for a drink and moved on from there. I am seeing 2 milfs that I met for drinks that are low volume and one of them does not post anymore. Have I been lucky? maybe but also very careful!!!!

Now im Curious Emily, of why in this discussion you did not name another board that is prominent in the area and i know you are a memeber?  Could it be that you and i feel that everyone on that other board seems to have double maybe triple agenda's ?

Posted By: breakmyheartbrat
Now im Curious Emily, of why in this discussion you did not name another board that is prominent in the area and i know you are a memeber?  Could it be that you and i feel that everyone on that other board seems to have double maybe triple agenda's ?
PM me regarding what board you are speaking of.



Reason guys go to bp, is for cheaper girls...or to find one of the girls on other sites advertising a cheaper price on bp.

And bp doesn't screen the guy, which this upsets me cuz these guys are members of sites but when they call us on bp they hide this fact (I dont know why) cuz they then will write a review(this another thing about reviews u guys review girls on ter when they advertise on bp not ter & you hold them to ter standards & u don't understand bp policies I've seen someone get a bad review for following bp policies & she was reviewed under ters guidelines & pretty much called a rip off) So keep that in mind when reading reviews (was her ad on a site or bp when she got reviewed) This actually upsets me, cuz bp girls have to do our own type of screening & if someone just doesn't make me feel comfortable I'm only obligated to follow bp policies (not fair to review me on another site) unless u want to go through proper screening.
I get guys who say they will bad mouth me if I don't give them an appt for whatever reason (this happens to me alot at least I get alot of threats from guys when they text/email & I wont agree to what they want in writing when I ask them to call, or they r wanting a discount, they don't see me but always say they are going to make sure no one else sees me).
Also they can remain anonymous & behave however they like cuz bp girls can't review them or talk about them because they don't know who they are, or they're handle....I see alot of ter, indys guys who wont reveal any of their info., & they wait a month to do reviews so that they can't be identified (which is just wrong)....Sessions have alot to do with people clicking & personalities....
Another thing, they know that bp girls don't screen & they get very upset when I ask them for any information. I lost a client last night for simply asking him what kind of work does he do...it turned into an argument where he smurked that working with banks was shady, no I said his answer being evasive & taking 3minutes to come up with is shady & the fact that 3minutes later he still did not give me any information to as what kind of work he does...he totally refused to answer evading every single comeback I used. I didn't want to know where he worked (which he absolutely was not going to give) didn't ask what company, just asked what type of work.
I'm actually becoming more paranoid from navigating these sites & finding out all the info that's out there for hobbyists to remain anonymous (which is fine, but safety is what I worry about), since they aren't calling the girls who are advertised on the sites where screening is required.
But all your info, referring to bp is correct & it isn't just the ag that's asked bp to take down but many other organizations in fact theres a bill thats trying to be passed that they are trying to state it is for pyracy, but it will give control over all these sites & what they can do.
sorry so long, I do apologize.

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