
Is it just me...
dontknowanymore 4 Reviews 994 reads
1 / 19

...or does every post seem to evolve into a Tobi & Ally twosome lately????

I'm almost afraid to see both at once...I'd lose an appendage or something!!

And then I'd find it, and then lose it again...and then find it...lose it..find it...lose..find...

You get the picture I'm sure...

(still not complaining) :D

ASinfulDream See my TER Reviews 1340 reads
2 / 19

I would sure hope you wouldn't be complaining. I still don't think you can handle the two of us :)

CincinnatiGuy 2 Reviews 1532 reads
3 / 19
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1144 reads
4 / 19
dontknowanymore 4 Reviews 1052 reads
5 / 19

Posted By: ASinfulDream
I would sure hope you wouldn't be complaining. I still don't think you can handle the two of us :)
True story.  I can barely handle the one of me!

CincinnatiGuy 2 Reviews 1039 reads
6 / 19

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
We're fucking rad.
I'll take you guys' word on it since it's unlikely that I'll ever see it happen. :-(

redbeardxyz 86 Reviews 890 reads
7 / 19

I've already told you that I suspected that that was true. On the other hand, what a wonderful way to go.

Sort of reminds me of the old story about the brewer who fell in a vat of beer and drowned. His wife commented that at least he died quickly. To which one of the workers responded, "Not really. He got or five times to use the bathroom!"

I might not survive the two of you together but I would certainly die with a smile on my face.

Posted By: ASinfulDream
I would sure hope you wouldn't be complaining. I still don't think you can handle the two of us :)

redbeardxyz 86 Reviews 711 reads
8 / 19

No, it just seems that way. There was actually one recent post over on the Colorado Board that didn't mention Tobi and Ally. ;->

prawf 4 Reviews 1118 reads
9 / 19

Challenge accepted.

ASinfulDream See my TER Reviews 1060 reads
10 / 19

I don't think you can handle it but eh bring it on...the guy from yesterday is still smiling from ear to ear and shouting out expletives...

prawf 4 Reviews 918 reads
11 / 19

Oh you don't, huh? I suppose there's only one way to find out.

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 882 reads
12 / 19

I would love to meet both of you, and think we could all have some fun together. Not just in the bedroom, but at like a bar or a club. Ladies night!!!!!!

CincinnatiGuy 2 Reviews 718 reads
13 / 19

Posted By: Sidney Starr
I would love to meet both of you, and think we could all have some fun together. Not just in the bedroom, but at like a bar or a club. Ladies night!!!!!!
Ally and Tobi?

I can tell you that you'll love Ally.  I've never met Tobi though.

ASinfulDream See my TER Reviews 676 reads
15 / 19

Hmmm I hear a road trip...oh no Prawf is going to get upset again...LOL

2013stage2 6 Reviews 779 reads
16 / 19

All right ladies, as the gentleman I am, I would like to offer to escort you around town. As a chaperone so to speak and slso to ensure you make it into your room safely are are tucked into the sheets for the evening.  Let me know what time to pick you up... I can even arrange to stay with you overnight for a fee of course.

ASinfulDream See my TER Reviews 1481 reads
17 / 19

LOL Ummmm yeah I will get right on that *Rolls Eyes*

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 869 reads
18 / 19
CincinnatiGuy 2 Reviews 855 reads
19 / 19

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Don't bother. I'm a douchebag.
Sarcasm: Something else we've got in common.

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