
Re: Do a bing/google search
at251 1 Reviews 677 reads

Posted By: deeznumbnutz
 Last night her mouth was too full to talk...heh heh. I had no problems with her. In fact we talked about this story. Seems there is some things your not fussing up to. Tell the rest of the story. Waiting.............  
Posted By: ackdtf
Can we hear from Hayden? If not cool as well!
there is no rest of story.. She failed to show up, i went home Sunday Morning..

I had an appointment to see her tonight. She agreed to see me even though i didnt have any reviews.she said when we scheduled everything was fine, and that she would see me tonight at my hotel. I travel the 170 miles, and text her my room number, and she says she will be here shortly.  

Then out of the blue she starts screening me again. 90 minutues before the appointment . I give her all.my info. I dont have a facebook account. she had my full name, and i gave her pictures of myself, along with my drivers license , and old school id from 13 yrs ago.. She then rags on the hotel i was at(holiday inn off campus). Ugh, i had a hot tub in there and spent 150bucks. When is a holiday inn considerd a dump?i was going to get a room at the blackwell, but they were already booked. I then show her     15k  that i had on.me. Just was letting her know im serious. I carry that much cash at times since i play high stakes poker. She then told me she was uncomfortable, and wasnt coming..  

Just real upset that she would agree, then backout last minute. Wasted 200 bucks and a day of.my time. Unreal.






Just so upset that she would agree to meet than backout at t
he last minute. Something wast  

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:06:41 AM

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:15:01 AM

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:16:34 AM

Maybe you said/asked something that got her spidey senses tingling, or perhaps that hotel has been used for stings in the past. The photo of the $15k would have given me the heebie jeebies too (most people don't make a point of letting others know that they're carrying thousands of dollars in cash with them), so that may have raised a red flag to her in terms of your intentions.  

It sucks that you drove all of that way, but try to see things from her perspective. You wouldn't want her to do anything that makes her uncomfortable anyway, right? Your frustration is understandable, but it sounds to me like she handled it as professionally as she could have. At least she told you she wasn't coming instead of just not showing up.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Maybe you said/asked something that got her spidey senses tingling, or perhaps that hotel has been used for stings in the past. The photo of the $15k would have given me the heebie jeebies too (most people don't make a point of letting others know that they're carrying thousands of dollars in cash with them), so that may have raised a red flag to her in terms of your intentions.  
 It sucks that you drove all of that way, but try to see things from her perspective. You wouldn't want her to do anything that makes her uncomfortable anyway, right? Your frustration is understandable, but it sounds to me like she handled it as professionally as she could have. At least she told you she wasn't coming instead of just not showing up.
You make good points, but I don't think I said anything that would've spooked her. all was going great, I asked what kind of outfit she would be wearing, and then all the screening took place. Showing the money was part bravado, and in response to the 2 star hotel I was at. I do plenty of unconventional things that most would never consider. I'll bet $2500 on a basketball game, without thinking twice. It's who I am. I wanted to be near campus, since that was my comfort zone. I went to Osu for 5 years, and lived in the general vicinity.. I thought about the Hyatt, downtown..I thought I went above and beyond to give her the security that I was legit, and could be trusted..

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 1:13:48 PM

Posted By: at251
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Maybe you said/asked something that got her spidey senses tingling, or perhaps that hotel has been used for stings in the past. The photo of the $15k would have given me the heebie jeebies too (most people don't make a point of letting others know that they're carrying thousands of dollars in cash with them), so that may have raised a red flag to her in terms of your intentions.    
  It sucks that you drove all of that way, but try to see things from her perspective. You wouldn't want her to do anything that makes her uncomfortable anyway, right? Your frustration is understandable, but it sounds to me like she handled it as professionally as she could have. At least she told you she wasn't coming instead of just not showing up.
 You make good points, but I don't think I said anything that would've spooked her. all was going great, I asked what kind of outfit she would be wearing, and then all the screening took place. Showing the money was part bravado, and in response to the 2 star hotel I was at. I do plenty of unconventional things that most would never consider. I'll bet $2500 on a basketball game, without thinking twice. It's who I am. I wanted to be near campus, since that was my comfort zone. I went to Osu for 5 years, and lived in the general vicinity.. I thought about the Hyatt, downtown..I thought I went above and beyond to give her the security that I was legit, and could be trusted..  

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 1:13:48 PM

The outfit question is probably what pinged her spidey senses. I realize it seems fairly innocuous, but when someone is on high alert (as we all need to be right now), it's one of those things that can trigger a whole litany of "what ifs" in our minds. Do I think she should have screened you more thoroughly from the onset? You bet. But you have to understand that most of us try to operate under the condition of "better safe than sorry." I know last minute cancellations suck major balls, but shit happens. As much of an inconvenience as it was to you, I gotta say that I think she did the right thing. It's a bummer that it turned out the way it did, but if her gut was telling her that she should bail, then she made a smart move by trusting her instincts, whether they were right or wrong.  

Again, you're entitled to your frustration, but I think the title of your OP is a misnomer. She didn't "play" you, she just got uncomfortable and cancelled last minute. I get it, it fucked up your Saturday. But I think that you may want to just reevaluate how everything went down and do your part to experience a better outcome in the future. Just shake it off and I'm sure you'll have another opportunity for a good time. :)

Tobi, I appreciate your feedback. It's always good to gain perspective from the other side. I'm over the whole deal. It's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. I just needed to vent here a bit, and receive feedback, on what I could do better next time.. In fact I would give Hayden another shot if she was ever interested.  I did find find the lone provider I was with, so maybe that will help my cause..

Panthera12784 reads

Then you didn't learn anything from this thread. You are better off hoping that she forgets that you exist, and you should do likewise. Don't be stupid again!

Posted By: Panthera12
Then you didn't learn anything from this thread. You are better off hoping that she forgets that you exist, and you should do likewise. Don't be stupid again!

Panthera12657 reads

Sometimes I have to yell to get my point across.  

And where is your Fall theme thread? Are you not the queen of the pride?


Posted By: Panthera12
Sometimes I have to yell to get my point across.    
 And where is your Fall theme thread? Are you not the queen of the pride?    

Panthera12592 reads

You and your retarded handle. By the way, a cunt is a female, dummy. Don't miss the bus again.

Posted By: Panthera12
Then you didn't learn anything from this thread. You are better off hoping that she forgets that you exist, and you should do likewise. Don't be stupid again!
You are definitely the voice of reason. I respect that, believe me. Thanks..

Dude that's so abnormal . Maybe for you it's normal, not for others. Most get screened have her get the room and take just enough cash to get by.  

Tell you what, give me a call , come over with that money play in our game. Lol  

The way you do things , gonna get yo ass mugged. Who is their right fucking might sends pics on money like that? A pretender, she knew it. These ladies deal with criminals everyday, most have wise street experience. You had more red flags then a battleship

You don't know what you're talking about. I was going to the casino afterwards. I regret showing the money, but I will carry as much as I want. You're just a hater.. Never ever, been in trouble with the law. I know what I am doing..

Posted By: at251
You don't know what you're talking about. I was going to the casino afterwards. I regret showing the money, but I will carry as much as I want. You're just a hater.. Never ever, been in trouble with the law. I know what I am doing..
Not a hater at all, lol!  Your soo much better than me. Right?  In fact I don't believe your story. Everything you said would only be said to cover your personal insecurities . I see right thru you, in fact I doubt if any of your story is true.  If you had that much money you would not sweat her standing changing, in fact you would be searching down another provider or two.  

Your story has been dismissed......

I never said about being better. Im not like you, so dont make the comparisons. At the end of the day, its okay if you dont believe me. I know the truth. Thats all that matters..

Panthera121249 reads

She should have screened you properly long before the appointment time, not while "in route". Had she been a professional, she would have already been comfortable or decidedly not.  

As for you......................  

1. Never send a hooker your picture! That is beyond stupid. Most hookers don't know how to delete records. When she gets busted your mug will be there. When she wants to retaliate, your mug will be there.  

2. Never send a hooker a copy of your driver's license. That is more stupid then sending your photo. See # 1 again.  

3. Sending a picture with cash is tacky. See #1 again.

You ended up with blue balls and she ended up at McDonald's for dinner. Not a good night for either of you. Learn from your mistakes.

Posted By: Panthera12
She should have screened you properly long before the appointment time, not while "in route". Had she been a professional, she would have already been comfortable or decidedly not.  
 As for you......................  
 1. Never send a hooker your picture! That is beyond stupid. Most hookers don't know how to delete records. When she gets busted your mug will be there. When she wants to retaliate, your mug will be there.  
 2. Never send a hooker a copy of your driver's license. That is more stupid then sending your photo. See # 1 again.    
 3. Sending a picture with cash is tacky. See #1 again.  
 You ended up with blue balls and she ended up at McDonald's for dinner. Not a good night for either of you. Learn  
from your mistakes.    
I cant argue with that sir.. my bravado has been an issue in the past with making sound decisions.. you think you"re invisible and wont get caught. Thanks for the advise...

screeened and verified in the morning after contacting night before. 1 hour before the appointment she's checking my P411 profile. then appointment time comes she doesnt answer text. texts me back 15 minutes later and says she's "sick".This was a "well reviewed" provider.

dont spend any more of your time thinking about her or what you did "wrong". If it keeps happeening you might have to change something of your approach but...

it's the way it is sometimes.consider it a blessing and look for someone else.

Me, neither.  No provider is worth it.  Well, actually there are a couple in Cincinnati who are worth it, but that is only if I am going to be there anyway.  Besides, the drive from Columbus to Cincinnati is only 100 miles.

wrps07909 reads

And you will see why she was afraid. "prostitution ohio/MACEDONIA"

Can we hear from Hayden? If not cool as well!

Last night her mouth was too full to talk...heh heh. I had no problems with her. In fact we talked about this story. Seems there is some things your not fussing up to. Tell the rest of the story. Waiting.............


Posted By: ackdtf
Can we hear from Hayden? If not cool as well!

Posted By: deeznumbnutz
 Last night her mouth was too full to talk...heh heh. I had no problems with her. In fact we talked about this story. Seems there is some things your not fussing up to. Tell the rest of the story. Waiting.............  
Posted By: ackdtf
Can we hear from Hayden? If not cool as well!
there is no rest of story.. She failed to show up, i went home Sunday Morning..

Epsilon_Eridani593 reads

... hobbyists don't have reviews. references, maybe, but not reviews.

another item, you said that she starts screening you again. that doesn't make any sense. usually screening happens once. you get either a Yea or a Nay from the provider if she agreed to meet you.

what she probably said to you that she "would" agree to meet you AFTER you passed her screening.

I have a feeling that you went ahead with this meeting WITHOUT getting an actual confirmation from the provider that you had passed the screening.

all of this other bullshit that you posted is what it is... bullshit. none of the other stuff doesn't make any sense to me. I think that this $15k that you are claiming to be carrying around is straight up bullshit. if you were indeed a high stakes poker player, you don't need to carry that much shit around... you have an account with the "house" that you are playing at. I ought to know... I used to work in a casino.  

you whining about losing $200 on the hotel shit (which I don't think you did) is laughable because a high stakes player probably loses that much in a few minutes at a card game!

I call your post... bullshit.

blaming the provider for this one is a bad call on your part. it's you that fucked up, not her.


Posted By: at251
I had an appointment to see her tonight. She agreed to see me even though i didnt have any reviews.she said when we scheduled everything was fine, and that she would see me tonight at my hotel. I travel the 170 miles, and text her my room number, and she says she will be here shortly.  
 Then out of the blue she starts screening me again. 90 minutues before the appointment . I give her all.my info. I dont have a facebook account. she had my full name, and i gave her pictures of myself, along with my drivers license , and old school id from 13 yrs ago.. She then rags on the hotel i was at(holiday inn off campus). Ugh, i had a hot tub in there and spent 150bucks. When is a holiday inn considerd a dump?i was going to get a room at the blackwell, but they were already booked. I then show her     15k  that i had on.me. Just was letting her know im serious. I carry that much cash at times since i play high stakes poker. She then told me she was uncomfortable, and wasnt coming..
Just real upset that she would agree, then backout last minute. Wasted 200 bucks and a day of.my time. Unreal.  

Just so upset that she would agree to meet than backout at t  
 he last minute. Something wast  
 -- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:06:41 AM  
 -- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:15:01 AM

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:16:34 AM

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... hobbyists don't have reviews. references, maybe, but not reviews.  
 another item, you said that she starts screening you again. that doesn't make any sense. usually screening happens once. you get either a Yea or a Nay from the provider if she agreed to meet you.  
 what she probably said to you that she "would" agree to meet you AFTER you passed her screening.  
 I have a feeling that you went ahead with this meeting WITHOUT getting an actual confirmation from the provider that you had passed the screening.  
 all of this other bullshit that you posted is what it is... bullshit. none of the other stuff doesn't make any sense to me. I think that this $15k that you are claiming to be carrying around is straight up bullshit. if you were indeed a high stakes poker player, you don't need to carry that much shit around... you have an account with the "house" that you are playing at. I ought to know... I used to work in a casino.  
 you whining about losing $200 on the hotel shit (which I don't think you did) is laughable because a high stakes player probably loses that much in a few minutes at a card game!  
 I call your post... bullshit.  
 blaming the provider for this one is a bad call on your part. it's you that fucked up, not her.  
Posted By: at251
I had an appointment to see her tonight. She agreed to see me even though i didnt have any reviews.she said when we scheduled everything was fine, and that she would see me tonight at my hotel. I travel the 170 miles, and text her my room number, and she says she will be here shortly.    
  Then out of the blue she starts screening me again. 90 minutues before the appointment . I give her all.my info. I dont have a facebook account. she had my full name, and i gave her pictures of myself, along with my drivers license , and old school id from 13 yrs ago.. She then rags on the hotel i was at(holiday inn off campus). Ugh, i had a hot tub in there and spent 150bucks. When is a holiday inn considerd a dump?i was going to get a room at the blackwell, but they were already booked. I then show her     15k  that i had on.me. Just was letting her know im serious. I carry that much cash at times since i play high stakes poker. She then told me she was uncomfortable, and wasnt coming..  
 Just real upset that she would agree, then backout last minute. Wasted 200 bucks and a day of.my time. Unreal.  
 Just so upset that she would agree to meet than backout at t  
  he last minute. Something wast    
  -- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:06:41 AM  
  -- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:15:01 AM  
 -- Modified on 9/21/2014 2:16:34 AM
You're flat out wrong. I have my cell phone right here, saying that an appointment was confirmed and what time she would've been there.  

As far as poker, I don't live in Columbus, so I don't go to that casino often. I usually play 5-10, sometimes 10-20, 10/25., or 2-5 on a slow day.. I keep all my winnings in a safe at my house.. Interest rates suck at the bank, so I prefer to keep them at home. I only play once or twice a month now with the schedule i have..

I didn't care about the $200, as much as I did the time.

-- Modified on 9/25/2014 8:42:35 AM

Epsilon_Eridani691 reads

see this post for what it really is... bullshit!

deez and I see this original post as bullshit.

the rest of you are so naïve!

re-read the original post and see how much bullshit there is. if you don't see it after the 2nd reading, then I do feel sorry for you folks.

oh by the way... I have some prime real estate on Mars for sale. what to buy some? let me know!

You were the example of red flags.. If I wanted one person to use as an example in teaching someone how to screen you would have been it...

I mean come on sent a picture of that kind of money? If you really did that you are very naive.  

This sounds like your fault not hers.. Me personally I wouldn't see you without a reference but if I was going to make an exception and you started in with everything you did I would have cancelled last minute as well.

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